wizards teeth
on 2001-10-13 17:07 [#00040819]

Hello People,
I am sad and happy.
One of my computers has broken and I need to reinstall windows, i have lost many items.
But I am not sad as it is a chance to make new style music with other things.
I remember being at school once and was informed that apples conduct electricity, is this true ?
I am going to make a musical instrument from fruit.
I also believe electricity can pass through certain solutions, if some form of musical instrument was linked to a jar of chemicals, the chemicals sould be heated to make movements in the chemistry, that may change the sound.
what guitar pedeeels are good apart from : delay and distortion ?
i once seen a pedal that made the instrument sound liek a cow.
is it illegal for animals to be in pop groups / appear on stage playing instruments ?
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-13 17:12 [#00040820]

those are some fucking mad wacked ideas for instruments! if do make music with them i have to be the first to hear it. it would be amazing.
do you know what else would be amazing? cookies.... instrument cookies......mmmmmmm cookies......
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-13 17:19 [#00040821]

i will keep you informed of the progress.
one other idea i had was to get two coconut shells to make the sound of a horse, i will record the output and feed through effects pedals and play live for people to dance to over the top of other sounds from my computer. the points of contact of the shells shall also have tin foild on them. when they touch they shall sound some electronic buzzers inside the shells.
therefore when i am smashing them together the sound will be a combo of horses walking or running and electronic buzzers, all fed through an effects unit (kaos pad) and effects pedals (delay).
clip clop beep bzzz, clip clop beep bzzzzz clip beep bzzz,
do you get the idea ?
its the sound of the horse
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-13 17:22 [#00040823]

that is amazing! you gotta keep me updated with that too!
do you songs i can download?
on 2001-10-13 17:22 [#00040824]

Fruit makes electricity from the reaction between it's acid and the electrodes (generally zinc). This electricity is direct, which means that you will be making an attempt to create an instrument from the equivalent of a watch battery. The only way to get an oscillation is by modulating the direct current. The sound won't come from the fruit, it will come from the modulating circuitry. The fruit will be your battery.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-13 17:26 [#00040826]

NO! say it aint so! i refuse to believe you. fruit is a viable instrument
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-13 17:26 [#00040827]

i wanted my apples to sing to me, i was going to have a band made out of fruit, i suppose i still can
i will have mr. potato head as lead singer and a pinapple will look a bit like pm dawn.
horses + electricity + coconuts + sound = my favourite things
i am going to start to make it tomorrow and will take some photos when i am finished
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-13 17:27 [#00040828]

you gotta hook me up!
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-13 17:28 [#00040830]

i had an idea. seeing as the fruit are the battery, why not make them like distort sound or something.
from Springfield on 2001-10-13 17:39 [#00040835]

My Dad's breathe smells like penis.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-13 17:40 [#00040836]

thats weird, so does my dad's!
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-13 17:46 [#00040840]

If the fruit decay would the sound change ?
either have a very long musical set over one week with slight changes as the frutis decay:
"poor apples, they are dying, please help me bring my apples back to life"
or cause the apples / pears to decay quicker by pointing a hot hair dryer at them
the singing lobsters can be incorporated in a pan of boiling water
i will be dressed as a ninja and as i chop things with my hands the wood will crack and the sounds shall be used to make tunes, a microphone shall be next to the wood, when i chop it the sound shall be heard by the audience.
ladies and gentlemen:
wizards teeth demonstrates his ninja skils whilst his backing singers get boiled alive and killed with hairdryers
on percussion - wizards teeth
vocals - lobster
sound effects - ian the apple
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-13 17:47 [#00040841]

thats the shit! i hope you are serious about making this! you gotta hook a brotha up
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-13 17:52 [#00040844]

how do i hook a brother up
i live in england in newcastle (sorry the other way round)
i have drawn plans and have purchased some costumes
i am also going to use bees inside a jam jar to make some sounds
i will speak to you next week as i need to go home to get pissed as i am going to a party
on 2001-10-13 22:54 [#00040895]

did you get that coconut idea from monty python?
Wizard MaC
from Amersfoort on 2001-10-14 16:26 [#00040991]

self-made instruments are really cool, but i'm not a technician.
I heard of a guitar pedal called "Extorsion" but i think it's some sort of a distortion.
at home, we have some sort of tea-pot (i don't know how to call it in english) which creates weird sounds when it's closed: the air inside it wants to get out.
Really!Sometimes I hear all sorts of scary noises and then i remember "oh, it's just that damned thing again"
Sometimes it sounds like that "beep" in Ventolin.
Wizard MaC
from Amersfoort on 2001-10-15 10:16 [#00041281]

idea for an album: "Kitchen Sessions boiler 1" music totally made with kitchen-equipment
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-15 11:26 [#00041300]

I was going to start sampling organic sounds.
Squashing fruits, hitting meat with hammers
I like the concept of organic techno music
Wizard MaC
from Amersfoort on 2001-10-15 11:39 [#00041303]

you do use a Kaosspad. Kaosspad=useful?
i think i start scratching a microphone all over my body and record that
mmm......using the mic as an instrument
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-15 11:46 [#00041306]

i have a kaos pad.
i like it a lot.
woudl you not be using you skin as an instrument?
Wizard MaC
from Amersfoort on 2001-10-15 12:53 [#00041313]

my skin and my clothes, or maybe i start a naked "mic scratch session" it could give my music a more organic feel, you know ;)
off course i will put a massive reverb over the mic scratches
on 2001-10-15 13:02 [#00041315]

i would really like to meet wizard's teeth.
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-15 13:22 [#00041317]

I live in england, but I have travel facilities.
ie - money / car
were shall i meet you ?
don't worry i am not evil and i do not have a history of touching animals or any other criminal offence
really fuckin' stupid person.
on 2001-10-15 14:11 [#00041324]

now, i'm stupid, but this is ridiculous.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-15 15:39 [#00041335]

wizards teeth, you have to make that music and hook a brotha up!
from UK on 2001-10-15 15:42 [#00041336]

yea, It does sound like It's gonna be good!
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-15 15:48 [#00041338]

I still do not know how to:
"Hook a Brother Up"
Can someone please help ?
Thanks Teeth
from UK on 2001-10-15 15:51 [#00041340]

Impossible if you dont have male siblings.
If you do: get him a date
I dont see the relavance though, jus make the tune :)
sorry. :(
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-15 16:46 [#00041417]

hook a brotha up = when the shit is da bomb hook yo peeps wit da shit, homey g from the west ssssiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddeeeeeee
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