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offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-23 20:09 [#00612519]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular | Followup to afxNUMB: #00612516

heheh - i used it too :P


offline afxNUMB from So.Flo on 2003-03-23 20:15 [#00612527]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular | Followup to corticalstim: #00612519

so what you think youre better then me??? ya fuck--I bet I
can ----- I bet I can do something else better than you
alright, alright!


offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-23 20:19 [#00612539]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular | Followup to afxNUMB: #00612527

what would that be?


offline afxNUMB from So.Flo on 2003-03-23 20:22 [#00612542]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular | Followup to corticalstim: #00612539

ooooooooo I dont know

Ya know i was just looking at the polls and I saw one that
was if we are against this war and 63% said "no blood for
oil" you 63% are asshole for thinking this war is based on

but then again half of you are from the other side so it
would seem like you would think that but I'm telling you its
not. ITS NOT!


offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-23 20:25 [#00612547]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular

im canadian - im actually for the war - if saddam isnt taken
down now - he will kill us all


offline afxNUMB from So.Flo on 2003-03-23 20:34 [#00612564]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular | Followup to corticalstim: #00612547

thats how I feel =)


offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-23 20:37 [#00612572]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular | Followup to afxNUMB: #00612564

did you hear about the large chemical weapons manufacturing
facility that the US captured today? it was disguised from
satellites - who woulda guessed ;)


offline afxNUMB from So.Flo on 2003-03-23 20:43 [#00612587]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular

no shit...I didnt know that


offline afxNUMB from So.Flo on 2003-03-23 20:44 [#00612588]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular

i hate going through such a mission to come here grrr


offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-23 20:48 [#00612595]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular



offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-23 20:49 [#00612600]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular

hey - i just realized somethign - all we are doing is
talking - heres my email -



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