from moon on 2001-10-15 16:58 [#00041459]

i got banned for telling someone that the music they made on the acid dj prog.(an evil loop player) sucked.
they live in fantasy land. they have more up to date news, but thier board is candyland.
from moon on 2001-10-15 17:00 [#00041466]

from moon on 2001-10-15 17:03 [#00041469]

so anyway. if ya cant take the amazing heat and evilness of this site. joyrex.com is your site
Beefy McBeef
on 2001-10-15 17:07 [#00041472]

Joyrex has a kind of brady bunch feel to it, which I don't like, the news is good, yes. Backdraft is on tv now.
from moon on 2001-10-15 17:10 [#00041479]

yah. i think im the sole reason that you need an account to use it now, my friends agree.
from moon on 2001-10-15 18:04 [#00041588]

bump, sorry i think we should discuss THIS! yeah
on 2001-10-15 18:07 [#00041596]

No, we don't need to discuss why you were banned.
from California, USA on 2001-10-15 20:30 [#00041678]

Yea..looks as if we're gettin all the Joyrex rejects....
Tony Tuna
on 2001-10-15 20:37 [#00041682]

Yeah, Reflex was rejected, ha. FortKnox seems like on of them too.
from moon on 2001-10-15 20:39 [#00041684]

haha, you guys are great! just what i wanted to hear.
on 2001-10-15 20:41 [#00041687]

But this messageboard is much nicer!
Tony Tuna
on 2001-10-15 20:41 [#00041688]

Be quiet you Joyrex reject, just go back and re-register.
Commado Tony Tuna
from Vietnam on 2001-10-15 20:43 [#00041691]

Do you want me to go over to Joyrex and shit it up? Send out foot patrol over enemy lines... Watch me go.
from moon on 2001-10-15 20:45 [#00041694]

i dont want to re-register. i got banned anyway remember? they have my ip. i like this board better cause you can actually speak your mind, thats why i am enjoying all the shit your talking at me.
i was on it for 1 day as a guest anyway. then they got mad.......pansies
Commado Tony Tuna
from Vietnam on 2001-10-15 20:46 [#00041695]

Comando Elite, re-register for battle, send in the troops, mobilise the ground unit. Flood, flood, flood, move in, soldier. Alert, sir. Don't salute an officer here, a sniper would love to get himself a yellow belt, hutch.
Commado Tony Tuna
from Vietnam on 2001-10-15 20:47 [#00041696]

Alright soldier, you're unfit for duty, you feel sick? woozy? I'll dedicate the ground attack in your memory, stand alert, attention.
from moon on 2001-10-15 20:48 [#00041697]

oooh, action packed!
ps. is it just me or did that bump of mine start a conversation here.
sorry if i sound arogant. keep sending troupes!
from Ardmore on 2001-10-15 20:49 [#00041698]

i fucking hate acid loops!
from moon on 2001-10-15 20:50 [#00041699]

YES. kill all acid loops, commander tuna
Commado Tony Tuna
from Vietnam on 2001-10-15 20:51 [#00041700]

Truth is, you can't take straight duty in my company. You'll never be a real soldier. Not in God's world. This is C company of which I'm First Sergeant. I run this outfit. Now Captain Staros, he's the CO, but I'm the guy who runs it. Nobody is gonna foul that up. You're just another mouth for me to feed. Normally you'd be court-martialed. I worked a deal for you. You ought to consider yourself lucky. I'm sending you to a disciplinary outfit. You'll be a streatcher-bearer. You'll be taking care of the wounded.
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-15 21:09 [#00041719]

I'm not fond of joyrex in the least bit... not sure why, just don't like it. So much less personal than this site. <3 this site.
The messageboard is 1000x better here as well, much better than that stankass 'ultimate bulitan board' that they use or whatever.
I'm giving a big warm hug to all of you :D
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-15 21:11 [#00041721]

Oh yeah, and down with acid loops *sour face*
I hate when beginners with really awful music boast and shit. It's your job to develop your own style in the early years/stages of making music, you shouldn't be asking for advice straight out tha get-go. [not you, just whoever posted the acidloopy song, and the masses of others who do it]
on 2001-10-15 21:15 [#00041726]

I think Joyrex is more of a little fan site, this is like an official site.
on 2001-10-15 21:17 [#00041727]

A good official site I mean, not like the aphex twin official site.
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-15 21:18 [#00041729]

hehe, 4_real.
Nice name btw, poopsie. heh
from moon on 2001-10-15 21:20 [#00041732]

i think this is more like a great site and joyrex is a ........... something else that isnt that good at all....especially the damn message board there.
god i hate that thing
on 2001-10-15 21:40 [#00041749]

It's good to mock Joyrex.com, it's healthy, and they must've stolen half the photos from here., or asked to have them.
from moon on 2001-10-15 21:42 [#00041751]

they do update the news more though, thats a plus. so they get ............ 1 point
from Smurf vilage on 2001-10-15 22:18 [#00041776]

Kiss my Smurf.. Smurfholes
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-15 22:19 [#00041778]

*smurfs you in your tight smurfy little smurf*
from moon on 2001-10-15 22:20 [#00041779]

mmmm.. that sounds nice
from Smurf village on 2001-10-15 22:24 [#00041784]

Tight little Smurf!!! you have to be Smurfing me... think about it honey, an entire Smurfing village of Smurfs and only one Female Smurf...
Ive got a Smurf like a Clowns Smurfing Pocket!
from moon on 2001-10-15 22:26 [#00041785]

yeah, and one gay smurf too, ya know. that one with the flower. damn queen smurf . take your parade elsewhere!
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-15 22:26 [#00041787]

Yeah, and there's a pappa smurf yet no mamma smurf, a bit scary.
Lt Gerbal Malone
on 2001-10-15 22:28 [#00041788]

You bastards, you're spoiling the magic. I want to see pictures of them having sex now, I'll tell you when I find some.
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-15 22:34 [#00041791]

Been there, done that- I used to have an entire folder dedicated to smurf porn... kind of scary, actually.
Smurf fetish. mmm lol.
from Smurf village on 2001-10-15 22:36 [#00041792]

Smurfing two timing Smurf, and he said he didnt like me cos he was Homosmurfsual....
Lt Gerbal Malone
on 2001-10-15 22:37 [#00041794]

Tell me a site dedicated to Smurf sex.
Lt Gerbal Malone
on 2001-10-15 22:38 [#00041796]

As if the Scarecrow would have a cob of corn instead of a penis, that's just ridiculous....
Puritan Pete
on 2001-10-15 22:40 [#00041797]

My names Pete im a Puritan... and I think you lot will all burn in Hell...
So there.
Ass biting, Cross species sxxxxl conduct, quite terrible.....
Yes. You will burn in Hell.
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-15 22:41 [#00041799]

Aw smurfette baby, I feel your pain.
Smurf on over to my smurf, we can have some smurf by candle-smurf.
from perth on 2001-10-16 02:49 [#00041914]

nyah nyah you guys are stoopiiid!
my dogs better than yours!
od's dog
from the dog pound on 2001-10-16 02:57 [#00041922]

Woof bark woof woof!
from perth on 2001-10-16 03:02 [#00041924]

PS im only joking.
just thought i'd add that bfore i get metaphorically burned to death or somethign :)
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