adam ant
on 2001-10-13 16:40 [#00040813]

why don't you just answer the question??
from NYC on 2001-10-13 21:48 [#00040886]

from nj on 2001-10-14 05:05 [#00040925]

I don't know, I like the rendered towers. At first I thought they were real.
on 2001-10-14 05:21 [#00040928]

its just the style of text u used i dont like, the towers are cool
from england on 2001-10-14 11:10 [#00040952]

Oh man, you STOLE that background from another site. I should know - I've actually SEEN that on the web before. All you did was add some stupid text, I can't believe you're just trying to take credit for someone else's work. Everyone - this guy is a total fraud.
from the ever fleeting past on 2001-10-14 16:18 [#00040989]

Reflex: I'm not trying to be provocative or anything but you really ought to calm down and cheer up a bit. You're going to make yourself very unwell one day if you carry on being so pent up and negative.
Don't forget man, your only 18. You have plenty of time ahead of you to be a miserable old man. (repeat: this is NOT a provocation)
from Sweden on 2001-10-15 09:04 [#00041257]

REFLEX: Why do you make up lies?
"...He wont mainly take it because of space."
I have never said that. Your picture was rejected because it was not good enough. What part of that is difficult for you to understand?
\/\/ooƒer_Attack¹ ² ³
from Milan on 2001-10-15 09:57 [#00041275]

Reflex are you a liar? I hope I am understanding bad... I hate the clones and I don't like the liars... I hope it's a joke.
from Cowtown on 2001-10-15 10:03 [#00041276]

Cool text over top... but is it really neccesary to add that obviously ripped off rendered image?? And then come on here and say "you dont understand how long it took me to render that, yo! Like my picture or I hate you!!!"
Instead of the ripped off (and completley unfitting) image as the background, how about doing some more hand-done stuff? Some abstract colors or shadings... it doesn't take 3D-Rendering skills to make a cool piece of art... work with the text and develop it into something a bit better (and something completley your own work).
from UK on 2001-10-15 10:14 [#00041280]

I've just read the entirity of this post and I'm extremly dissapointed with |REFLEX|, same as \/\/ooƒer_Attack¹ ² ³ I'd imagine.
You totally insulted my pictures dude! They're not great but I thought they looked cool so I posted em to Phobe to see what others thought and alot dont think that they were that spesh. :(
I've just logged on to Joyrex but I'm stayin' here.
from a bar under the sea on 2001-10-15 10:33 [#00041284]

i've been closely working together with 3D artists, and that pic ain't 3D rendered; believe me...
from UK on 2001-10-15 10:36 [#00041285]

I'm a junior in Graphics Design {20 yrs old} and even I can tell. You'd have to be bloody experienced to do that shit and I dont know how old |REFLEX| is.
Wizard MaC
from Amersfoort on 2001-10-15 10:51 [#00041287]

BTW Phobia, I send a remix some weeks ago and it seems the remix hasn't arrived..
Is my remix also "rejected because it wasn't good enough" or have you never received it?
from Sweden on 2001-10-15 10:55 [#00041290]

Could you please send it again? I browsed my Inbox but couldn't find it. I have received lots of remixes recently but I can't upload them yet due to low webspace on my remixes-account. Maybe I should remove old remixes? But hey, discuss all this is a new topic, please.
Officer John Langsworthy
from 3w4 on 2001-10-15 11:48 [#00041308]

REFLEX: I really think that you should have kept the original silo background and skipped that dodgy text in the foreground. But thats just me, you know.
Berty Beatle
on 2001-10-15 16:05 [#00041344]

The background looks like a photo that's been blurred, I'm pretty sure that's what it is.
from UK on 2001-10-15 16:09 [#00041346]

He's got it as his picture on Joyrex
from grmny on 2001-10-15 16:09 [#00041348]

stop it - HE´S GONE!!!
Berty Beatle
on 2001-10-15 16:12 [#00041350]

