redi vi der
on 2001-10-03 01:23 [#00038513]

has anyone on this board read the book "Godel, Escher, Bach"? i just finished it and found it amazing, i think that )WmWWww...wMw...wwWWmW( - you would like it in particular.
on 2001-10-03 02:14 [#00038548]

what is it about?
red iv ider
on 2001-10-03 03:20 [#00038601]

ahh... many things. computer systems, number theory, music, linguistics, recursion... it interrelates many disciplines. it probably sounds really boring but he explains concepts in really amusing and clever ways.
Corey Feldman
on 2001-10-03 03:22 [#00038602]

I've read The Mouse And His Child, or am thinking about reading it....
fluffy bunny
from mm on 2001-10-03 05:35 [#00038622]

almost .. a friend of mine has - I can't read for shit - my attention span is quite shitted .. but I um.. got a escher book with lots of pretty pictures to look at.
Have you read Fermat's theorm ... I can't remember whether I read it or not .. But I think it is the same sort of (not quite) genre type book .
re divide r
on 2001-10-03 05:42 [#00038623]

no i haven't read that, but he actually talks about fermat's last theorem in GEB. really cool stuff.
and escher is my fucking guru, i absolutely worship his stuff. if you like him, you may like my drawings. i've posted this link enough times now, but nobody seems to have bashed me for it yet, so i'll do it again. the drawings are here
fluffy bunny
from mm on 2001-10-03 07:40 [#00038664]

Hey red .. those pics pretty cool .
I quite like the first one - EP7 remeniscentish (was this the thing that was discussed on some other post just like a couple of days ago?)
2nd one is quite cool .. Third is is nice nice Escher type fucked shit .. very cool .. possibly my pencil favourite.
The pixel thing is da shit .. because if you look at it long enough you start seeing things. . (combo of Funkstorung cover, warp web site, chiclisuite/envane cover art, confield av promo on warp a while back) -- it kind of looks like new york on an angle in a dynamic time warp type thing..
I don't know.. I'm no art critic, but I very much like your shit. Keep the pics coming if this is a hobby/regular thing you do ?
Cool . maybe one day i will paint/draw some stuff and post it.. maybe ?
re divi der
on 2001-10-03 07:44 [#00038665]

i have a whole portfolio full of pencil shit, some better than the ones i have on the site, it's just that i don't have a scanner and have to pay $$ to have something that large scanned (and it's fuckin expensive too). right now i'm livin paycheck to paycheck, but when i get some cash i'll scan a few more and put em up.
ps - if you've done any artwork, i would absolutely love to check it out.
on 2001-10-03 08:32 [#00038703]

Thanks a lot, I'd probably be interested in most things you are. I havn't read it but will someday hopefully... Can I have the author's name, just so I can accurately find it (if you have it handy)? I'm reading "the selfish gene" by richard dawkings and it's one of the best books I've ever read, had to stop reading quite a few times and stare blankly ahead to work out complicated pictures in my mind and ponder some very interesting ideas. I also recommend this book called "evolution isn't what it used to be" by walter truett anderson... also "how nature works" by PerBak and "the orion book of evolution" by I don't know. We had an excellent library at my college (I didn't finish) 5 stories high, and they had books on everything, I read quite a bit during the long gaps between classes, this "history of torture" was interesting and scary. I also go to library book sales often, they sell great books like TIMELIFE series and everything else for like one dollar each! Contact your library to see where or when they sell them, great deal. I like reading the encyclopedias like regular books, because the material is not specific on any one thing, you get a very broad perspective.
re di vider
on 2001-10-03 08:37 [#00038708]

whoa - fucking weird. i recently wrote douglas hofstadter (the guy who wrote Godel, Escher, Bach and the professor of computer science at indiana university) to tell him how much i enjoyed his book - and he recommended the selfish gene to me. i was planning on reading that one next. so i think it's pretty safe to say that if you like dawkins then you'll like this book. it's the same way, you have to take your time in absorbing the concepts, and it's probably the most dense reading i've ever done. but more than worth it. excellent, mind-expanding stuff - i definitely recommend you check it out.
on 2001-10-03 09:08 [#00038733]

I think we have the same brain...
r edi vider
on 2001-10-03 09:19 [#00038740]

where are you from mwMwm?
on 2001-10-03 09:25 [#00038742]

Califumornia... I think. I havn't been outside to check for sure. I wouldn't mind living in a totally rural place... I'm about to get a job delivering mail, heh heh. That's when I'll move out and send you my pictures (it might be awhile, don't know)
rediv id er
on 2001-10-03 09:29 [#00038747]

heh i live in the middle of a buncha fuckin cow pastures - i'd love to trade places with you...
i'm in shelby, nc (about 40 miles west of charlotte). fuckin shithole, it is.
Spastic Martin
on 2001-10-03 09:30 [#00038749]

Shelby is the beastiality capital.
red iv ider
on 2001-10-03 09:33 [#00038751]

yes, indeed. those cows of which i speak make incomparable sex partners. but wait, why am i telling you this? you must already have prodigious experience with these noble mammals...
on 2001-10-03 09:47 [#00038765]

Yeah, I suppose I always imagine rural life better than it actually would be. There's few places left that havn't been plagued by the human hand, signs of it everywhere. Domestication. Plus other countries are probably a lot worse, politically, economically, etc. I'm withdrawn anyway, institutionalized, doesn't matter much where I am. I don't really want to belong to the human species, I'd like to be a bird or a squirrel, in that order, either one... one away from any civilization of course.
Spastic Martin
on 2001-10-03 09:50 [#00038767]

Squirrelsasd\o kdf;assa dsa
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