from NY on 2001-10-08 13:21 [#00039458]

To all german afx heads outthere!!!Please help a brother out!!!!Translate that interview!!!!It seems VERY intresting!!!!!
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-10-08 14:12 [#00039462]

OK, I will! ASAP
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-10-08 14:13 [#00039464]

But I can't find anything under "groode.de" Sure it's the correct URL??!
from California, USA on 2001-10-08 16:44 [#00039494]

In case you didn't know, you can goto www.altavista.com and click on "translate" (shows a little fish next to it), this thing is VERY powerful, it will even translate Japanese into English. I read the japanese news all the time now. Works great. It will translate a URL, or just a phrase.
from NY on 2001-10-08 16:46 [#00039495]

from NY on 2001-10-08 16:46 [#00039496]

Sine707 IS THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love Germany!
from NY on 2001-10-08 16:50 [#00039497]

Holy SHIT!! Thanx Narcotic!!! That was a dam powerful translator on altavista...I downloade a shit program called GET trans but it didnt work that well..altavistas translator was DOPE!!!
thanx again Narcotic.
from California, USA on 2001-10-08 16:52 [#00039498]

Aint no thang nugga, enjoy
from europe on 2001-10-08 19:41 [#00039529]

great interview.
Ok, some excerpts...
aphex says that he released drukqs on warp to fulfill his contract on warp, and he has a new label now with to jenkinson. the two remixes were the first release on the label. rdj said that tom jenkinson absolutely hates all other artists on warp. aphex himself does not like the artists on warp, too (though he likes the labels early years), 'but I do not care to be on a label with artists who are shit anyway. (...) and i know that they all profit of the things one does. It's like 'Oh, we are on warp!'
and the most interesting thing for all people who said that aphex only did drukqs to clear his contract with warp, and said aphex only did crap to annoy them: 'If i could decide, i would release drukqs on rephlex (...)'
he originally had a contract for two or three more albums. he said to the people of warp, 'i give you a double album, but then you have to let me go to make my own label.' and they said, 'okay'.
richard said that he would like to do a single, with a video by chris cunningham, because he liked working with him on come to daddy and windowlicker, but the release of the single could take time, up to six months from now. 'but warp only wants to do it because they only have dollars in front of their eyes. but i have really a good idea for a track, which chris surely would like.'
like in the interview in 'the face' aphex says that he has lost his mp3 player on a plane... the player had 282 aphex tracks and 80 squarepusher tracks on it. and so he has to release the album. but anyway, aphex looked around in the internet, thinking it might appear up there after five minutes... but it obviously didn't until now. if it would appear on the internet, 'i would visit them and take all the stuff with me'. he would like the idea that a fan would have them now... 'originally i had the idea to release four cd's but that would have been an overkill, and it would have been simply to much work.' why would he not like that fans would 'release' the tracks on the internet? 'because i would not get any money. he would piss me off.'
he does think that the new tracks sound very much 'old-style'. 'i had made a lot of tracks which are completely ne-sounding, but i wouldn't release them, because everyone would rip them off again.'
'the pieces (on drukqs) are 7 to 8 years to some months old. but most of them are new. nanou2, the last track on the album, for example is also the most recent piece.'
he bought pianos, and made very simply to very complicated pieces, he also prepared the pieces in the way john cage did.
'my most favourite composer for piano is Satie. Each of his pieces is deceptively simple, but he never has a note which is to much.'
and about john cage... 'i know all of his stuff, perhaps i got the idea for the new pieces from him. (...) i don't like his piano music. there's only one piece which is very beautiful, but i cannot remember the name of it.' ok, a little for aphex... it is...
'In A Landscape' or 'Dream' both composed for piano in 1948. they are both beautiful and deeply felt, so i guess richard does not know one piece of these two, ;-).
'but the other pieces are only unimportant stuff, with no feelings in it.'
what does the title of drukqs mean? it has a meaning but not the meaning of 'drugs' or 'drug use'. 'it is important for me to say that it does not mean 'drug'. all people say, 'oh, it's called drugs or drug use, but that's not true. it does really mean something, but i will not give away the true meaning.'
ok, sorry, short interruption. i guess the meaning is druk (which means 'press') qs (use). the album is about pressing the keys on keyboards - of computers and pianos. but perhaps there's also another meaning?
'the album is like a musical diary. 'Mt Saint Michel' is my summer vacation piece. i did it on my laptop in france.'
and he did not like radiohead's kid a and amnesiac... 'i don't like them. i listened to five or six pieces and i thought that they really sound awful.'
'Yes, really predictable and awful. I mean I compare it to my favourite music, and the comparison is horrible. but in comparison to all those r&b music they are perhaps allright. In comparison to all of those teenage punk bands - or how they are called - who think they area anarchic or whatever - they are in the end great. i simply like it to like things which others don't like.'
he didn't print his face on the album cover this time, because...
'i don't like to get on the people's nerves. i don't want to get into a store where people are like 'oh, no, not that crank!'
and madonna and björk? 'björk is a million times more interesting than madonna.' 'last year i talked a lot with madonna. she was after chris cunningham, but he did not want to go on with her.'
and tom jenkinson and richard they have no idea yet for a name for the new label... 'men is only a catalogue number.'
in fact he is concerned know about tom, because he - richard - does not know anyone who has recently talked to him.
most interesting new artist: 'ceephax acid crew. that's andy jenkinson, the brother of tom.'
well, only short excerpts... but anyway...
from NY on 2001-10-08 23:51 [#00039549]

