from Newfoundland on 2001-10-16 06:50 [#00041999]

Ne1 think this could be material for a new aphex video??? Can't say it would suit 54 cymru beats, but there is a song on the album with that "AAAAPPPPHHHHHEXXXXXX" voice. Creepy as hell.....
from Newfoundland on 2001-10-16 07:05 [#00042003]

i dont think i could handle anymore then 30 sec of that thing. I dont want to see it get up from that chair!!!
from moon on 2001-10-16 07:19 [#00042009]

i hope for the video.: it gets slowly out of the chair....yells 'aphex' louder and louder.
chases the 'camera man' around. louds of crazy possibilities. could be a fuckin briliant video. hope it leads from afxvsomethingerother into 54cymru beats or another song.
that would be sooo tight.
from Newfoundland on 2001-10-16 07:19 [#00042010]

i'm sure we will eventually find out who made this vid! They did a good job.
from moon on 2001-10-16 07:20 [#00042011]

if you noticed , the facial features are very richard-esque.
scruffy beard and all.
from moon on 2001-10-16 07:20 [#00042012]

im pretty sure its cunninghams work.
from Newfoundland on 2001-10-16 07:23 [#00042014]

maby they could show it struggling to get up or move around. It looks like its suffering. If it waved its arms and twitched really fast it would be scarry as hell.
from moon on 2001-10-16 07:26 [#00042017]

yes.. but somethin went wrong with this experiment. its fully capable of all sorts of antics. and it does in my oppinion resembly richard
from moon on 2001-10-16 07:30 [#00042021]

it should mutate further. get more hideous. little baby mutants could spill from its head. WHEEE.
from Newfoundland on 2001-10-16 07:33 [#00042025]

This is sorta off topic but, i remember when a friend had an idea that all the people in the world that painted way too well or knew science almost perfectly could in fact be aliens that intended to set us off our natural course by introducing art,logic,math,ect.. Now only a while ago the thought of rdj being one of those people introduced it self to me. Now this is only something to think about, but its kinda interesting in a way.... after hearing the music that comes out of the guy....
from moon on 2001-10-16 07:34 [#00042028]

ok 101-guy, youre reeeeally reaching now.
from Newfoundland on 2001-10-16 07:35 [#00042030]

reaching??? sorry dont quite follow u.
from moon on 2001-10-16 07:35 [#00042031]

hey hey, tool is one of my favorite bands too! they also give thier interviewers hell also
from moon on 2001-10-16 07:36 [#00042032]

1010, it means you are looking to far into things and finding shit out that isnt even there
Barrett, Syd
on 2001-10-16 07:38 [#00042033]

I have the Tool dvd. i'm going to watch the video now.
and remember to recycle.
from Newfoundland on 2001-10-16 07:39 [#00042034]

thanx for explaining.
I just like to consider all the possiblities in the univerise.
Look at the matrix, i honestly think thats not too unrealistic.
from moon on 2001-10-16 07:41 [#00042035]

your name resembles a binary code 1010, for all i know you could be a robot assasin, out to git-me!!
from Newfoundland on 2001-10-16 07:42 [#00042036]

Binary indeed (if i learned it properly). Not just random zeros and ones
from moon on 2001-10-16 07:45 [#00042038]

anyways..... anyone else see the resemblance of the freak and richard himself as i do??
from Newfoundland on 2001-10-16 07:47 [#00042039]

yeah i noticed that myself, sorta predictable though.
Barrett, Syd
on 2001-10-16 07:47 [#00042040]

the new nelly video makes me want to kill
from Newfoundland on 2001-10-16 07:51 [#00042041]

that was probably its intentions
Barrett, Syd
on 2001-10-16 07:57 [#00042042]

Then i ought to carry it out then.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-10-16 13:13 [#00042081]

