on 2001-10-16 00:20 [#00041834]

to all you people who kept dissin on reflex in the "sorry" post - i think you guys are lame as hell. i'll admit, he wasn't exactly my favorite person or anything and he could be VERY annoying at times (just like all of us), but you guys were a million times worse and were being *extremely* hypocritical. so what if he's annoying and immature? does that mean you have to make it your life's mission to insult him? like he hadn't already been insulted enough? that shit made me sick. now you'll probably target me with your lame-ass childish insults, but i honestly don't give a fuck about what people like you have to say. it's utterly meaningless. and reflex, i respect you for apologizing. i think that was brave of you, and if i could give you some advice - people hate it when others promote themselves. i know it's all rooted in insecurity anyway, but just be yourself and realize that ultimately every human being is on an equal playing field.
peace, everyone
Quoth's Screenwriting Friend
from Berlin on 2001-10-16 00:24 [#00041836]

Yeah, true that, this being the internet and all, we should all get along, this text can really sting, an insult hurts so much, when the words "fuck you" come up on my screen, I drop to the ground and cry in agony.....
Quoth\\\'s Screenwriting Friend
from Berlin on 2001-10-16 00:26 [#00041837]

"and reflex, i respect you for apologizing. i think that was brave of you"
That took something, must've really took something to type s-o-r-r-y.
JayJay, fuck you, you fuckface. I'm sorry Jayjay, I didn't mean that. The courage that took is astounding.....
Boris The Dog
on 2001-10-16 00:30 [#00041838]

"And realize that ultimately every human being is on an equal playing field."
Robocop is half human, but he is superior to us, how do you figure that?
on 2001-10-16 00:35 [#00041843]

whatever... i can tell from the way reflex was writing that he was sorry. for what, i don't know, and i don't think even he knows. but he does know that he pissed a lot of people off, and that's enough. look man - the only reason he acts the way he does is because he's insecure as HELL. that much is obvious. and because it's obvious, people attack him, because they know he's faking it. but you know what? we're all faking it on some level.
on 2001-10-16 00:37 [#00041844]

and we hate that in him because we hate it in ourselves.
on 2001-10-16 00:38 [#00041845]

My god, this messageboard has turned into a waste of bandwidth.
Boris The Dog
on 2001-10-16 00:38 [#00041846]

Ok, this is definitely Reflex, or Reflex's gay lover. Jayjay, fuck you. I'm sorry, Jayjay, I didn't mean that.
Boris The Dog
on 2001-10-16 00:39 [#00041847]

Jayjay is Reflex is Maury Povich is Mr Connie Chung.
on 2001-10-16 00:40 [#00041848]

you guys obviously do not know how to analyze writing style - if you did you could see that i'm obviously not reflex.
Boris The Dog
on 2001-10-16 00:41 [#00041849]

Yeah, Mr Retard, I hate your writing style because really I hate it in ourselves with tulips.
Boris The Dog
on 2001-10-16 00:42 [#00041850]

It's only in forgivness that we can truly reaches the pleasures of sodomy.
on 2001-10-16 00:43 [#00041851]

: )
i sometimes find it amusing to sit back and watch people talk with their testosterone instead of their mind.
on 2001-10-16 00:46 [#00041853]

Oh Jayjay, please do tell us about sexual intercourse, Jayjay, tell us, oh Jayjay, we want to know...
Lt Gerbal Malone
from Vietnam on 2001-10-16 00:48 [#00041855]

I remember my mother when she was dying, she was all shrunk up and grey. I asked her if she was afraid, she shook her head no. I was afraid to touch the death I seen in her. I couldn't find nothing beautiful or uplifting about her going back to God. I wondered what it'd be like when I died, to know that this was the last breath you was ever going to draw. I just hoped I could meet it with the same calm she did. Cause that's where it's hidden. The immortality I hadn't seen.
Lt Gerbal Malone
from Vietnam on 2001-10-16 00:49 [#00041856]

Once, on a detour through Decoda, I has sex with John C Reily's bodyguard.
on 2001-10-16 00:50 [#00041857]

there's a strange thin red line on my monitor - anyone know what that could be?
on 2001-10-16 00:52 [#00041858]

Hey jayjay, of course your smart enough to change your writing style. Otherwise everyone would have figured it out even quicker! but alas, my intellegence overcomes.
on 2001-10-16 00:54 [#00041861]

your "intellegence" overcomes?
i believe it's spelled "intelligence".
on 2001-10-16 00:55 [#00041862]

oops, oh well I FuX0R3d that one up
Lt Gerbal Malone
from Vietnam on 2001-10-16 01:00 [#00041865]

"Intelligence" is the correct spelling.
Lt Gerbal Malone
from Vietnam on 2001-10-16 01:01 [#00041866]

Observer, perhaps you'd better start using spell check before you start posting on Spellin.nu
on 2001-10-16 01:02 [#00041867]

i tink intellegence chek wood hep evun morr.
on 2001-10-16 01:14 [#00041871]

I like to eat bacon and eggs. Don’t say that, eggs are not to be eaten. I like to eat bacon.
Jayjay, the above text contains spelling mistakes, for your enjoyment you may correct.
on 2001-10-16 01:17 [#00041872]

actually, the "above text" contains no spelling mistakes. however, your last sentence contains a few grammar errors.
dorkbot, at your service. : )
on 2001-10-16 01:18 [#00041873]

There's one in there, look harder.
on 2001-10-16 01:21 [#00041874]

the apostrophe in "Don't" is different from a normal apostrophe (sorry i don't know what character you used), but i consider that to be a punctuation error rather than a spelling error.
on 2001-10-16 01:25 [#00041875]

Look closer.
on 2001-10-16 01:27 [#00041876]

ah give it up.
on 2001-10-16 01:34 [#00041878]

Look once more...
from Berlin on 2001-10-16 01:35 [#00041880]

sweet, i now have a screenwriting friend :) yay mom, i'm so happy i could go sniff some more paint thinner
on 2001-10-16 01:42 [#00041883]

why dost thou torment me so?!?!?!?!?
haha it's a pointless exercise, but you're good at reading me. it does bother me.
on 2001-10-16 01:47 [#00041885]

I'm good at reading you? You're a catpenis, it's in the first sentence, look closer and you'll see.
on 2001-10-16 01:49 [#00041886]

agh enough already. it's getting old.
on 2001-10-16 01:53 [#00041888]

Jajay, don't give up your dream, somewhere in the world, there's a spelling mistake crying out "correct me, Jayjay, correct me."
on 2001-10-16 01:54 [#00041889]

Now look closer, look.
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-16 02:14 [#00041899]

I think I've found the root of all our problems in the messageboard.
The problem is a little thing called |REFLEX| [aka jayjay rectal hemmorage boy]
If you hate it so much here, reflex, then just drag your sorry ass over to joyrex and bitch to them about it.
Jeremy kwhy
on 2001-10-16 02:24 [#00041905]

It was only a few days ago that |REFLEX| was saying that this message board is shit!! He tried to get people to go to Joyrex.com and dis this site... I don't like |reflex| he's just an Arsehole
from moon on 2001-10-16 02:47 [#00041911]

i had no beef with him... but the whining. ug we all got over it but he went on and ON! thats all. id welcome the bloke back
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