Cheap Magnet
on 2001-09-30 04:19 [#00037892]

Dear AphexTwin.nu'ers,
i've been hanging round here for a fair while now...don't post much, just read your interesting posts...anyway, i'm starting a musical community / group sort of thing for music / art makers...i think something like this was discussed earlier, but i'm looking to get a community of music makes of non-repetitive electronica / classical / turntablist music, because i fear that music has gotten to the point where minimalism had gone to far into mindless repetition. Music makers tend to rely too much on catchy loops and over use melodies / harmonies to get their music out their...thats why i'm looking for a group of musicians who feel the same way to compose music in a new non-repetitive way...this doesn't mean that no repetition should be used, as a theme is usually the backbone of the song and deserves to come back at some stage, but i think you all get what i'm trying to say...
i'm sending this "call" to you AphexTwin.nu'ers, as i know you have a great taste for experimental / GOOD music, and i'm also going to call upon Dj Shadow type composers to join...
Artists who compose interesting / off the wall art and would like to contribute to the community are also VERY welcome :)
I'm thinking of calling the style of music "Cephalic Avantgarde Progression", or "CAP" for short...
anyone even slightly interested, if you could write either to the list or my e-mail, that'd be great :)
if you would like a sample of the sort of music 'I' compose, then you can check out www.stormpages.com/cheapmagnet/index.htm for some 30 second samples of a few songs...once i get the ftp server on the site to work i'll be uploading full songs
i'll get a proper website and so fourth for us if we get this idea up and running,
thanx in advance :)
Cheap Magnet
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-09-30 04:38 [#00037895]

i like cookies
on 2001-09-30 04:39 [#00037896]

I'm in love with that introduction song to your page! It's simple like Super Nintendo, and I like how it loops forever like a videogame too. I don't think I can play .rf or whatever files so I won't bother downloading them even though I'd like to hear them. I have some non repetitive stuff at www.mp3.com/artificialselection, like "asexual spore releasing hyper bloomer", a lot of people on here have great non repetitive music I think. I guess non repetitiveness is a good way to judge accurately whether something sounds good to me. But I also like symmetry in art, and for that you need repetition, by definition. I think complexity is usually a defining characteristic I like, but the definition of that is just something that's hard to understand (due to too many involved parts for example) The best stuff is complex but composed with symmetry, in some logical form.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-09-30 04:49 [#00037897]

i went to that link you posted there, is that your music? it's the shit! i love it!
Cheap Magnet
on 2001-09-30 04:49 [#00037898]

i totally agree :) i love complexity in music as well...and your symmetry comment is very valid. I'm going to check out your music next month (when i get more download megs), which i'm looking foward too...if you, or anybody else for that matter, is interested in seriously having a go at this sort of community thing (not to challenge Reflex's one at all!!!), then leave your names either on this board or send me an e-mail :)
Cheap Magnet
on 2001-09-30 04:50 [#00037899]

whoops, i think i posted a little late then :) it was to mmm's post...
Mutant Penguin: thanx very much...it's my music, i'm glad you like it :) do u make music?
from http://darkscape.topcities.com on 2001-09-30 04:51 [#00037900]

yeah i agree with Mm...MMmW...((mmMmm))...WmMM...mM but no has answeared the question yet, neither hav i haha .....but i would just like 2 say 2 cheap magnet that u should lower the image on ya main page in kb on ya site coz it takez a while 2 load :o)
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-09-30 04:54 [#00037901]

magnet, i love your music! its amazing! i have been searching for this kind of music ever sinse i got the net! i really mean it when i say your music is amazing! keep up the good work!
and i do make music, its shit. i am still learning how to use my software... sigh
on 2001-09-30 05:03 [#00037903]

If you were referring to artificialselection, thanks. I checked your art page and it took FOREVER to load... but I got the top 3 pictures. I admit computers are excellent tools, I mean it's primitive for me to use a big clumsy pencil, it's hard for me to compete with the computer. When you use a computer you are sort of using someone elses invention to to the work. (I'm using someone elses invention, the pencil, though...) I've done some tinkering in paint shop and stuff so I know how easy it is to make great looking complex stuff, it's kind of like the computer made it, not a person. This really doesn't matter as long as the art is interesting... but since so many people can make interesting stuff really easy, it has less value. Obviously, you can still make some really original stuff and spend a lot of time on it with a computer. Your stuff was great. I don't really know how the creation process went, time consuming detail or one click special effects, but its nice to look at and that's what matters.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-09-30 05:07 [#00037904]

thanks, m. i should have spent some time to make each pic a page, but i am lazy and hate html. i think my favorite pic is near the bottom, too bad you couldnt see it.
on 2001-09-30 05:16 [#00037905]

Notice how the clarifying word "the" works: his music is "the shit" and your music is "shit"... hmmm, heh heh.
Sure, I'm officially interested in this thingamajig as long as I don't have to spend very much of my own personal effort, heh heh heh.
from http://darkscape.topcities.com on 2001-09-30 05:24 [#00037906]

hey Mutant Death Pengwin can i hav the address 4 ya site so i can hav a boogie at ya stuff?
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-09-30 05:25 [#00037907]

its not a site, i just upload some of my pics
Cheap Magnet
on 2001-09-30 05:26 [#00037908]

