Frank Stallone
on 2001-10-07 17:04 [#00039359]

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Singer Britney Spears Killed in Car Accident
October 6, 2001 Posted: 21:56 PM EDT (0156 GMT) Popular musician Britney Spears was pronounced dead Saturday evening as a result of wounds caused by a car accident. The status of the other passengers in the vehicle is not known at this time. Â
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LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- A car accident Saturday evening has cost the life of Britney Spears, teen pop music sensation, and has placed fellow passenger and musician Justin Timberlake in critical condition at Los Angeles County Hospital.
Spears and Timberlake were driving through the Los Angeles area late Saturday as both enjoyed a brief moment away from their busy touring and recording schedules when, according to eyewitness reports, their car, a rented Porsche 911, veered suddenly across six lanes of traffic and into a concrete barrier.
Motorists at the scene reported that Spears was ejected from the vehicle at impact and flew into opposing traffic, where she was caught under the wheels of at least one other vehicle before traffic could stop. Timberlake remained safely in the damaged vehicle.
"It was horrible, absolutely horrible," said one witness to the scene, "she was thrown around on the road like a rag doll. We stopped and ran to help but it was obvious there was nothing we could do."
Authorities pronounced Spears dead at the scene, while Timberlake was rushed to emergency surgery to treat internal bleeding.
The cause of the accident is still officially unknown, but witnesses on the scene have told CNN that Timberlake, who was behind the wheel of the vehicle, may have been under the influence of controlled substances, and that Spears may have been engaged in activities that may have distracted him from the road.
"It's too early to say at this point what may have caused the accident," said an officer at the scene, "it appears that the driver lost control of the vehicle suddenly, but we're still determining why that happened."
Copyright 2001 The Disassociated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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Frank Stallone
on 2001-10-07 17:05 [#00039360]

It's fake, isn't it?
on 2001-10-07 17:34 [#00039370]

"The Disassociated Press"
from Montreal on 2001-10-07 17:39 [#00039371]

remember when Eminem died?
from New York on 2001-10-07 19:31 [#00039379]

yeah I'm sure that whole Britney death thing is fake. I haven't heared any news of it. All of the news is about the afganistan attacks. holy shit. they better not do any bioterrorism. that stuff scares the shit out of me.
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-10-07 20:15 [#00039383]

i hope she is dead
from UK on 2001-10-07 22:51 [#00039397]

A rumour that Britney Spears was dead has been scotched by her publicists after the story was spread by two US radio DJs and a hoax website using the BBC logo.
Dallas "shock jocks" Kramer and Twitch told listeners to their KEGL-FM evening show that pop singer Spears and her boyfriend Justin Timberlake, of the band 'N Sync, had been involved in a car accident in Los Angeles.
The hoax sparked panic among fans, who called police and fire departments in their hundreds.
The story was then turned into a spoof version of a BBC News Online web page, and the link was sent around the world by e-mail on Wednesday.
The page was removed from the internet after the BBC's lawyers intervened. It had carried the BBC's logo and page design, and said Spears had been hit by a pretzel van in New York.
"There is no truth to the rumour circulating around the world that Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were involved in a car accident on Tuesday," Spears' publicist Lisa Kasteler said.
on 2001-10-08 10:54 [#00039442]

Loogie, what you're talking about is the old one, that happened months ago, this is the new one, they somehoe got it on a few pages of CNN.
ted maul
from mauls tavern on 2001-10-08 12:26 [#00039452]

her music is shit none of us will ever get to shag her alive so who cares if shes dead? not me.
on 2001-10-08 12:28 [#00039454]

Ted, your Father and I are having sex and there's nothing you can do about that, you stupid bitch. Sorry Ted, I care about your Dad, deeply.
ted maul
from teds ears on 2001-10-08 16:28 [#00039489]

ha ha my dad died last year. thanks sheryl. i still think brittney is a waste of space. peace.
from California, USA on 2001-10-08 16:42 [#00039493]

Nope, shes not dead. This is some horseshit that was made up like months ago.
from planet claire on 2001-10-08 20:25 [#00039533]

they wouldn't say "died to wpounds from a cars accident." they never really use the word "wounds" in pappers.....
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