from FL USA on 2001-10-12 19:23 [#00040598]

.....today Im thinking about the air here and this weekend I had a dream my freind of mine was looking at my wife. tommorow I might feel something.
aphex music is
some of my fav
on 2001-10-12 21:00 [#00040619]

I quite like alma. Do you use that dookicky there, what the hell is that... an abacus?
from FL on 2001-10-13 05:37 [#00040765]

Its a vocorder....got a osc and a noise generator...cut up noise on mixer verus seqenced stuff....knobs and such ...calculator..gameboy
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-10-13 05:52 [#00040767]

on 2001-10-13 06:03 [#00040769]

I must be hard to use if you can't sequence sound into visible patterns with a computer interface. Does it use sound samples you feed to it, or does it create the sounds from scratch based on your twiddle input? Does it automatically make the final piece into a wav file? I'm just trying to get an understanding, since I only know software, and of software I only know modplug tracker. I have a very limited scope.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-13 15:20 [#00040793]

m, what software do you use?
from FL on 2001-10-13 15:48 [#00040795]

I run Reason as a midi slave for the drums and I have a synth ...and I use a hardware midi sequnecer....yammaha rm1x it drives all the midi to each of the sound moudles(synth, and reason for drums, sampling) then route the indiviual sound outputs thru different effects and to a mixer to cut em up more......
for the pattern question I understand I was all software before...thats what made sense to me FL3 and Reason, Orion all had pattern stuff thats what I felt comfortable with ... yo when I went to get a hardware seqencer I looked for a pattern based kinda thing....the rm1x is great.....just like that....got a few modes to work in one is very similar to the 303 type inferace....very rebirthish ...also a disk drive on in you can start somthing on a PC and take it over thats was a big thing to me....
hope it helps
on 2001-10-13 21:36 [#00040883]

I hope to one day to know enough musical technical know how/lingo to recite something like that and confuse other people :). I can't say I really understood most of it, but all the names I wrote down at least so I can look into them further.
mutant death penguin: I use modplug tracker... You can get it as www.sharewaremusicmachine.com I think. It's freeware, but useful enough for me.
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