Mutant Death Penguin: i really appreciate your kind words :) thanx very much...and you keep up the work on your own music :D
BEANZ: i checked out your site...i really really like the drawing of the Womens eye...i have a love for eyes, so i'm probably a bit biased in that way, but it is very nice :)
from http://darkscape.topcities.com on 2001-09-30 06:06 [#00037909]

i like ya art stuff Mutant Death Pengwin :o) mainly the 3D rendered 1'z , did u do them on bryce 3D? but woooow did it take itz time loadin them all!!
thanx cheap magnet i really like that womenz eye pic aswell ....if only all women had eyez that nice! ~sighz~
anyway u should all cum over 4 a nice cup of TEA! :o)
Cheap Magnet
on 2001-09-30 11:41 [#00037931]

i don't know...we are hopfully starting a new strand of music, rather then gathering talented musicians in current genres of music
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-09-30 15:28 [#00037955]

god damn, i just got home from work and i had to listen to the songs i downloaded again.... i just have to say magnet, your music is the bomb, i can definatly say i am fan! you post it when put some more songs cause i'll be the first to download em! i love you man.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-09-30 15:30 [#00037956]

uggg. excuse my horrid writing skills on the previous post, they usually ain't that bad. i am going to bed now.
from Ardmore on 2001-09-30 17:19 [#00037962]

http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/298/quadrapelegicrobotikev. html
Yah, I think joining is up to you, eh?
on 2001-09-30 18:33 [#00037972]

non repetitive? well,im out then...heh
Cheap Magnet
on 2001-10-01 01:30 [#00038033]

Reflex said "you cant just create a new kind of music"
WHAT on earth do u mean by that?!? why can't we make a new kind of music?? is there a moral law against it? I'm not here to start an arguement, just so find other talent interested in making a new style of electronic / classical / turntablist non-repetitive music, as i said above...i think we have full right to see this through, as it isn't conflicting with Community Vibes.
plastic raver
on 2001-10-01 01:36 [#00038036]

would it be a new extremity?
plastic raver
on 2001-10-01 01:49 [#00038043]

true, to an extent but it's a bit defeatest giving up all hope of doing something new. It's using what you've got for a different purpose ie turntablism, electronics, wood etc everyone using the same music programs doesn't help as the parameters are set by such nerds.
plastic raver
on 2001-10-01 01:50 [#00038044]

ps. it could be a new extremity.
Cheap Magnet
on 2001-10-01 01:52 [#00038046]

i get your point Reflex, but its like any arguement about "new" ideas...everythings a branch of something else, no ideas can be formulated, only extensions off current ones, etc etc...ok, fine. What i PROBABLY should have said was "hi, i'm Cheap, i want to get other composers to SPECIALISE in creating 'non-repetative' music. Yes, this has been done before, but VERY rarely, and if you look at the songs around you, try and find a good non-repetative song. Not too many? Ok, now, i love non-repetative music, so how bout we take this "IDEA" and extend it "FURTHER". we aren't creating a new idea or new 'type of music', but we are taking something that hasn't been done much or well to a new extreme...thats what i hope to do. you ok with that Reflex?
Cheap Magnet
on 2001-10-01 01:54 [#00038047]

Plastic Raver: how bout you be my spokesperson? You can say exactly what i'm thinking in a few lines compared to me raving on for dozens :) hehe
plastic raver
on 2001-10-01 01:57 [#00038048]

Cheap Magnet
on 2001-10-01 01:59 [#00038050]

Quadrapelegicrobotikev: i love EeHKL. very nice :) if your interested in joining, write to me at synchronicity_music@hotmail.com and let me know, because i like what your doing. you took that repeating melody to what i'd say is the most something should be repeated too (personal opinion, of course). well done.
Cheap Magnet
on 2001-10-01 02:02 [#00038051]

Mm...MMmW...((mmMmm))...WmMM...mM: i tried to listen to that song u mentioned, the alien plant one, but i couldn't stream it :/ any chance of a download from somewhere of it?
on 2001-10-01 02:12 [#00038054]

I'm doing some non repetative music that is influenced by debussy, ravel, Aphex, LFO and a sprinkling of Ae
Cheap Magnet
on 2001-10-01 03:45 [#00038057]

pavane: sounds good...Debussy is great :) and everyone loves Bolero :P
do u have any of your songs up on the net?
on 2001-10-01 04:35 [#00038058]

Cheap: Now I remember I tried to send you an mp3 awhile back but it was too large to send, well that song is at my page www.artificialselection "whiet ziella", I think I forgot to tell you, if you even remember. And I made "asexual spore releasing hyper bloomer" downloadable, but it might take awhile till mp3com approves it. The latter mentioned song is completely non-repetitive due to the nature of it's construction, it's not exactly the same twice (except for the brief melody bits), which is why I mentioned it. I have your link written down, so I'll check it on my other computer (really impressed with that intro brief song) whenever I move out and GET it...
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-01 06:12 [#00038063]

m, you are artificial selection?
on 2001-10-01 07:40 [#00038069]

No... wait, yes. (I think)
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