from Urban PostModernVancouver< Canadaaaa on 2001-10-23 04:27 [#00044571]

DRUKQS ( 9.5-10) Loop Magazine I'm convinced that this album is composed completely of sounds stolen from behind the gates of Heaven. These are the sounds you didn't realize you heard in you sleep. Beautiful doesn't begin to describe what comes from your speakers when this album is cranking it out. This is due to the fact that the whole experience transcends most ideas you probably have about music. There were landscapes, then soundscapes now mindscapes. Listening to this album is like listening to your own soul; Aphex Twin somehow uses his sounds to communicate with your deeper self. This is intimacy beyond all else; you must give yourself over entirely to the sound.
from Urban PostModernVancouver< Canadaaaa on 2001-10-23 04:28 [#00044574]

IM glad hes making music, if he wasn't, he'd be an axe murderer for sure. Who knows the depths of RDJ's insanity and self-indulgence... such beauty and paranoia all in one place. Great stuff.
From start to finish this master-work of genius Richard D. James is compeling. Sounds and emotions created by this album are comparible to nothing. R.D.J. is the Bach of the future. No one should pass this album up.
from Urban PostModernVancouver< Canadaaaa on 2001-10-23 04:31 [#00044577]

Jean Baudrillard would say, metropolistically speaking, that the pre-fab format of the Post-PostModern nucleus, epicenterally justifies its own personification.
Therefore as Eno, Bowie, The Aphex Twin have proven, the mass genre of humanoids/suburbanite humanity or even some of the selfcentered humanoids MUST be reached and saved from the microbioligical aliens who have implanted themselves in the minds of so-called earthly leaders, who lead peoploids astray on a daily basis "cloning" mass intelligence.
Thank you David Bowie, thank you Aphex Twin, thank you Brian Eno for having the courage to come to this neanderthal planet and time to give a ray of hope and what may be described as coming close to true joy in the hearts of "The Poor Humans" .
Also thanks to my fellow boardmembers..
from moon on 2001-10-23 04:32 [#00044578]

gee golly willickers!!!
from Urban PostModernVancouver< Canadaaaa on 2001-10-23 04:36 [#00044579]

Every phenomenon belongs to a regional ontology by virtue of it's
essence! The "poor earthlings" have concluded that their essence is the sum of
all possible profiles. In the course of this process,consciousness operates as a constitutive
moment. For example,the "poor humans" brain activity in grasping the essence of
phenomena is perforce, part of the process of their emergence. Thus slowly,the "poor humans"overcome the classic duality of subject and
Discovering the basic structure implied by their very existence belongs
to a realm of a contingent being, which cannot furnish by itself the necessary foundation for the
organization of the absolute principles governing universal essences.
Aphex criticizes the one-sidedness of both empiricist and idealistic
standpoints so that the shortcomings of dualistic views,with all their derivatives such as mechanicism,parallelism and phenomenalism will become more apparent to the genetically misfortunate "poor humans"of this
from Urban PostModernVancouver< Canadaaaa on 2001-10-23 04:38 [#00044580]

DrUkQs ( Kitsilano Weekender)
A vision of the outer reaches of the human imagination. A mind trip like none other!
This cd is brilliant, no.. its more. It is in one word.. timeless. This is music that has no labels and boundaries. It could have been written a thousand years ago or in a thousand years to come and it would never feel dated. Once this music has grown on you, and you have fallen in love with it you want to encase it in an old suitcase and keep it hidden so nobody will ever take it away from you.
When you have owned this album for as long as I have you will understand, every track has its own imergery in your own mind that comes with it. Its like the key to a huge section of your imagination, you need the album to unlock that world.
++, this is the most inhuman music that I've ever heard. It is out of this world different, and that is a good thing.
You want to dance to this, you'd better have some good... This is chill out, meditational, semi-holy music good for periods of lucidity. Its like rocks talking to you, it is like a space probe from genius coming down to Indiana....
from europe on 2001-10-23 09:54 [#00044643]

thanks, pmv... and all others here. :-)
i simply try say it in the best way what i think about drukqs. aphex is certainly the greatest artist now who makes music - in his generation. i think there are other great living old composers, and old jazz musicians, steve reich, philip glass, paul bley for example, who are as great as rdj. but younger ones... hmm. there are younger people whose music i love, also people who are quite as old as aphex, but his album drukqs is really outstanding among their music. i like dj shadow's endtroducing a lot, and boards of canada's a beautiful day out in the country, and i like some bands (emir kusturica, ladytron, tom waits, pearl jam - all are fun to listen to, too) but aphex does not that much belong to them (dj shadow's and boc's music really is excellent and they are very much in the same direction, though).
from europe on 2001-10-23 10:05 [#00044644]

nice reviews, too. i guess pop magazines reviewing drukqs is as if they had to review a recording of stravinsky's le sacre or histoire du soldat or schoenberg's pierrot lunaire (but they would certainly like pierrot lunaire and histoire du soldat if thom yorke would sing/speak in it, that's for sure. well, actually that would be interesting, no kidding).
from England, London on 2001-10-23 10:11 [#00044645]

I got the album this morning, BY CHRIST IS IT AMAZING
on 2001-10-23 13:01 [#00044701]

ya me 2, better l8 than neva
on 2001-10-23 13:03 [#00044704]

Yeh. Yo! 4 tha L8 nite yall. Peace out! Dru29Qs is r92ally go00309d! Better th2n EVAH!
from europe on 2001-10-23 20:09 [#00044773]

just listening to kesson dalef... it's so beautiful.
there are erik satie's nocturnes, igor stravinsky's les cinq doigts, john cage's dream, philip glass' modern love waltz, night on the balcony and the etudes and there is... richard d.james' hy a scullas and kesson dalef.
the short non-piano pieces are interesting... in orban eq trx 4 there's a melody only played once, on the beginning, weird. just a fragment. and then another fragment, aussois. and this time there are voices. those short tracks are strangely enigmatic.
from europe on 2001-10-23 20:19 [#00044776]

is anybody here who is familiar with iain banks' books? there's a novel, feersum endjinn. some chapters are written in a language like this:
Thi sun shines a teeny bit strongir evry day, & tho itil b a long time b4 nybody can c it wif thi nakid I, thi starz 1/2 moovd.
sounds like track titles of drukqs, doesn't it?
and that's the point. idea for rich and chris... hey, you both should do an iain banks novel as a film. walking on glass, feersum endjinn, the bridge. pleeze.
from stockholm on 2001-10-24 16:14 [#00045079]

This thread is a really interesting read! you write good things, baltus and pmv. Not that i wanna bring this up again but i also agree on that last us goverment post:)
Since i got drukqs on cd i've listened to it a lot in my cd walkman. The last minute of mt saint michel+saint michels mount becomes even more ecstatic and the first time i listened to gwarek 2 in headphones i almost went mad, just lovely!
from moon on 2001-10-24 16:18 [#00045081]

man, us gov. problems aside. i know there are plenty!! no one deserved what happened on sept.11. it was uncalled for violence against civilians trying to make a living and making money to support thier families.
nuff said.
from stockholm on 2001-10-24 20:01 [#00045127]

yea ok, now we drop it:)
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