Most video's on MTV or VH1 make me wanna kill !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
from moon on 2001-10-16 16:03 [#00042112]

id like to kill nelly. is that the video with the song with the holween soundrack playing throughout
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-16 16:38 [#00042114]

aw man that video freaks me out... i love it... when his eyes start changin and shit.. i hope it turns into a full video. gotta love the tongue action. And yes, it is RDJ's face.
from moon on 2001-10-16 16:42 [#00042116]

thank you nark. i thought i was the only one noticing that shit. some idiot tried to tell me it was a real person and some shit.
damn rumor-starting-fiend.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-16 16:46 [#00042119]

well... I hear things such as its a disorder... too much water in the brain I forget the terminalogy. But that shits straight up alien... its like the alien autopsy movie.... totally minimalistic, shitty lighting....
but I think that RDJ is an alien and that is his true form... :)
from moon on 2001-10-16 16:51 [#00042121]

nark, i think youve been talking to 1010
on 2001-10-16 16:52 [#00042122]

Nobody likes me/ Nobody loves me/ I'm going to eat some worms.
One time when I was something like 7 years old, this kid who was a friend stayed over and I said something insulting or something like that to him, I told him to stop being a fat bitch, I think, cause he was fat. And he started crying and singing that song and he wouldn't stop crying so we had to ring his parents up, this was about 1 am, and they took him home. His name was Sebastian.
from moon on 2001-10-16 16:54 [#00042124]

wow man, talk about off topic. anyway the kid sounds sheltered. hope he doesnt grow up a serial killer.
Jenny Jones
on 2001-10-16 16:55 [#00042127]

They had this kid on Maury Povich, he was about 6, and his head was huge, it was buldging out, the skin was stretched out around the skull, veins could be seen, and the show was titled "Stop Staring At Me, I'm Just A Kid." The kid, who I think was called Nathan, wanted to meet NSync, which he called 'The Bub-by Boys,' and he met them. But did you see that?
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-16 16:55 [#00042129]

your on his shit list... and hes going to kill you.
Jenny Jones
on 2001-10-16 16:56 [#00042130]

I'll try and get a picture, regardless.
on 2001-10-16 16:59 [#00042132]

No, we were still friends and shit after that, but that song was strange, I don't know if he came up with it on the spot or if that's a song he sings when he's sad or something. I'm 15 now and I saw him recently and he's a special kid now, one of the retarded students that have to go to special classes. I've moved state too, he'll never find me.
from moon on 2001-10-16 17:01 [#00042133]

nobody loves me everybody hates me im gonna go eat worms big fat slimy ones little skinny gooey ones worms worms worms worms worms
ive heard it my dad mocked me with that song when i was depressed.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-16 17:02 [#00042134]

oh, he will find you. He'll pop out of your little christmas stocking one year!
WHAM! your dead!
from moon on 2001-10-16 17:05 [#00042136]

hes showing up this holloween in a worm costume. and hes packin' heat!!
on 2001-10-16 17:06 [#00042138]

So is that a real song? Why would he sing that shit, he was crying like seriously, screaming "nobody likes me, nobody loves me, I'm gonna eat some worms."
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-16 17:07 [#00042139]

you better go pay a visit to him, and bring him lots of candy!
from moon on 2001-10-16 17:07 [#00042140]

yah bring him gummi worms!
on 2001-10-16 17:08 [#00042141]

He'll never find me, he's not a serial killer, he's a retarded student.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-16 17:11 [#00042142]

it's the moral of the story, my friend.
special kid
from special school on 2001-10-16 17:13 [#00042144]

ill show you my love. my knife will be the justification of my lonely worm-eating childhood.
from moon on 2001-10-16 17:17 [#00042147]

oooooooh spooky
special kid
from special school on 2001-10-16 17:22 [#00042151]

ive been watching you.
on 2001-10-16 17:25 [#00042153]

His name was Sebastian Franks, I didn't do anything wrong, I just told the story cause of that song.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-16 17:34 [#00042157]

And I quote: "I said something insulting or something like that to him, I told him to stop being a fat bitch, I think, cause he was fat."
Man, that almost makes ME cry! :'(
special kid
from special school on 2001-10-16 17:38 [#00042158]

soon....very soon
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