Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 01:58 [#00038542]

where can i get more songs?
on 2001-10-03 02:11 [#00038545]

my dad owns a cassette, i think there's some songs on that
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 02:25 [#00038562]

hook a brother up!
plastic raver
on 2001-10-03 02:28 [#00038566]

my dad likes mandolin music.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 02:39 [#00038574]

my step dad has a million country-rock records
on 2001-10-03 08:08 [#00038683]

Well I'm glad you like them enough to want more, I upload them every once in awhile. I have a lot of .it files, many are remixes of eachother, I mostly only upload the most interesting ones to mp3.com/artificialselection. Any in particular that interested you? I'm kind of focusing on more complex melodies like "unfinished nintendo victory mix" now. (still can't put my finger on the creation process of www.mp3.com/imaginary though) I have a station with some weird and good music: www.mp3.com/stations/thisisthetitleofthisstation
I also recommend Crunch's "1" from forcedexposure.com I think you said you're still trying to figure out your software or something?
re d ivider
on 2001-10-03 08:13 [#00038687]

hey )WmWWww...wMw...wwWWmW( - are you on icq? i'd love to get some tracks off that crunch album if at all possible.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 08:40 [#00038711]

m, i love all of the artificial selection. i am very serious when i say that i have been looking for it for a very long time. it is the best music i have ever heard! i downloaded everything from the link to mp3.com that you posted. if i had money or a credit card i would buy it from you. anyways i LOVE your music! you HAVE to email me when you post more!
oh yeah, if any of this did not make sense, its becuase i am drunk.
re di vider
on 2001-10-03 08:41 [#00038712]

heh you're not the only one... (hiccup)
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 08:42 [#00038713]

right on brotha!
red iv ider
on 2001-10-03 08:42 [#00038714]

so what you sippin on?
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 08:44 [#00038715]

canada coolers, tropikiwi. my girlfriend left them so i decided i should drink them.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 08:44 [#00038716]

they taste like candy!
re divid er
on 2001-10-03 08:46 [#00038717]

ah you're lucky. i'm stuck with cheap-ass vodka and juicy-juice. ah well it duz the trick so who cares, right?
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 08:48 [#00038718]

damn strait! i am glad i am not the only one drinking on the message board. i wish i had beer though.... sigh....mmmmmmm.... beer
on 2001-10-03 08:48 [#00038719]

I hear people talk about ICQ, but frankly don't even know what it is, heh heh. I don't have any mp3's of it, just the cd itself... when, if, you get it, don't be put off (after the brilliant starting track) from the 2nd through about 4th tracks, they are good but sort of confieldishly good, whereas the better stuff is all the rest (15 total tracks) It's all electronic of autechre quality, the only "vocals" are the very last song, where someone says "crunchy, crunchy, cruuuuuunnnnchy, etc." in a voice that sounds... really crunchy. The sounds are often wickedly thought out, in one song these weird rice krispy popping noises happen all weird in each ear, in another he uses potatoe chip crunch sounds or something. In a few the sound evolves to new sound in such an interesting way to make it seem it's changing shape or color... I'm not sure if I like it more than autechre's lp5 or ep7, but it definately is composed with similar attention to detail, maybe more playful, and is definately one of my favorite albums now.
mary ashley olsen
on 2001-10-03 08:48 [#00038720]

your penis smells like fish..
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 08:50 [#00038721]

whose is artificial selection and where can i find out more about them.
on 2001-10-03 08:52 [#00038722]

The best music you've heard?? I'm flattered!.... you must be drunk or something, heh heh.
re d ivider
on 2001-10-03 08:55 [#00038723]

ah shit i just emailed you asking you if you had a client we could share music with...
so what do you think about confield? i was like fucking HARDCORE into ep7, and i think confield is utter genius but i burned myself out on it way too quickly. also, some of the songs don't strike my fancy, like sim gishel for instance. in a way, it's like i can respect the music on confield more than i can actually get into and exist in the music. sort of like i view the music from above and observe it, and that's easier than letting myself be carried away by it.
ah i'm wasted who knows if what i just said made any sense
on 2001-10-03 08:55 [#00038724]