But it's just toooo funny, he went all spastic trying to make us like his picture.
from UK on 2001-10-15 16:16 [#00041351]

He was really cool but loads of gits just kept hassling him and cloning him. He broke. It was mental...
He's a cock now.
from UK on 2001-10-15 16:17 [#00041353]

I'll miss him though coz he was alright.
from UK on 2001-10-15 16:17 [#00041354]

whoa speak of the devil.
Berty Beatle
on 2001-10-15 16:17 [#00041355]

He was always a "cock" as you say.
Berty Beatle
on 2001-10-15 16:20 [#00041357]

Reflex, why did you create a thread called "leaving" if you're not actually leaving?
from UK on 2001-10-15 16:23 [#00041362]

He wasnt a cock. He just went mental about this picture thing. He was alright to me, like Poe was, until he said that all the custom pics were crap compared. That was harsh dude.
{I'm not quote |REFLEX| on that BTW. I cant remember exactly what he said.}
Beefy McBeef
on 2001-10-15 16:42 [#00041405]

"Oh my god... look at the picture. Its not on this site. Its that link there. THATS SUBPAR!? I want to see anyone, on this site make something like that. NOT 1 pic in this entire place is as defined and well put together as that!? I mean..... I want to see someone spend weeks making that background and then render it. Thats some serious stuff. I cant stop laughing at you two trying to tell me its bad."
Reflex, just leave.
Tony Tuna
from Chicago's Bitchamo on 2001-10-16 13:08 [#00042080]

lREFLEXl, you were asked this before you left, you might not have seen it though, but could you please, please, please tell me what you used to render that background??
from Birmingham, UK on 2001-10-16 17:14 [#00042145]

why spend hours rendering something you could get from the internet or scan in from a book?? Please tell.
I agree with someone else here... the text and background do seem to clash somewhat. I can't believe you can be so talented to render the background and not have the common sense to realise it simply doesnt look good?
You should learn to accept critisism of any art you post here, most of what i've seen is constructive.
special kid
from special school on 2001-10-16 17:15 [#00042146]

100! YAY!
on 2001-10-16 17:39 [#00042159]

I've seen that background image used on that picture before, it was on another site. I'll check through my history and see if I can find the page again.
on 2001-10-16 17:49 [#00042168]

then maybe we can put an end to this?
Sausage Creature
on 2001-10-16 17:52 [#00042169]

It's just funny, that's all.
on 2001-10-16 17:53 [#00042170]

our taste in humor differs some what
Sausage Creature
on 2001-10-16 18:09 [#00042171]

How is this not funny? How is it bad? It took hours to read this, and is damn funny thats a joke 3d rendered and created totally from scratch, with my laughter over top.
Sausage Creature
on 2001-10-16 18:10 [#00042172]

"No. you should make something at let someone else judge it before you call it shit. you cant even begin to realise how complicated it is to render something like that. so obviously you dont know. take your opinion and go away its very annoying. your not correct because its your opinion."
That part's funny too.
Scary Bear
on 2001-10-16 23:13 [#00042258]

REFLEX: Dude look back on what you just said and realise how fucking big headed you are being. I don't blame you for liking it. But I doubt you'll ever progress because your head is too far up your own arse. "You just try and do 3D rendering etc etc", "Ooh yeah that's good english".
It's doubtful you really did that in 3D, if you did then I take it back U are fucking talented. I may have misread when you said something about getting training or something. How old are you? And be honest unlike your 3D modeling fib. There is no doubt in my mind you're a day over 15 and if you are you don't write like someone that's older.
I won't come back here so you can winge and diss to your hearts content. Going to join a more interesting chat room where people tell the truth.
Richard D. James
on 2001-11-08 06:46 [#00049641]

I found it, I found it, this is the greatest topic the world has ever seen.
Richard D. James
on 2001-11-08 06:48 [#00049642]

Hey, you deleted his posts, can you put them back up? It's not the same without "I want your opion..... shutup."
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