nice balthus.
fluffy bunny
from mm on 2001-10-09 02:34 [#00039559]

Yeah .. quite a nice interview ..
Be interesting to see what happens on this "" MEN-xx release thing ?
from europe on 2001-10-09 09:25 [#00039584]

archrival etc - there's in fact some more in the interview, but i tried to translate the things which seemed the most interesting. it's a very long interview, and the most interesting interview ever. he also talks about his girlfriend and a lot of other things.
I absolutely agree with rdj on satie. and also on madonna and björk... and - please don't get angry with me now - on radiohead. radiohead is better than a lot of things now, but comparing to my favourite things ever... well, this comparison is kind of unfair, i guess. the comments in this interview sounded very sane, and not as egomanic as in the other interviews. aphex simply has no fear to state his opinion. he also said that he does not like stockhausen's later pieces.
i was only a bit surprised about the comments on the warp artists. i mean i personally like boards of canada's In a beautiful place out in the counry very much, because the tracks are as deceptively simple as satie (the ep. really has the same qualities). i also don't quite agree with his comment on cage. the comment was true for the later pieces by cage, but i don't think they are true for the pieces from the 40s. john cages's in a landscape or dream are beautiful, but there are also someother john cage piano pieces which i like very much, though they are not a simple as the two (the equation track from windowlicker for example had something in common with early cage piano pieces, and also with cage's early percussion pieces).
from europe on 2001-10-09 09:29 [#00039585]

ps: with 'most interesting interview ever', i of course meant 'by aphex twin'.
the thing with the new label really was interesting. would be great to see those 'new style' pieces by aphex released on that label.
Harold Bishop
on 2001-10-09 09:30 [#00039586]

Balthus, if your translating this by hand then you're an idiot.
from europe on 2001-10-09 09:31 [#00039589]

why not? it was fun to translate it, it was as easy as reading it, and not that much slower.
Harold Bishop
on 2001-10-09 09:36 [#00039592]

If you just put it through a translater it translates it to English in less then one minute. There's no point in translating and typing it out.
from europe on 2001-10-09 09:43 [#00039596]

i never did a translation with that translator program before, and anyway i picked out the quotes i found a lot interesting while reading the interview. it was easy. and it did not really take more time than a normal reading would take. of course, people would like to read the whole interview, but i just read that there are some others who said they would do it...
from europe on 2001-10-09 09:56 [#00039602]

just saw that someone posts a translation of the interview here... made by a translation program. i guess a translation with that program is about quantity whereas a translation by hand is about quality. and in the end you really have to correct the errors which the program made (that takes as long as a individual translation, or even longer). i saw that some parts were still not translated and remained to be in german. but of course it's ok, if you want only a rough translation.
Bruce LaBruce
on 2001-10-09 10:05 [#00039605]

Actually, the only bits not translated are software and hardware program names, and things like that, but I think most people will have the sense to realise that.
from europe on 2001-10-09 10:09 [#00039606]

i wonder why groove.de does not post an english version, too? i would like to read aphex's answers in the way he really said it. every translation does change the meaning slightly, not to speak of a retranslation, and if it's by a program, it does sound like yoda using german words. and in the end in the original english version you can reach a widest range of people possible. but perhaps it's like german-speaking tv. they always air every movie in the german version, and it's really annoying.
from Sweden on 2001-10-09 10:12 [#00039607]

A translation is currently being performed. Stay tuned. =)
from europe on 2001-10-09 10:16 [#00039609]

words like 'drauf', 'bloeder' and 'Na ja' are software or hardware program names? hmm...
from NY on 2001-10-09 10:36 [#00039613]