I'm the only member, I think it's better to have the whole construction coming from a single executive brain... plus I have no friends, heh heh.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 08:55 [#00038725]

so you are artificial selection, m? it not becuase i am drunk that i feel that your music is more than amazing. i said that much on some other thread awhile back.... cheap magnet started the thread i think.... anyways i love your music! artificial selection is my favorite artist ever! oh yeah, i love you, will you marry me... i have a cookie and you can have it.
r e divider
on 2001-10-03 08:56 [#00038726]

psssst - mmW..wmw(M)wmw..Wmm check the MU thread.
Bob Saget
on 2001-10-03 08:57 [#00038727]

I don't know if Mutant Death Penguin liking your music is a good thing.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 08:59 [#00038728]

i detested americas funniest home vidoes and full house. i hate you bob saget! you ruined my childhood! i want it back! i hope you get stuff and junk, maybe even things.
Bob Saget
on 2001-10-03 09:02 [#00038729]

I have a long slender penis.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 09:03 [#00038730]

don't flatter yourself
on 2001-10-03 09:05 [#00038731]

(I've given up memorizing track names, I just refer to them as "track 6" etc) I'm still in the process of getting into confield, autechre's music is such a complicated puzzle to figure out it takes a long while of repeated listens to even know if you like it. Some tracks don't really sound interesting or inspired to me (I still think "autechre (lp5)" is the best album I've ever heard) the first one is very interesting, but that melody over the top isn't QUITE as good as it could be, but the "percussion" is composed with tempo, volume, sound quality, everything is considered (I don't remember if panning was). I want to really get into panning, it's largely uncharted territory, a niche to fill (it is an interesting aspect that can be organized into patterns so why not). Track 6 is definately my favorite so far though, this song is crazy, it's so hypmnotic (I did not spell that right, I forgot how to even say it...) it's like swirling pulsing bee and scorpian stingers all stinging eachother, everything gets sucked down a spiral and goes shooting back up again, like the leaves in your pools filter net when the filter is on. I noticed a subtle thing on track 7, that the little cymbolish sound changes tempo to be divided into thirds into being divided into 1/2 units or something, which makes that whole track more interesting...
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 09:08 [#00038732]

you are amazing
my toast just popped
Bob Saget
on 2001-10-03 09:15 [#00038735]

stronger................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... My legs are getting ..
Bob Saget
on 2001-10-03 09:16 [#00038736]

That always annoys me, it needs to be fixed in V5
red iv ider
on 2001-10-03 09:17 [#00038738]

interesting, track 6 is my favorite as well... i don't know if you've ever heard of serialism (like schoenburg), but i sort of relate autechre's music to that. like in older music, the compositions were confined to particular scales (i.e. major and minor), and the emotional content existed in that context, but then the serialists came along and destroyed the scale confinement (at which point they thought they were the ultimate in musical freedom). they made compositions on chromatic scales, which are all-inclusive as far as traditional notes are concerned, so then the emotional content was expressed in that format. with newer electronic music, even the confinement to individual notes is destroyed, and the emotion and humanity is expressed rather through pure unrestricted sonic creation. spectacular, if you ask me.
but i also realize that some other revolution will inevitably occur, relegating sonic expression such as autechre to a form of confinement or restriction, and breaking through to another level of musical freedom.
on 2001-10-03 09:20 [#00038741]

Thanks for the cookie... you can have one of my patented marshmellows, I'm having one, just
thought I'd share (I'll use your cookie as a smore):
-------0 ffffffffffffff
Spastic Martin
on 2001-10-03 09:26 [#00038743]

