from planet claire on 2001-10-06 20:08 [#00039225]

ok, yous guys, time to help me cheer up. i want some SERIOUS ideas on waht i should do to make my sorry ass feel better.. what do you guys do? read? movies? what! help me out, i am dying here.
from Birmingham, UK on 2001-10-06 21:34 [#00039230]

go see Amilie at the cinema, i've heard its a really good uplifting film.
anyone seen Band of brothers, i thought it was pretty good... no doubt the BBC put it on BBC2 so it didnt show up their own shitty progs.
from NY on 2001-10-06 22:08 [#00039232]

I broke my ankle yesterday..it hurts so fucking much, what should I do?
from Orange County, CA, USA on 2001-10-06 22:46 [#00039234]

Solution to everyones problems:
Get laid
works for me
from UK on 2001-10-06 23:09 [#00039239]

thanksomuch: Cheer up buddy. You're not alone. My fiance left me last weekend.
I say go out with your mates plenty and have a laugh.
from the deepest mines on 2001-10-06 23:11 [#00039242]

thanksomuch, welcome to the club... time with friends, a couple drinks -- these are only temporary though. got any hobbies, or anything? for me making music can be a release.
from my room on 2001-10-07 00:12 [#00039243]

carve the alphabet in your forehead...
Barrett, Syd
from T Dot on 2001-10-07 00:18 [#00039244]

Go out and see Training Day.
from planet claire on 2001-10-07 01:07 [#00039245]

*sigh* i would go out with my friends if i had money, you see, that seems to be the root of my problem. i work at a hotel, and i am schedualed as needed. since the world trade center dealy, there has not been much buissness... so i haven't been making much money... ahh, i am behind on my phone bill, i live four hours by drive from my BF, i have $200 to my name and that is it, i owe something like $289 to my credit card...... oh, and i watched the virgin suicides. i thought it was going to be a chick flick.... i was wrong (in a good way)..... arg.... and i am all out of booze, and i don't want to drive my car because i have a slow leak in one of the tires and it is really really low.. i don't have any money to get a new tire, so i have to keep filling it..... bah.....
from the deepest mines on 2001-10-07 01:51 [#00039249]

i have no money either. no job, it sucks... damn slow economy. all my friends were let go from their jobs, just living on their savings for the time being. we find things to do sometimes, but it has been just slow going for the last 6 months or so... do you live in a big city? if so there has to be "cheap" things to do, that you can walk to or something.
for a while to help my depression, i just worked on lucid dreaming (though i only had a couple lucid dreams). its fun just keeping a dream journal and such -- even if you dont lucid dream after a while dreams become more vivid and you can remember them clearly. no money sucks.
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-10-07 02:46 [#00039254]

whenever i realize how much i hate my job, i watch "office space." it usually works, but i don't know about lately. work sucks now. hope this helps in the littlist bit.
from the great below on 2001-10-07 04:41 [#00039263]

i used to be really sad alot. now i just repress it and go out and dance and that way i can enjoy the rest of my youth. that way when i'm old and and staring out the window, i'll think back and be like "yo i had a cool life". my grandparents always talk about how they were married and raising kids and aying bills and shit by my age. they had no fun.
i have fun when i want to.
from somewhere in the world on 2001-10-07 04:47 [#00039264]

oh and listen to nin and make really phat paintings and drawings and sculptures and shit then destroy them in equaly creative ways. then go to a rave and slice your glowsticks so they leek. then get glow stick juice all over some kid that's rolling. that's what used to cheer me up, before i realized sadness was for suckers.
um, the fu-schnickens are the super. schnickens are the super. whooa whoa, whowhowhoa yeah. come see come follow meee-e-e-ee.
from somewhere in the world on 2001-10-07 04:49 [#00039265]

ppss:: moneys bs. the best two weeks of my life were spent homeless on the beach in s. florida. wearing the same clothes and stealing food from the grocery store. really.
from a warm comfortable apartment that my uncle pays for on 2001-10-07 05:35 [#00039287]

i totally agree. i've been homeless up in nj for a night and i have spent the night sleeping in a park in ny once cause i got stranded and that shit really sucks.
fla's warm and sunny and my girlfriend (who is awesome) lives five minutes from the beach and sleeping on sand under the stars was really peaceful.
i'd never be homeless again, it just seemed living that way at that time was better than living under the control of someone who didnt know what the fuck they were talking about (i was 16 living with my 70 year old grandmother).
i know a whole crew of squatters from ny and it seems alot of them could live indoors and live 'regular' but they decide not to. i wonder how many will keep it up through the winter.
from UK on 2001-10-07 15:03 [#00039330]

I feel i've had a privalidged lifestyle (evem though i'm only 16) and had the money to do what i want. But i always feel depressed and stricken with angsity (and bad spelling). I slept rough for one night though, but i didn't really know much because i was totally outta my head.
The best thing to do to stop me from killing myself is to kill other people. online, natch.
The Milky Bar Kid
on 2001-10-07 15:47 [#00039333]

