Deixovre Lumni
on 2001-10-12 03:58 [#00040407]

My name is James and I am doing a short essay regarding Richard D. James, and what makes him a hero. I am focusing primarily on the fact that by RDJ marketing his music he has in effect given something very special to many many people. I was hoping to get a few quotes to include in my essay for a Highschool Senior English class. So, if you do not mind being quoted in a highschool essay in a small town in California it would be very helpful to me if people could write a few words on how the music of Richard D. James has had a positive influence. This could range from a simple good contented that arises from a single track to a life changing realization of beauty that inspires.
It would be helpful to include a name to be referred by, the city and country of residence, but these are optional.
Thank you for reading I\'m hoping for as many responses as possible.
That One Guy
from The middle of the oosa on 2001-10-12 04:13 [#00040408]

The song Ventolin has kept me from wanting to kill the people around me. It's a place where waves cancel each other out creating a node. Gotta love superpositioning of waves. It's what makes quantum mechanics special.
payphex twin
from cornwall on 2001-10-12 04:52 [#00040411]

I think rdj is more of a motivator cause he shows that you can make music without knowing how to use instruments or even using instruments,also he shows how creativity is the best key in music.What he is positively doing is showing you can musician no matter how much money you got.
from u.s.a on 2001-10-12 05:19 [#00040412]

payphex twin, I agree with you 100%
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-10-12 05:21 [#00040414]

Richard's music has inspired me to bake cookies and give them to people who can't play chess!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
from Newfoundland on 2001-10-12 05:28 [#00040416]

Well his music just blows me away. I still cant get over how he puts those sounds together, and the equation face just made my mouth drop, that was amazing. I would have to say that because of rdj i want to learn to be a better programmer that much more!
from drukqs on 2001-10-12 17:46 [#00040560]

agree w/ the baron..........
and to be more creative and open minded
the recycle has spoken er something
from Indianapolis on 2001-10-12 18:59 [#00040593]

in every way possible. the tracks on classics are magical esp. polynomial-c
i'm drooling now.....
from kitOnCan on 2001-10-12 19:13 [#00040595]

lisening to complex music makes you smart we know that much but what if the music is simple in a complex way what does that do.
i think it makes me happier and smarter :)
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-12 19:16 [#00040597]

i really enjoy the fact that one can still discover sounds amongst all the ones that are already out there. i think his music is what gave me the desire to make my own music and try to push the boundries of what i can create.
i think that sounds pretty lame and quotable.
ted maul
from england, near a tree. somewhere near the middle. on 2001-10-12 20:04 [#00040603]

1/ he has proved that great music can and does follow great drugs.
2/ he has shown that a great artist can develop many diverse styles simultaneously and scceed in them all.
3/ In conclusion, i have found another excuse for believing that recreation is a good path to creation; and that broad minded outlooks lead to a bigger bounty.
ted maul
from england, near a tree. somewhere near the middle. on 2001-10-12 20:05 [#00040604]

1/ he has proved that great music can and does follow great drugs.
2/ he has shown that a great artist can develop many diverse styles simultaneously and scceed in them all.
3/ In conclusion, i have found another excuse for believing that recreation is a good path to creation; and that broad minded outlooks lead to a bigger bounty.
Deixovre Lumni
from Merced CA, USA on 2001-10-13 02:31 [#00040725]

These are all great- a bit of my own
In a car moving along a two lane rode in central Tennessee I heard the Richard D. James track IZ-US for the first time. I found it soothing and inspiring and continues to create that effect. Listening to the music of Richard D. James has created the desire to push the limits of my own creativity as well as pursue music myself. Tracks regularly offer comfort and catharsis without a diminishing effect. Any person who can demonstrate beauty in ways not yet explored should, without a doubt, be lauded as a hero.
from Berlin on 2001-10-13 03:27 [#00040741]

AFX's music has affected me positively by letting me sleep a lot during a 24 hour period. I'm not at anyone anymore... I find myself more sleep-deprived and such that when I do encounter music, I get a much bigger vibe from it.
from Berlin on 2001-10-13 03:29 [#00040742]

^I'm not (mad) at anyone anymore... All because of RDJ = R (our) DJ (disc-jockey)
from Delaware, USA on 2001-10-13 04:28 [#00040747]

RDJ has shown me a completely new kind of music. Up until 1997, all I liked was rock, which began to get redundant, but as soon as I saw Come To Daddy on 12 Angry Viewers on Halloween of 1997 (I remember the night distinctly, I was eleven, my friend kenny had a Dilbert mask, and my alien mask kept fogging up. we went from house to house, and that image of the creature from Come To Daddy kept popping up in my mind, and it freaked me out, but I was completely MESMERIZED by the song.) I went out and bought Come To Daddy that Christmas at Tower Records in Phildadelphia, and he turned me on to techno. It was a completely new sound for me, and now I'm 14, and now my tastes have changed and rock and techno balance each other out. Richard D James, thanks.
from zurich-ch on 2001-10-13 05:03 [#00040753]

RDS's music brouth me to see music different.....i was always dissatisfied about the music of my friends, al these rock groups, and the other friends meant Trance should be the greatest, but I , i found, it was too normally. and fortunately a internet-friend sent me a Aphex Twin track and i was intimidated and likewise fascinates, i searched for month other tracks and a buyed few cd. His music shows me that music can be more as now, a development in the art of music, for our future.
on 2001-10-13 06:24 [#00040771]

Oh, one of those damn "hero" papers, huh, I hate those. School is a giant conglomerate of petrified horse shit. Be sure to define hero at the start, then specifically state why aphex twin is one according to your exact definition. Your paper will be unique from the 29 other students papers on the fire fighters at the WTC. "a person looked up to for having done something brave or noble" noble= showing good character or high morals. Nothing he has done has exactly been defined as a hero in it's conventional use, but you can argue in your paper that the words 'good character" and "high morals" are completely subjective, and argue that while some people find it moralistic to go to school and participate in retarded assignments, others find that killing everyone around them is the moral thing to do since it reduces, even if just slightly, the number of specimens referred to as 'earth cancer" by some author (I forget his name). You can only quote my second sentence, heh heh.
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-13 09:50 [#00040782]

My quote for you project
"I was at a a night club recently listening / dancing to an aphex dj set. I was quite pissed, and i fell over. I woke in the morning and had a very large bruise on my leg."
Wizards Teeth 2001
from europe on 2001-10-13 18:20 [#00040859]

i did a drawing and named it funny little man. there's also a more recent drawing with the name nannou, but i'm not sure if I will not change the title. both drawings are not really influenced by the music, but i did the drawings while listening to the songs and the works have quite the same feel as the music, or what i felt, while listening to it. the subject of the drawings are faces. if you know bruce nauman's 'making a face' or moebius' drawings - i love those things and i guess these artists were also kind of an influence, apart from richard d. james' music.
from europe on 2001-10-13 18:21 [#00040860]

yes, and balthus was also an influence, of course...
Deixovre Lumni
from Merced CA, USA on 2001-10-15 03:18 [#00041187]

once again, thanks for all the support
from zurich-ch on 2001-10-15 22:41 [#00041798]

recently, i had recieved a new lovely cat, i think you english guys called a baby-cat kitten, isnt it? also, i decided to call my new cat nannou. when i hear the track nannou, i think always something red moves, a red play box. an my littel cat is red too, and play often, and she fall asleep like in the track the song something became slower
sorry for my strange thought and my bad english
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