yugfh;'fgh ;dfg;lk ddf;glfd';sl 'l;sdll; sd;' sdlf gl'dfsdfl sfd;';l dsf sdf;fdl;;' sdg ;a'sdg ; asf;' adfs;' l;a fas fad sdflgl ;'; gf;fsd''fh;dfh ';fdh;ldf; ;dfg ;; sgfsd;df;sdf;' 'd;ssdf; ;sdf'; ;;'sdf sdf' sdto erip trgfm,. o;rkel; sdl;d sgldslwepwr o[ rlwe' ;' ? TWE lgsdjfwe4tjiosdl ksdfljk;rk;as ldkas l dal;fl;dsew rker werl; klsdrflfk kerlkw;l klf;dlsd rew.r./,,/ .sdf.sd,as.,erw,.rw34ipo3 w3elm , dl fsk'elw;' lsd;'f;l l;askdl;a; sfkklds; sl;ksdfklafgk l;ewlrk;rewlskfl;sk eleflsd k;ldfasl;fklflas oeri kerl;wklfsdklf l; fdzl;sdfkltkewl;rl;erl;kdgfkdfllhkzl; zds skl;fdsz l;sdfklsdf klklsdfldsd kldf klfdsklkl eptwpr oldk; ask laaidsa lsdfk s;kl;frer;l 'dfl';lf;asdkl;awerkl; lfdm,sfadl;kd'asl; 'asld;'ld;as lreaw erlk';lasd;fl ;f; al' asfl ;sdlal;'asd ;l;sdal;dsa lsa'dl l;sal; l;';asdl;' fl;sal;ll; ewl;asl; dld welrl;sla;l;el;el;l;ala;sl; ral;'arla;'slfl; l;fl;'aafls;'';sdlrl;' l;erl;rls;l; srasl;'fl;' l;dl;asd as'r'l;rl;l;t';lasr ;l f;l'fl';lsfl;sfal;'sfl;fal;sfalasf;'fas' k asfl 'asf;l;f'alf asl;sfal;afsl;sl;l; dl;sdl;lll'd;sa;';'fsdl; l;fgl;a dgl;l; gdl;agdl;gladgl;';l'dg yugfh;'fgh ;dfg;lk ddf;glfd';sl 'l;sdll; sd;' sdlf gl'dfsdfl sfd;';l dsf sdf;fdl;;' sdg ;a'sdg ; asf;' adfs;' l;a fas fad sdflgl ;'; gf;fsd''fh;dfh ';fdh;ldf; ;dfg ;; sgfsd;df;sdf;' 'd;ssdf; ;sdf'; ;;'sdf sdf' sdto erip trgfm,. o;rkel; sdl;d sgldslwepwr o[ rlwe' ;' ? TWE lgsdjfwe4tjiosdl ksdfljk;rk;as ldkas l dal;fl;dsew rker werl; klsdrflfk kerlkw;l klf;dlsd rew.r./,,/ .sdf.sd,as.,erw,.rw34ipo3 w3elm , dl fsk'elw;' lsd;'f;l l;askdl;a; sfkklds; sl;ksdfklafgk l;ewlrk;rewlskfl;sk eleflsd k;ldfasl;fklflas oeri kerl;wklfsdklf l; fdzl;sdfkltkewl;rl;erl;kdgfkdfllhkzl; zds skl;fdsz l;sdfklsdf klklsdfldsd kldf klfdsklkl eptwpr oldk; ask laaidsa lsdfk s;kl;frer;l 'dfl';lf;asdkl;awerkl; lfdm,sfadl;kd'asl; 'asld;'ld;as lreaw erlk';lasd;fl ;f; al' asfl ;sdlal;'asd ;l;sdal;dsa lsa'dl l;sal; l;';asdl;' fl;sal;ll; ewl;asl; dld welrl;sla;l;el;el;l;ala;sl; ral;'arla;'slfl; l;fl;'aafls;'';sdlrl;' l;erl;rls;l; srasl;'fl;' l;dl;asd as'r'l;rl;l;t';lasr ;l f;l'fl';lsfl;sfal;'sfl;fal;sfalasf;'fas' k asfl 'asf;l;f'alf asl;sfal;afsl;sl;l; dl;sdl;lll'd;sa;';'fsdl; l;fgl;a dgl;l; gdl;agdl;gladgl;';l'dg yugfh;'fgh ;dfg;lk