I sleep in my garden alot, and other peoples gardens. I would never sleep on a bench though, people shit on benches, if you go pass a bench early in the morning there's normally human shit sitting atop.
from planet claire on 2001-10-08 20:22 [#00039532]

well.... i live in miami, and walking about is not my idea of fun, not only is it terribly hot, but there are a lot of agressive bums, and muggers... i think to day i will just watch some boob tube and think happy thoughts if that is at all possible. later i think a freind is taking me out for cocktails (yum)... but for now, i miss my fambly (they are in russia).... i miss my cat (also in russia)..... i miss forests (fresh air, animals, you know that sort of hippy crap).... i miss my highschool (of all the god fersaken hell holes, why do i miss that place??)......
well, thank you for the ideas fellas... oh, and if any of you are interested, and i dought it, i am working on a site witha friend of mine.... you guys probably would not like it, but here is it's addy:
let me know what you think? bare in mind, it is not complete. thanksoverymuch
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-10-08 20:40 [#00039536]

hello peoples here is something for all of the depressed folk!
spaced penguin rules the galaxy etc etc and so on?? any feed back would be nice!
on 2001-10-08 22:40 [#00039543]

Try swallowing whole ice cubes... it feels weird when they go down, but don't worry they melt in there. Make your goal to swallow the biggest one you can. Or gather the courage to play just one single game of russian roullette, just so you can either know you could have died once, ... or actually be dead... Or read the encyclopedias, or just get another job like I seem to do every 5 months....
on 2001-10-08 23:06 [#00039545]

immortalgeisha- That poor person was born with no body!? She's only a face? How does she eat or move around?
penguin thing- I nice game with no goal to achieve (that I could find anyway.) How do you win?
on 2001-10-09 08:09 [#00039580]

i don't think anyone else has mentioned this yet. i suggest you get high. alcohol can be very depressing, but some other high could help temporarily. whether you do that or not, you should definitely listen to some music. for depression i suggest early on korn, portishead, or deftones. personally, korn's first album has helped me through lots of depression.
Smooth Shyster
from Part 1. on 2001-10-09 08:17 [#00039581]

Corey Feldman's film Rock 'N' Roll Highschool got me through all the tough times.
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-10-09 08:39 [#00039582]

indeed how do you win??
from Durham,NH USA on 2001-10-09 09:52 [#00039601]

Blasting off a few rounds from a nice big gun can be a fun way to vent. Watch the Three Stooges, TV Funhouse, JackAss, The Simpsons or listen to Howard Stern. Slowly address each problem one by one because they won't go away on their own unfortunately.
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-09 10:02 [#00039604]

Making pictures is a fun way to not be sad i find.
It can be as cheap as you want it to be, look for rubbish in bins to make funny sculptures
go to rubbish dumps, me and my friends found a stuffed stoat near the local rubbish dump, we attempted to sell it at a local antique shop, but it had leg damage and they refused to purchase the item
from planet claire on 2001-10-10 08:07 [#00039888]

wizard's teeth, i have taken up melting candles and just making a big ball of wax out of them. i have stuck shit in it, like seom tofu, a bottle cap, matches, that sort of thing... it was orginally just going to be a samll ball of wax witch i was going to through at the unsuspecting drug dealers that hang around the corner of the street at 2am, but it just kept growing... maybe that is not heathly?
M..... try to make sence.... what???
on 2001-10-10 17:03 [#00040019]

I don't know, I didn't understand it either... I actually typed random letters, but they just happened to form words, ones that didn't make sense together though. I'm typing random letters here too, I'll see how it turns out when I post it.
from plastic box on 2001-10-10 18:33 [#00040043]

make music and watch...clock work ornge....
from the sea on 2001-10-10 19:03 [#00040045]

oh, well that explains it. move out of s. florida. everyone down there's sad. that place sucks.
- if this is not an option, i suggest getting in touch with the local jungle/ drum n bass scene down there. those kids were fun.
on 2001-10-10 19:07 [#00040046]

Pretend your name is Keith.
from Ardmore on 2001-10-10 20:57 [#00040123]

eat out some chicks pussy
DJ warpweirdo
from gillingham kent on 2001-10-10 21:01 [#00040126]

from California, USA on 2001-10-10 21:02 [#00040127]

Anyone for some fish tacos?
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-10 21:43 [#00040142]

i will send you an email to cheer you up. i have to make up a quick picture to accompany it first though.
unluky fuker
from fuk off on 2001-10-11 03:35 [#00040178]

the future looks black for me. I think its the ganja, anyone else havin trouble with ganja?
from planet claire on 2001-10-14 04:19 [#00040919]

thanks hev.
for the rest of you muff divers, i prefer dick. thank you.
i would REALLY like to move from FL all together... this place is hell.......
from planet claire on 2001-10-14 04:20 [#00040920]

where's my email hev? is that what i get for thanking before checking???? *phoo*
from a hawks colon on 2001-10-14 06:21 [#00040931]

the email. yes. a picture was to accompany it, but unfortunately, the picture is too large. if you have another email address that will accept it, i will send it to you. other than that, cheer up!
on 2001-10-14 08:59 [#00040944]

thanksomuch are you m/f?
from Newfoundland on 2001-10-14 09:08 [#00040945]

ganja makes me focus on now, not yesterday, not tommorrow, so i'm happy. But later on i start analysing my life and my faults, and it builds up way too much so i just go to sleep, and wake up all messed in the head. Well it doesnt help that i sleep like 4 hours a day. Lol i'm quite messed up!
from bf\\\'s computer on 2001-10-15 05:49 [#00041211]

nytho, female.
1010, sorry mate, i don't do drugs any more.... my life is... better with out them, i have found. but that is just me....
from bf's computer on 2001-10-15 05:50 [#00041212]

hev, all i have is an MSN email, and a hotmail, and i dought you can send it via hotmail. do you have ICQ?
on 2001-10-15 05:53 [#00041215]

thanksomuch, i think you're cool ; )
we should hook up sometime
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