from moon on 2001-10-15 21:03 [#00041716]

anyone been to a show? whats it like? does he still have them bears tag with him?
Commado Tony Tuna
from Vietnam on 2001-10-15 21:03 [#00041717]

I'll go. I want you to know, I think the whole thing's a bad idea though. If they come down here and they strage, they'll knock our position to hell and flinders.
from moon on 2001-10-15 21:09 [#00041720]

HAHA funny shit man,. are you following me? hehe
Commado Tony Tuna
from Vietnam on 2001-10-15 21:13 [#00041723]

No. I wanna go. In case something bad happens, I wanna be there.
Commado Tony Tuna
from Vietnam on 2001-10-15 21:13 [#00041724]

One of us needs to stay here and hold them off. We'll be alright. My friend here doe'n't have long.
from moon on 2001-10-15 21:15 [#00041725]

stand down camando. someone else got the job. here, sweep the floors while im out!
Lt. Charlie Parker
from Vietnam on 2001-10-15 21:19 [#00041731]

I saw the whole thing through the glasses. I want you to know I'm gonna mention this to the orders tomorrow. I'm gonna recommend you for the Silver Star. It's the most courageous thing--
from moon on 2001-10-15 21:21 [#00041733]

ahhh not another silver star. i already got 8 of them.
Lt. Charlie Parker
from Vietnam on 2001-10-15 21:23 [#00041736]

This war's not gonna be over by next Christmas, it's gonna be a long time before we get home...
from moon on 2001-10-15 21:24 [#00041738]

sir,can i awol for christmas , sir
Lt. Charlie Parker
from Vietnam on 2001-10-15 21:31 [#00041742]

I prefer to think of myself as a family man, and that's what we all are here, whether we like it or not. We are a family. I'm the father. Guess that makes Sergeant Welsh here the mother. That makes you all the children in this family. Father's the head, mother runs it. That's the way it's gonna work here. If any of you men want to see me about anything... anything at all, you will find that I am available.
from moon on 2001-10-15 21:32 [#00041743]

ahem, can i be the family dog?? or the noisy neighbors?
Lt. Charlie Parker
from Vietnam on 2001-10-15 21:35 [#00041746]

.. as long as you're ready and in shape to make reveleille and carry out any assignment he is given. If you can't do that, you're gonna have trouble from me.
from moon on 2001-10-15 21:37 [#00041747]

and your orders are?
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