ddf;glfd';sl 'l;sdll; sd;' sdlf gl'dfsdfl sfd;';l dsf sdf;fdl;;' sdg ;a'sdg ; asf;' adfs;' l;a fas fad sdflgl ;'; gf;fsd''fh;dfh ';fdh;ldf; ;dfg ;; sgfsd;df;sdf;' 'd;ssdf; ;sdf'; ;;'sdf sdf' sdto erip trgfm,. o;rkel; sdl;d sgldslwepwr o[ rlwe' ;' ? TWE lgsdjfwe4tjiosdl ksdfljk;rk;as ldkas l dal;fl;dsew rker werl; klsdrflfk kerlkw;l klf;dlsd rew.r./,,/ .sdf.sd,as.,erw,.rw34ipo3 w3elm , dl fsk'elw;' lsd;'f;l l;askdl;a; sfkklds; sl;ksdfklafgk l;ewlrk;rewlskfl;sk eleflsd k;ldfasl;fklflas oeri kerl;wklfsdklf l; fdzl;sdfkltkewl;rl;erl;kdgfkdfllhkzl; zds skl;fdsz l;sdfklsdf klklsdfldsd kldf klfdsklkl eptwpr oldk; ask laaidsa lsdfk s;kl;frer;l 'dfl';lf;asdkl;awerkl; lfdm,sfadl;kd'asl; 'asld;'ld;as lreaw erlk';lasd;fl ;f; al' asfl ;sdlal;'asd ;l;sdal;dsa lsa'dl l;sal; l;';asdl;' fl;sal;ll; ewl;asl; dld welrl;sla;l;el;el;l;ala;sl; ral;'arla;'slfl; l;fl;'aafls;'';sdlrl;' l;erl;rls;l; srasl;'fl;' l;dl;asd as'r'l;rl;l;t';lasr ;l f;l'fl';lsfl;sfal;'sfl;fal;sfalasf;'fas' k asfl 'asf;l;f'alf asl;sfal;afsl;sl;l; dl;sdl;lll'd;sa;';'fsdl; l;fgl;a dgl;l; gdl;agdl;gladgl;';l'dg yugfh;'fgh ;dfg;lk ddf;glfd';sl 'l;sdll; sd;' sdlf gl'dfsdfl sfd;';l dsf sdf;fdl;;' sdg ;a'sdg ; asf;' adfs;' l;a fas fad sdflgl ;'; gf;fsd''fh;dfh ';fdh;ldf; ;dfg ;; sgfsd;df;sdf;' 'd;ssdf; ;sdf'; ;;'sdf sdf' sdto erip trgfm,. o;rkel; sdl;d sgldslwepwr o[ rlwe' ;' ? TWE lgsdjfwe4tjiosdl ksdfljk;rk;as ldkas l dal;fl;dsew rker werl; klsdrflfk kerlkw;l klf;dlsd rew.r./,,/ .sdf.sd,as.,erw,.rw34ipo3 w3elm , dl fsk'elw;' lsd;'f;l l;askdl;a; sfkklds; sl;ksdfklafgk l;ewlrk;rewlskfl;sk eleflsd k;ldfasl;fklflas oeri kerl;wklfsdklf l; fdzl;sdfkltkewl;rl;erl;kdgfkdfllhkzl; zds skl;fdsz l;sdfklsdf klklsdfldsd kldf klfdsklkl eptwpr oldk; ask laaidsa lsdfk s;kl;frer;l 'dfl';lf;asdkl;awerkl; lfdm,sfadl;kd'asl; 'asld;'ld;as lreaw erlk';lasd;fl ;f; al' asfl ;sdlal;'asd ;l;sdal;dsa lsa'dl l;sal; l;';asdl;' fl;sal;ll; ewl;asl; dld welrl;sla;l;el;el;l;ala;sl; ral;'arla;'slfl; l;fl;'aafls;'';sdlrl;' l;erl;rls;l; srasl;'fl;' l;dl;asd as'r'l;rl;l;t';lasr ;l f;l'fl';lsfl;sfal;'sfl;fal;sfalasf;'fas' k asfl 'asf;l;f'alf asl;sfal;afsl;sl;l; dl;sdl;lll'd;sa;';'fsdl; l;fgl;a dgl;l; gdl;agdl;gladgl;';l'dg
Spastic Martin
on 2001-10-03 09:27 [#00038745]