Its the best Aphex interview I ever read.
He was kinda serious in this one, nice answers.
from europe on 2001-10-09 10:56 [#00039623]

archrival - yes, it's fantastic! it has really information and opinions in it, which is quite rare in artists interviews. hope people who like drukqs will now listen to erik satie, too. (list of satie's fan's: debussy, ravel, stravinsky, cage, reich, glass, björk... and richard d. james - great!)
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-10-09 12:38 [#00039665]

from europe on 2001-10-09 15:18 [#00039715]

phobiazero - thanks for posting that link to my version with excerpts from the interview, i really feel honored. :-)
baron - thanks, too. glad you liked it... well, so you are not really a baron , but santa? hope i will find drukqs in my shoes...
from kitOnCan on 2001-10-09 16:20 [#00039742]

2hundred and 8ty 2 damn
from england on 2001-10-09 17:06 [#00039755]

im sitting here refreshing warp website waiting for the pre order..tell me im not the only 1??? :D
from Los Angeles on 2001-10-09 20:33 [#00039811]

I am a new jack in this electronica musik. I'm transmitting live from Los Angeles and just recently started listening to Aphex Twin. There is no doubt that it's da SHIZNIT simply because no one can duplicate or replicate it!! Aphex Twin has its own unique sounds with the way out covers on the albums Richard produced. I am also in the music (hip-hop) business as a producer. I was wondering if there was any other website(s) that may feature Richard's joits. Also I would like to know where is he originally from and does he ever get offered opportunities to do collabos with any hip-hop artists?
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-10-09 21:45 [#00039816]

the article says "Aphex Twin: Mass Bomber and Piano Tech". lol
from zurich-ch on 2001-10-09 23:46 [#00039848]

once. i am glad that i can better german then english to read this greatest interview about Richard D James, i find it is the best that i hav ever read.
the question if popstars visit their partys in london. and he said that once Kylie Minogue was at Rephresh(the rephlex partynight in london). She knows a Warp Dj (Russell Haswell). and all friends of richard tried to get her. and a strange guy was successfull with her.
Mikael A
on 2001-10-10 15:03 [#00039990]

This article is also available in swedish at http://www.groove.st
fuck these musicians
on 2001-10-10 17:13 [#00040022]

Oh my God. If I found an mp3 player with that shit, I would probably weep for the better part of the day, then deem myself the king of all humans.
from the sea on 2001-10-10 19:25 [#00040060]

i bet a janitor guy found it and sold it and bought crack with the money, and i bet the guy that bought it traded it to a gypsy for magic beans. and theyre all dead now. and apostophes are fer suckers.
on 2001-10-10 20:55 [#00040121]

can someone translate interview from german to english,? that would be really a good job!
from Sweden on 2001-10-11 08:05 [#00040190]

A translation is coming soon....
from Sweden on 2001-10-11 08:23 [#00040191]

Mikael A.: Thanks for pointing it out! The interview can be foundhere.
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-10-11 09:35 [#00040196]

The translation is on its way. I managed to translate half of it by now.
The rest is finished soon.
Whoa, I didn't expect this interview to be so long (more than 7000 words.)
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-10-11 09:36 [#00040197]

Oh, guess I have to you use HTML to display my name ;-)
from klabaucius on 2001-10-11 10:48 [#00040209]

no you dont.
i dont care
from Los Angeles on 2001-10-11 16:52 [#00040278]

Does anyone know if and when Aphex Twin going to perform in Los Angeles? Also, what radio station would be good to listen to in order to catch his music?
from zurich-ch on 2001-10-11 21:19 [#00040329]

@alaindelon you shoul know that he doesnt play often in other countries.....
since month and years i wait here in zurich and he doesnt want to come.
the life is hard
from europe on 2001-10-11 21:56 [#00040343]

the interview in the nme is quite nice, too. some bits are the same es in the groove interview. and there are also great photos, a very funny one with philip glass, with the rephlex stuff etc. really nice article. have to listen now to 14th avril from the nme sampler cd...
from California, USA on 2001-10-11 21:57 [#00040344]

ya i'm from the LA area too, i wish he'd play here
from drukqs on 2001-10-11 21:58 [#00040346]

great article.......
im from nebraska i wish he'd play here (he hasnt even heard if nebraksa i bet :0( )
fluff mukinz
on 2001-10-11 22:08 [#00040354]

nabraska.. isnt that where kenan rockmore moved to once?
from Los Angeles on 2001-10-11 22:18 [#00040356]

Hey Narko, what part are you from? Are you in the Los Angeles area?
from Los Angeles, CA on 2001-10-13 04:55 [#00040751]

He came close to playing for the LA (and surrounding area) heads, but something happened. I was pissed, I spent the 60$ just for him. I still enjoyed Cochella because SquarePusher fucked shit up, and plaid was nice....but no Aphex :/
I was hurt...hehe
on 2001-10-13 08:32 [#00040781]

anyone translated that fucking groove intervio to english?!!!!!
from washington, usa on 2001-10-13 20:03 [#00040878]

where's the english translation? nahhh
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