Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-10-03 08:02 [#00038676]

I need more fucking Trip hop I love Thievery Corporation,Massive Attack,Kruder & Dorfmeister,Tricky ,Bjork I just need some new stuff any sugestions ?P.S LOOK OUT FOR THE EYED MONKEY !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
re di vider
on 2001-10-03 08:27 [#00038701]

i prefer blip-hop. autechre!!!
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-10-03 08:35 [#00038706]

Hmmmmm Moloko is the only one I havent heard before I'll give em a shot thanks THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
and what if i am a bitch?
on 2001-10-03 10:19 [#00038778]

first you fuck faced cuntboy - get it straight in your head what trip hop is.
then try getting lots of early releases from mo'wax and ninja tune.
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-10-03 10:22 [#00038780]

I got tons of coldcut and many others off ninja tune good stuff!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-10-03 10:23 [#00038781]

And next time you talk to the Baron like that I will cut your balls off!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
and what if i am a bitch?
on 2001-10-03 10:45 [#00038784]

moloko is not trip hop. bjork is not trip hop. sort yourselves out please. and i'll talk to whoever however i want.
and reflex, fuck you you canadian cunt.
on 2001-10-03 10:49 [#00038786]

great come back reflex. can i suck your cock?
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-03 11:03 [#00038788]

I dunno if they are classed as trip hop, but listen to team dyobi they are bwilliantiees
i think they are on the skam label
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-10-03 12:18 [#00038801]

Teeth you always come through for me mate thanks THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
on 2001-10-03 12:26 [#00038803]

how has he 'come through', you asked for trip hop, and then wizard suggests something that is not trip hop - and then you thank him.
the baron may have spoken - but the barons speaks shite.
on 2001-10-03 12:33 [#00038805]

yes very good reflex. i understand that you are a fucking prick.
from UK on 2001-10-03 12:34 [#00038806]

mmm.... milk and cheese..... :P
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-10-03 12:42 [#00038811]

Doofus you are a very sad boy why don't we dance like we did before ?????The bucket is waiting !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
from UK on 2001-10-03 12:42 [#00038812]

I love milk and cheese, own many Platipi and use the queens handshake but... I'm not tooled up on squirrel martial arts.
How many Ninjitsu styles can the squirrels claim to be thier own and are there seperate schools for red/grey/flying ones or is it mostly multiracial?
on 2001-10-03 12:45 [#00038814]

my understanding has grown.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-10-03 12:47 [#00038817]

Chrispy , come give me a hug and I will teach you all about my toenails and why they tell me to kill!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
fluffy bunny
from mm on 2001-10-03 14:47 [#00038845]

has this topic not been covered not too recently ago .. I shall see if i can resurrect it .. it should have all the possible bands/artists you may want to investigate ..
Terranova !
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-10-03 16:25 [#00038864]

I wasnt really digging on Terranova thanks though THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!DAMN KIDS STOP EATTING MY CANDY BARS
\/\/ooƒer_Attack¹ ² ³
from Milan on 2001-10-04 13:48 [#00038896]

Baron V: I like Trip Pop and similiars, too. I suggest to you Hooverphonic, Terranova, Mandalaya, Eclecticbob (www.eclecticbob.com, you can download the album, it's free), Goldfrapp (it is a little bit boring...)
You can try to listen the compilations Cafè del Mar Series (1 to 8), too. It's a mix of Lounge, Chill-Out, Trip Pop, etc...
Make me know if you like these bands.
\/\/ooƒer_Attack¹ ² ³
from Milan on 2001-10-04 13:53 [#00038897]

Baron V: Do you know the project "Tosca" from Kruder & Dorfmeister? It's very interesting and I like it.
Tell me something more about Thievery Corporation, what kind of sound they play?
from europe on 2001-10-04 15:40 [#00038907]

what's trip hop? (no rethorical question at all) i always have my problems with this labeling. Someone said trip hop would be singing and heavy rythms. another said dj shadow is trip hop, whereas somewhere i read that dj shadow is...hip hop (i was like 'huh, dj shadow is hip hop?' (and by the way i love dj shadow's endtroducing). and then thievery corporation is mentioned... it has no heavy rythms and it has no connection to dj shadow at all. so what is trip hop, really?
a friend of mine gave me thievery corporation's mirror conspiracy. well, she has taste, and so the album was nice, perfect as ambient music for a stylish dinner with a girl and red wine, it was kind of relaxing background music. a kind of music to which you should not listen to closely, but which creates a nice atmosphere. i liked the use of the sitar in one song.
from europe on 2001-10-04 15:42 [#00038908]

björk is trip hop, too? hmm...
from europe on 2001-10-04 15:44 [#00038909]

I guess I have to listen to Kruder & Dorfmeister and Portishead... :°)
and what if i am a bitch?
on 2001-10-04 15:44 [#00038910]

no she isn't - infact i don't think it would be right to categorise her at all, as she intergrates all kinds of styles.
please see the other trip hop post.
and what if i am a bitch?
on 2001-10-04 15:48 [#00038912]

i was on about bjork before (just incase that isn't clear). kruder & dorfmeister aren't trip hop either - more chilled breakbeats, and please boys and girls, portishead aren't trip hop either, portishead are just portishead, because no one can touch or recreate thier style.
from europe on 2001-10-04 15:49 [#00038913]

thanks, 'i don't think that you are a bitch'.
isn't it really impossible to label the best artists at all? the ones with the most personal styles? like aphex, björk and others? it's a bit like in film and the other visual arts.
and what if i am a bitch?
on 2001-10-04 15:49 [#00038914]

for trip hop - please do have a listen to dj krush, early dj food, dj cam, funkiporcini, and any early mo'wax releases.
from europe on 2001-10-04 15:53 [#00038915]

yes, now i read your comments. i agree with björk...
from europe on 2001-10-04 15:54 [#00038917]

ok, thanks for the recommendations... :°) ... will listen to them.
from UK on 2001-10-04 22:15 [#00038976]

Gotta agree with 'and what if i am a bitch', Ninja Tune and Mo'Wax is where it's at! Try Amon Tobin, yeah yeah! I know he isn't trip hop but he's fucking awesome!! That toooo american??? =)
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-10-05 03:20 [#00039006]

Thanks for the suggestions I'll check those tunes out! Woofer Thevery Corpation is really chilled beats with a dubby feel to it good stuff !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
fluffy bunny
from mm on 2001-10-06 03:26 [#00039172]

basically an american rip-off of KnD ...
but hey .. - they actually MAKE more music than KnD so .. . .. . . . . . :. . .. : .; .
ted maul
from maul on 2001-10-06 04:35 [#00039182]

the bird from moloko has been round my house. shes a cheeky monkey. But dont even mention moloko in the same breath as massive attack! f**k trip-hop whatever that is; listen to massive attack:blue lines ;yeah best damn album ever 'part from RDJ him good self. peace.
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