Sorry, that was an accident, I meant to say df dfa efdsasdf fdsd sdf f fdsvyugfh;'fgh ;dfg;lk ddf;glfd';sl 'l;sdll; sd;' sdlf gl'dfsdfl sfd;';l dsf sdf;fdl;;' sdg ;a'sdg ; asf;' adfs;' l;a fas fad sdflgl ;'; gf;fsd''fh;dfh ';fdh;ldf; ;dfg ;; sgfsd;df;sdf;' 'd;ssdf; ;sdf'; ;;'sdf sdf' sdto erip trgfm,. o;rkel; sdl;d sgldslwepwr o[ rlwe' ;' ? TWE lgsdjfwe4tjiosdl ksdfljk;rk;as ldkas l dal;fl;dsew rker werl; klsdrflfk kerlkw;l klf;dlsd rew.r./,,/ .sdf.sd,as.,erw,.rw34ipo3 w3elm , dl fsk'elw;' lsd;'f;l l;askdl;a; sfkklds; sl;ksdfklafgk l;ewlrk;rewlskfl;sk eleflsd k;ldfasl;fklflas oeri kerl;wklfsdklf l; fdzl;sdfkltkewl;rl;erl;kdgfkdfllhkzl; zds skl;fdsz l;sdfklsdf klklsdfldsd kldf klfdsklkl eptwpr oldk; ask laaidsa lsdfk s;kl;frer;l 'dfl';lf;asdkl;awerkl; lfdm,sfadl;kd'asl; 'asld;'ld;as lreaw erlk';lasd;fl ;f; al' asfl ;sdlal;'asd ;l;sdal;dsa lsa'dl l;sal; l;';asdl;' fl;sal;ll; ewl;asl; dld welrl;sla;l;el;el;l;ala;sl; ral;'arla;'slfl; l;fl;'aafls;'';sdlrl;' l;erl;rls;l; srasl;'fl;' l;dl;asd as'r'l;rl;l;t';lasr ;l f;l'fl';lsfl;sfal;'sfl;fal;sfalasf;'fas' k asfl 'asf;l;f'alf asl;sfal;afsl;sl;l; dl;sdl;lll'd;sa;';'fsdl; l;fgl;a dgl;l; gdl;agdl;gladgl;';l'dgyugfh;'fgh ;dfg;lk ddf;glfd';sl 'l;sdll; sd;' sdlf gl'dfsdfl sfd;';l dsf sdf;fdl;;' sdg ;a'sdg ; asf;' adfs;' l;a fas fad sdflgl ;'; gf;fsd''fh;dfh ';fdh;ldf; ;dfg ;; sgfsd;df;sdf;' 'd;ssdf; ;sdf'; ;;'sdf sdf' sdto erip trgfm,. o;rkel; sdl;d sgldslwepwr o[ rlwe' ;' ? TWE lgsdjfwe4tjiosdl ksdfljk;rk;as ldkas l dal;fl;dsew rker werl; klsdrflfk kerlkw;l klf;dlsd rew.r./,,/ .sdf.sd,as.,erw,.rw34ipo3 w3elm , dl fsk'elw;' lsd;'f;l l;askdl;a; sfkklds; sl;ksdfklafgk l;ewlrk;rewlskfl;sk eleflsd k;ldfasl;fklflas oeri kerl;wklfsdklf l; fdzl;sdfkltkewl;rl;erl;kdgfkdfllhkzl; zds skl;fdsz l;sdfklsdf klklsdfldsd kldf klfdsklkl eptwpr oldk; ask laaidsa lsdfk s;kl;frer;l 'dfl';lf;asdkl;awerkl; lfdm,sfadl;kd'asl; 'asld;'ld;as lreaw erlk';lasd;fl ;f; al' asfl ;sdlal;'asd ;l;sdal;dsa lsa'dl l;sal; l;';asdl;' fl;sal;ll; ewl;asl; dld welrl;sla;l;el;el;l;ala;sl; ral;'arla;'slfl; l;fl;'aafls;'';sdlrl;' l;erl;rls;l; srasl;'fl;' l;dl;asd as'r'l;rl;l;t';lasr ;l f;l'fl';lsfl;sfal;'sfl;fal;sfalasf;'fas' k asfl 'asf;l;f'alf asl;sfal;afsl;sl;l; dl;sdl;lll'd;sa;';'fsdl; l;fgl;a dgl;l; gdl;agdl;gladgl;';l'dgd erw kljtsjfgkl sdjklfjkl jklsdgjk jksdfjklsdfjl klyugfh;'fgh ;dfg;lk ddf;glfd';sl 'l;sdll; sd;' sdlf gl'dfsdfl sfd;';l dsf sdf;fdl;;' sdg ;a'sdg ; asf;' adfs;' l;a fas fad sdflgl ;'; gf;fsd''fh;dfh ';fdh;ldf; ;dfg ;; sgfsd;df;sdf;' 'd;ssdf; ;sdf'; ;;'sdf sdf' sdto erip trgfm,. o;rkel; sdl;d sgldslwepwr o[ rlwe' ;' ? TWE lgsdjfwe4tjiosdl ksdfljk;rk;as