jay solo
on 2001-09-29 10:24 [#00037778]

I'm sort of worried.
Can the new Aphex album really be something that supercedes everything he has ever done? I'm afraid it will be somewhat of a letdown. Anybody have some opinions on that?
Berty Beatle
on 2001-09-29 10:45 [#00037783]

It's obviously going to be terrible, we should all sit here and complain about the album, that's a good idea. Those two new NIN albums sound bad too.
Thom Yorke
from England on 2001-09-29 15:36 [#00037818]

Now, ye dudes know why I was so depressed on the last two Albums of mine... and my depression was true... not just a pose, please, please believe me. And please buy my next Album, too. I need the money.
Marilyn Manson
on 2001-09-29 15:53 [#00037820]

This Thom Yorke character is so fake......
Tom Jenkinson
on 2001-09-29 15:59 [#00037822]

It is, it really is...
from u.s. on 2001-09-29 17:26 [#00037823]

DRUKQS is becoming a better album to me every listen......all u people always fucking complain all the album....wahwhahwahhwahwahwhahwahwhahwhahwahwhawhahwhawha.. time about the new .
shut the fuck up....
or go buy it....
oh wait its not out yet....well at least i have my copy...
Johnny Bravo
on 2001-09-29 17:36 [#00037825]

"or go buy it....
oh wait its not out yet....well at least i have my copy..."
That ending is sooooo mysterious...... Ooooooooohoooooo, aren't you just a severed squirrel penis in a glass of saltwater.
Thom D. Manson
on 2001-09-29 17:42 [#00037827]

You bloody bastards had better stop fakin' me!
from u.s. on 2001-09-29 17:46 [#00037828]

johnny bravo .....that is fukin horrid...
well i just left it lik that bc all this stupid shit in this fukin post
from u.s. on 2001-09-29 17:47 [#00037829]

on 2001-09-29 20:46 [#00037839]

Drukqs; the best comments I have heard break down to this. Just a bunch of stuff he threw together to clear his contract with warp. No real fun is present. So, it won't top his earlier stuff
on 2001-09-29 21:03 [#00037840]

has richard or warp said this is last release on warp? when and where did they say it?
from u.s. on 2001-09-29 21:25 [#00037841]

from europe on 2001-09-30 00:07 [#00037849]

if all of the album is as beautiful and lyrical as those excerpts on drukqs.net it's a great and beautiful album, in which it will be obvious that richard d. james does not care for any fashions... just for his music.
in general i don't believe in the already clichéd saying 'he was better then'. no great artist or composer has or had a downfall. picasso was just in his first years of the cubist period, balthus painted some his greatest works as a thridy-year old, stravinsky wrote his le sacre du printemps/the rite of spring when he was thirdy, shostakovich wrote his second fantastic symphony when he was thirdy (his no.4, and it's as weird as aphex early stuff like isopropanol), or philip glass and steve reich... they started their minimalist works with thirdy (and i could continue this list... i guess it would be a nearly andless list).
if rdj is a great artist, drukqs is only the beginning for a lot more to come. if not, we all were wrong in considering his music from the last ten years as great. but anyway, i personally, am sure that he is a great... artist/composer.
from u.s. on 2001-09-30 00:57 [#00037863]

at long last
REICH AND RILEY AND GLASS are incredible.......minimalism is some of the best....makes u ponder life when u think about it...or it does to me...
plastic raver
on 2001-09-30 03:10 [#00037884]

Bollox! copying Reich and Glass doesn't make your life follow their path. Drukqs sucks! Richard will disown this album when he comes to his senses...listen and read richards interviews...all this fair-weather media bullshit will soon end....if anyone else did this elitist shit neither you or aphex would mention it........
from Trondheim, Norway on 2001-09-30 03:49 [#00037889]

shut the fuck up. aphex is GOD, and drukqs will tear the whole community down, i'm sure
from europe on 2001-09-30 12:06 [#00037932]

aphex is not just only copying reich and glass (if that is so, radiohead is copying aphex and everyone from warp). in polynomial-c, flim and nannou are some elements from phil glass' and steve reich's style, but you could never mistake those tracks by rdj for a piece by glass or reich.
...and drukqs is a complete different matter - there are no influences of glass and reich - at least in the excerpts on drukqs.net - nanou2, avril 14th etc. (maybe there are influences by cage, satie or someone suggested eno, but no glass, riley, reich)
in the end drukqs is by richard d. james, completely. and a lot of people will be influenced by this and will make something different out of it (maybe radiohead, björk...) whereas other, less talented people will only copy it.
art is collecting, and making something new out of influences... like picasso did in guernica with influences by goya. there is no art, music which can be created out of nothing.
from europe on 2001-09-30 12:16 [#00037933]

sorry, i guess there could be a misunderstanding about the first sentence. i don't want that there's any misunderstanding about my opinion, because of '...is not only copying...' - it sounds as if i meant rdj does copy other people, too, but in fact of course i meant that he does not copy any music at all. he does more with the influences - he makes something new out of it, he makes aphex twin tracks. ok, i guess now it's absolutely clear what i meant, thanks!
derelik - yeah that's exactly what i think about reich and glass :-).
from gorgeous Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-30 13:01 [#00037941]