ldkas l dal;fl;dsew rker werl; klsdrflfk kerlkw;l klf;dlsd rew.r./,,/ .sdf.sd,as.,erw,.rw34ipo3 w3elm , dl fsk'elw;' lsd;'f;l l;askdl;a; sfkklds; sl;ksdfklafgk l;ewlrk;rewlskfl;sk eleflsd k;ldfasl;fklflas oeri kerl;wklfsdklf l; fdzl;sdfkltkewl;rl;erl;kdgfkdfllhkzl; zds skl;fdsz l;sdfklsdf klklsdfldsd kldf klfdsklkl eptwpr oldk; ask laaidsa lsdfk s;kl;frer;l 'dfl';lf;asdkl;awerkl; lfdm,sfadl;kd'asl; 'asld;'ld;as lreaw erlk';lasd;fl ;f; al' asfl ;sdlal;'asd ;l;sdal;dsa lsa'dl l;sal; l;';asdl;' fl;sal;ll; ewl;asl; dld welrl;sla;l;el;el;l;ala;sl; ral;'arla;'slfl; l;fl;'aafls;'';sdlrl;' l;erl;rls;l; srasl;'fl;' l;dl;asd as'r'l;rl;l;t';lasr ;l f;l'fl';lsfl;sfal;'sfl;fal;sfalasf;'fas' k asfl 'asf;l;f'alf asl;sfal;afsl;sl;l; dl;sdl;lll'd;sa;';'fsdl; l;fgl;a dgl;l; gdl;agdl;gladgl;';l'dgvyugfh;'fgh ;dfg;lk ddf;glfd';sl 'l;sdll; sd;' sdlf gl'dfsdfl sfd;';l dsf sdf;fdl;;' sdg ;a'sdg ; asf;' adfs;' l;a fas fad sdflgl ;'; gf;fsd''fh;dfh ';fdh;ldf; ;dfg ;; sgfsd;df;sdf;' 'd;ssdf; ;sdf'; ;;'sdf sdf' sdto erip trgfm,. o;rkel; sdl;d sgldslwepwr o[ rlwe' ;' ? TWE lgsdjfwe4tjiosdl ksdfljk;rk;as ldkas l dal;fl;dsew rker werl; klsdrflfk kerlkw;l klf;dlsd rew.r./,,/ .sdf.sd,as.,erw,.rw34ipo3 w3elm , dl fsk'elw;' lsd;'f;l l;askdl;a; sfkklds; sl;ksdfklafgk l;ewlrk;rewlskfl;sk eleflsd k;ldfasl;fklflas oeri kerl;wklfsdklf l; fdzl;sdfkltkewl;rl;erl;kdgfkdfllhkzl; zds skl;fdsz l;sdfklsdf klklsdfldsd kldf klfdsklkl eptwpr oldk; ask laaidsa lsdfk s;kl;frer;l 'dfl';lf;asdkl;awerkl; lfdm,sfadl;kd'asl; 'asld;'ld;as lreaw erlk';lasd;fl ;f; al' asfl ;sdlal;'asd ;l;sdal;dsa lsa'dl l;sal; l;';asdl;' fl;sal;ll; ewl;asl; dld welrl;sla;l;el;el;l;ala;sl; ral;'arla;'slfl; l;fl;'aafls;'';sdlrl;' l;erl;rls;l; srasl;'fl;' l;dl;asd as'r'l;rl;l;t';lasr ;l f;l'fl';lsfl;sfal;'sfl;fal;sfalasf;'fas' k asfl 'asf;l;f'alf asl;sfal;afsl;sl;l; dl;sdl;lll'd;sa;';'fsdl; l;fgl;a dgl;l; gdl;agdl;gladgl;';l'dgyugfh;'fgh ;dfg;lk ddf;glfd';sl 'l;sdll; sd;' sdlf gl'dfsdfl sfd;';l dsf sdf;fdl;;' sdg ;a'sdg ; asf;' adfs;' l;a fas fad sdflgl ;'; gf;fsd''fh;dfh ';fdh;ldf; ;dfg ;; sgfsd;df;sdf;' 'd;ssdf; ;sdf'; ;;'sdf sdf' sdto erip trgfm,. o;rkel; sdl;d sgldslwepwr o[ rlwe' ;' ? TWE lgsdjfwe4tjiosdl ksdfljk;rk;as ldkas l dal;fl;dsew rker werl; klsdrflfk kerlkw;l klf;dlsd rew.r./,,/ .sdf.sd,as.,erw,.rw34ipo3 w3elm , dl fsk'elw;' lsd;'f;l l;askdl;a; sfkklds; sl;ksdfklafgk l;ewlrk;rewlskfl;sk eleflsd k;ldfasl;fklflas oeri kerl;wklfsdklf l; fdzl;sdfkltkewl;rl;erl;kdgfkdfllhkzl; zds skl;fdsz l;sdfklsdf klklsdfldsd kldf klfdsklkl eptwpr oldk; ask laaidsa lsdfk s;kl;frer;l 'dfl';lf;asdkl;awerkl; lfdm,sfadl;kd'asl; 'asld;'ld;as lreaw erlk';lasd;fl ;f; al' asfl ;sdlal;'asd ;l;sdal;dsa lsa'dl l;sal; l;';asdl;' fl;sal;ll; ewl;asl; dld welrl;sla;l;el;el;l;ala;sl; ral;'arla;'slfl; l;fl;'aafls;'';sdlrl;' l;erl;rls;l; srasl;'fl;' l;dl;asd as'r'l;rl;l;t';lasr ;l f;l'fl';lsfl;sfal;'sfl;fal;sfalasf;'fas' k asfl 'asf;l;f'alf asl;sfal;afsl;sl;l; dl;sdl;lll'd;sa;';'fsdl; l;fgl;a dgl;l; gdl;agdl;gladgl;';l'dgyugfh;'fgh ;dfg;lk ddf;glfd';sl 'l;sdll; sd;' sdlf gl'dfsdfl sfd;';l dsf sdf;fdl;;' sdg ;a'sdg ; asf;' adfs;' l;a fas fad sdflgl ;'; gf;fsd''fh;dfh ';fdh;ldf; ;dfg ;; sgfsd;df;sdf;' 'd;ssdf; ;sdf'; ;;'sdf sdf' sdto erip trgfm,. o;rkel; sdl;d sgldslwepwr o[ rlwe' ;' ? TWE lgsdjfwe4tjiosdl ksdfljk;rk;as ldkas l dal;fl;dsew rker werl; klsdrflfk kerlkw;l klf;dlsd rew.r./,,/ .sdf.sd,as.,erw,.rw34ipo3 w3elm , dl fsk'elw;' lsd;'f;l l;askdl;a; sfkklds; sl;ksdfklafgk l;ewlrk;rewlskfl;sk eleflsd k;ldfasl;fklflas oeri kerl;wklfsdklf l; fdzl;sdfkltkewl;rl;erl;kdgfkdfllhkzl; zds skl;fdsz l;sdfklsdf klklsdfldsd kldf klfdsklkl eptwpr oldk; ask laaidsa lsdfk s;kl;frer;l 'dfl';lf;asdkl;awerkl; lfdm,sfadl;kd'asl; 'asld;'ld;as lreaw erlk';lasd;fl ;f; al' asfl ;sdlal;'asd ;l;sdal;dsa lsa'dl l;sal; l;';asdl;' fl;sal;ll; ewl;asl; dld welrl;sla;l;el;el;l;ala;sl; ral;'arla;'slfl; l;fl;'aafls;'';sdlrl;' l;erl;rls;l; srasl;'fl;' l;dl;asd as'r'l;rl;l;t';lasr ;l f;l'fl';lsfl;sfal;'sfl;fal;sfalasf;'fas' k asfl 'asf;l;f'alf asl;sfal;afsl;sl;l; dl;sdl;lll'd;sa;';'fsdl; l;fgl;a dgl;l; gdl;agdl;gladgl;';l'dgyugfh;'fgh ;dfg;lk ddf;glfd';sl 'l;sdll; sd;' sdlf gl'dfsdfl sfd;';l dsf sdf;fdl;;' sdg ;a'sdg ; asf;' adfs;' l;a fas fad sdflgl ;'; gf;fsd''fh;dfh ';fdh;ldf; ;dfg ;; sgfsd;df;sdf;' 'd;ssdf; ;sdf'; ;;'sdf sdf' sdto erip trgfm,. o;rkel; sdl;d sgldslwepwr o[ rlwe' ;' ? TWE lgsdjfwe4tjiosdl ksdfljk;rk;as ldkas l dal;fl;dsew rker werl; klsdrflfk kerlkw;l klf;dlsd rew.r./,,/ .sdf.sd,as.,erw,.rw34ipo3 w3elm , dl fsk'elw;' lsd;'f;l l;askdl;a; sfkklds; sl;ksdfklafgk l;ewlrk;rewlskfl;sk eleflsd k;ldfasl;fklflas oeri kerl;wklfsdklf l; fdzl;sdfkltkewl;rl;erl;kdgfkdfllhkzl; zds skl;fdsz l;sdfklsdf klklsdfldsd kldf klfdsklkl eptwpr oldk; ask laaidsa lsdfk s;kl;frer;l 'dfl';lf;asdkl;awerkl; lfdm,sfadl;kd'asl; 'asld;'ld;as lreaw erlk';lasd;fl ;f; al' asfl ;sdlal;'asd ;l;sdal;dsa lsa'dl l;sal; l;';asdl;' fl;sal;ll; ewl;asl; dld welrl;sla;l;el;el;l;ala;sl; ral;'arla;'slfl; l;fl;'aafls;'';sdlrl;' l;erl;rls;l; srasl;'fl;' l;dl;asd as'r'l;rl;l;t';lasr ;l f;l'fl';lsfl;sfal;'sfl;fal;sfalasf;'fas' k asfl 'asf;l;f'alf asl;sfal;afsl;sl;l; dl;sdl;lll'd;sa;';'fsdl; l;fgl;a dgl;l; gdl;agdl;gladgl;';l'dgdfdf sdf
Spastic Martin
on 2001-10-03 09:28 [#00038746]