Dont worry Balthus, this album is a masterpiece in its entirity and by far the greatest, most soulfull electronic/avant garde album to come along in the past 2 years.
Sure it's not perfect, but no album is, no piece of art is perfect.
As a matter of fact, I find this album as a total Aphex Twin album is most satisying to date, because it has every style on here, let alone the never before done ( RDJ anways) piano pieces a la Eno and Satie.
Sorry, but with DRuKQS RDJ shows again why he is the greatest electronic composer of the last 11 years, nothing that has been released in the past few years can touch this album in its entirity, its that diverse and inspiring..
from -0-04r-23492-3940-23 on 2001-09-30 13:42 [#00037942]

thank you balthus and postmodernvancouver
from europe on 2001-09-30 13:48 [#00037943]

postmodernvancouver - yes, i guess, now i'm not worrying anymore about drukuse (in fact i stopped worrying when i heard the excerpts from drukqs.net). i guess i will love the album, too. just listened to the excerpts again, meltphase, nanou2, avril 14th... i really cant wait for drukqs. at least it's only three weeks until the release, but well...
even the cover design looks great.
from europe on 2001-09-30 13:55 [#00037944]

the rite of spring also was only stuff igor stravinsky threw together to clear his contract with sergei diagilev and ballet russes.
from europe on 2001-09-30 13:56 [#00037945]

derelik - you're welcome.
from gorgeous Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-30 14:05 [#00037946]

lol, Stravinsky was marvelous and so was "Rites of Spring". Oh, Balthus what you've heard on Drukqs.Net is just the beginning of what else you're going to love from the album.
I mean the piano tunes alone ( about 5 or 6 of them) are tearjerkers and just simply beautiful, and wait until you hear the opening tune , number 2 etc......
Gwely Mermans is (number 6 Disc 1) is haunting, SAW 2 like track with a vague ,rumbling, ominous and haunting bizarre beat and sound to it.
This tune gives me shivers and it simply makes you think of the abyss and life beyond life....
Theres tonnes of gems on this album, and like Delerict ( sorry if I mispronounced you name) it grows more and more on you even though I loved it from the start.
I've played it continously for about 5 weeks now and in my ind its a brilliant classic already.
The problem is that some of the fans on this MB just want to harder or dance kinda stuff by RDJ and those will be dissapointed to a degree because it only has a bit of that stuff on there.
Trust me, you'll love this album...
from europe on 2001-09-30 14:25 [#00037949]

thanks, postmodernvancouver - with describing the album you made me even more impatient to hear it... i guess you're right, that people who favor the early techno tracks over the more tranquil and recent things by rdj are the same people who will not like drukqs. well, i also like some of the early pieces by aphex which are dark techno, but the tranquil and lyrical pieces by aphex always were my favourites (on sawii, come to daddy little lord faulteroy mix, flim, iz-us, nannou, yellow calx...).
i mentioned stravinsky also because doing an album with piano music now is shocking in the early 2000s like doing such a loud and weird piece in the early 1910s. i love stravinsky's music - he was just an original artist like rdj nowadays. he also didn't gave a damn wether people would like his music or not, and he never gave them what they expected. after rite of spring he also composed beautiful lyrical piano music, too.
there's nothing elitist in composing piano music. or, well you can also say the elite in music consists of the best musicians, and if richard d. james is one of the best, of course he does elitist shit. (i love this shit.)
from stockholm on 2001-09-30 14:41 [#00037951]

i fully agree on postmodernvancouver's description, i've listened to it constantly for about 2 months and i really, really like it, a mindblow imo
on 2001-09-30 15:22 [#00037954]

Drukqs is a pretty good album, but IMO some of the piano pieces are pretty weak, hell I can write better piano pieces then the likes of Father...alot of the "heavier" tracks sound almost indiscernable and seem too chaoticly random...and some of the tracks are just garbage, orban and some of the short instrumental sounding pieces off disk 2 come to mind immediately...just my two cents, for the most part I enjoy the album, but it is no where near perfect, RDJ displayed better song writing ability in both ICBYD and RDJ albums...I believe he will release a new album within the next two years that will be more akin to Windowlicker and really blow everyone away...
plastic raver
on 2001-09-30 20:54 [#00037986]

I think he'll do that too! less pressure this time. He just needs to kick himself up the arse really.
on 2001-10-01 05:06 [#00038060]

It doesn't matter much what he does now, he's already an extremely odd absolute genius in my opinion. The equation song stands out as hilariously insanely creative and just crazy. I mean everything about it is absolutely crazy, the track title is impossible to refer to, he poses as a grinning female on the cover, the cd is PINK, the crazy guy made the song so complicated and perfect aurally, it sounds like some extremely disturbed neurotic person spent every night for a year tediously making it, I think he does it for a laugh mostly, he seems very intelligent when he wants to bother communicating intelligently in interviews. He likes toying with people, if the album is mediocre, it probaly a brief experiment for fun to see what his fans reactions would be. He is insane. Absolutely insane.
on 2001-10-01 05:08 [#00038061]

(Well that's my impression from the interviews and the music I hear, I obviously don't even know him really)... So he did an excellent job creating a psychotic absurd genius personality just for his fans even if not real.
on 2001-10-01 12:55 [#00038112]

I was aprehensive on the first listen or so but have been really won over. The phrase that keeps coming to mind about Aphex's playing style is that on this one he really does "pull out all the stops". He's like some mad scientist sitting at his machine hitting knobs that have previously marked DON'T TOUCH! The sonic qualities, the amazing digital highs and lows as well, the organic sounds and the plethora of Atari sound effects seems like a culmination of some of his other work into its final stage of evolution. He creates an electronic whirling dirbish, a spinning piece of energy that pulses with technology.
Magic Johnson
on 2001-10-01 13:52 [#00038116]

Derelic, shut the fuck up, you're a fuckin' retard, your stupid "thank god" and "finally" posts, fuck you cracker.
Axim Surann
from quebec on 2001-10-01 13:57 [#00038122]

i like and i do drukqs
from u.s. on 2001-10-01 15:47 [#00038135]

magic johnson u can suk my mutha fukin dick
you cant spell...
thank you magic blahblahblahblah
suk me pihole
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