That really does look beautiful.
on 2001-10-03 09:40 [#00038756]

It's hard to imagine what could possibly be better than autechre's lp5. It would have to be an entire new system of music gear to beat that, like music that randomly evolves all by itself, different every time, based on "code" as you put it. Some very complicated software writing would have to be done, this stuff is beyond what is possible to be created by humans alone. They'd have to build basic rules for the software to follow then it just makes the music by itself. As far as pitch of notes goes, I don't really know too much about it. I have a keyboard and it's really helpful to easily realize concepts quickly without punching and searching for the right buttons in an un-music maker friendly keyboard. I also learned a lot from listening to the works of www.mp3.com/imaginary and www.mp3.com/tom7. I don't even know the purpose of the black keys as opposed to the white keys. In fact, the construction of the keyboard in this way is a barrier to me, making it a pain to go up say 3 keys easily without counting them slowly. I'm pretty sure people just decided on some sort of logical system to measure pitch, I'm pretty sure it's artificial, not natural. As long as you measure specified increments I suppose it will sound good when organized. I know the octaves, like a c-4 vs a c-5 "sound good" together, because they are exactly 2wice as slow as the other is.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 09:41 [#00038758]

how old are you m? you are like the smartest person i have ever heard
red iv ider
on 2001-10-03 09:45 [#00038761]

hee hee hah hah!!! don't you know? mwmWmwm and I have the exact same neural configuration!! muahahah!!!
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-03 09:47 [#00038764]

on 2001-10-03 09:52 [#00038769]

I'm 21... you should read dawking's "selfish gene" and see how smart he is. I started accumulating the stored knowledge of our species culture only because I wanted to be able to levitate objects with my mind, but I can't do it yet...
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