red iv ider
on 2001-09-28 16:55 [#00037574]

i did some pencil drawings you might like (you never know...)
from drukqs on 2001-09-28 17:13 [#00037577]

red------very good
re divid er
on 2001-09-28 17:46 [#00037581]

thank you ; ]
on 2001-09-28 19:32 [#00037599]

I really like your stuff, probably in order of 1,3,2, but I'd probably switch 1 and 3 because 1 looks like an ep7 cover inspiration, less original. I draw things that are very similar to what you are doing. The themes are symmetry basically, ignoring things in reality and just making interesting things to look at. I don't know how to make a web site or copyright a drawing yet though. Have you read mandelbrot's "the fractal geometry of nature"? He has some very interesting ideas. Just drawing a single a line and branching a 45 degree split on the end, then a split on both of those ends and a split on all four of the resulting ends (repeat, repeat) is a very interesting scaling fractal that looks just like the construction of brocoli or a tree. I noticed that with most trees, you can visualize a single limb of almost any choice and size and it could be cut off and planted and it would look just like a regular tree (but with bigger leaves).
red ivi der
on 2001-09-28 19:44 [#00037606]

yes indeed, i love fractals. the drawing that looks like the ep7 cover was one of my earlier ones, but it actually wasn't inspired by ep7 although i admit it looks a lot like it. that one was just "generated" by switching the idea of what the negative and positive spaces between the lines were. i'm glad you like my stuff - i'm really interested in the idea of using rules to "grow" a drawing (with some human variability thrown in for fun of course). do you do any programming? i put up a few applets i did which i kind of enjoy watching (esp. when stoned).
r ediv ider
on 2001-09-28 19:47 [#00037609]

oh yea - and if you're interested in fractals in nature - check out this thing called a "broccoflower". i dunno what the fuck it is, it must be some kind of hybrid organism or something but they sell it in the grocery stores around here (in north carolina). anyway, it has the most stunning fractal patterns on it, it's so perfect it looks almost computer-generated.
redi vid er
on 2001-09-28 19:49 [#00037610]

ah that's cool reflex, it reminds me of a graffiti-type style (do you tag at all) but with an industrial leaning...
do you have any more stuff?
rediv i der
on 2001-09-28 19:56 [#00037614]

ok gimme like 20 minutes or so i'm on the way home from work but i'll check the topic when i get home...
from mcdonalds on 2001-09-28 20:07 [#00037620]

YEAH.... Art] creative stuff ...good posts melikes. This weekend im gonna work out how to use photoshop and put some of my own "APHEX" Art up for all you mad monkeys. Is it easy to put up pictures on the net (I got a scanner/imac/photoshop- what else?) I suppose ill find out .... I got a pic of sum of my graffiti wall-art i can hopefully post too...... any advice?
redivi d er
on 2001-09-28 20:40 [#00037639]

damn geocities straight to hell, they cut off your site for an hour b4 i could check your last one, they do that shit to me all the time...
i liked disfony2 tho that's cool
on 2001-09-28 22:05 [#00037665]

I don't know about your work reflex. It depends on how you made it, I mean if you just took a picture of some buildings then quickly drew some graffiti on top, it sucks, but if you graphically designed the buildings, it's obviously really good. I'm guessing it's the former. It's not scientific, it's not a system of units acting as a whole, it's more like bad versions of "graphic arts", used for ads and commercials and stuff. But I only checked your first and disfony2.
red ivi der
on 2001-09-28 22:08 [#00037666]

ah well i don't like to dis peoples' shit. if someone thinks their own stuff sucks, they'll never get any better...
on 2001-09-28 22:13 [#00037668]

It's constructive critisism, my view is that I'd personally rather an observer of MY art be honest so I do the same. ;)
redi vi der
on 2001-09-28 22:15 [#00037669]

i can't stop listening to bubble-icious tree stump hoedown or whatever the fuck - i'm addicted!
on 2001-09-28 22:21 [#00037672]

Ha ha, that's a better title, thanks a lot! With that song, I decided to make it more like a "regular song" with about 4 distinct parts acting together, then have periods in the song where these parts are either subtracted or added. It's the most "songish" of my music. Plus all the "percussion" and melodies follow the melody of the main part that begins the song (and that starting part was based on using mirror symmetry about a central key on the keyboard). It's not mixed up that much, it has more order than my other stuff, so it probably gets worse on repeated listens.
re di vider
on 2001-09-28 22:24 [#00037673]

hey do you have any visual art anywhere at all on the web?
on 2001-09-28 22:31 [#00037675]

No, but I seriously think you'd really like it. I'm my own critic and I really like it, it definately has parallels in your work. When I started, I focused on creatures, if they were human they were twisted and deformed. Then I just completely rejected drawing anything human and few things alive, and focused on more mathematical changing patterns. I have some seriously wicked shit, I've thought about making a book and publishing it or something, it's all just using a simple pencil and usually typing paper. I created a lot of it in school when I was going through some totally weird and awful times that made my brain all crazy.
redi vid er
on 2001-09-28 22:35 [#00037676]

i'd love to see your shit, you should get an account with geocities and learn some basic html, trust me html is a piece of cake, anybody could do it.
i've got a lot more drawings that are just as good, but it's fucking expensive to have them scanned as i don't have a scanner. hopefully soon i'll put up some more...
on 2001-09-28 22:44 [#00037679]

I'll probably do that, I wrote down the geocities link (I have a huge list of weird and good links I find on this site that I've yet to go back and thoroughly check out, heh heh). I'll do it later when I'm all situated in my new apartment and new job... I'm trying to get myself together right now and move out, it's a brain hassle, damn reality. I would mail them to you, but I don't know how copyrighting works. I would trust you not to steal them or anything, but I just don't want to take any chance, I don't know why it's just some stupid pencil lead on paper, but I don't know you personally so I can't therefore trust you... I'd actually WANT you to see them, so someone other than me can tell me what they're like. The scanner in this house makes drawing look blurry, less detailed, because it's pixels aren't small enough (but I draw pretty small stuff)
re divid er
on 2001-09-28 22:49 [#00037683]

of course i wouldn't steal your shit, but it's also understood that you can't trust me as you don't know me. as far as copyright goes, "copyright is secured automatically when the work is created", in the words of the US copyright office. therefore, all you have to do is *say* it's copyrighted and it is.
on 2001-09-28 22:56 [#00037685]

Are you serious? That's great (and easy)... you just need some proof that you were the one that made it, which wouldn't be hard. (When a huge oj simpson size court case comes along for some stupid little drawings just go... well if HE made them... pull out a copy of your copy... how come I have THIS? crowd goes "ooooooh") Give me your email address and I'll contact you later when I'm all moved out and situated and stuff if you want.
on 2001-09-28 22:58 [#00037686]

(then I'll mail them to you) my email is iannoll@hotmail.com
redi vi der
on 2001-09-28 23:00 [#00037687]

hehe i wish someone actually wanted my drawings enough to steal them, but i'm paranoid just like you so i copyright them anyway.
on 2001-09-28 23:02 [#00037688]

well i'm out man, gonna go party for a bit... i'm sure i'll see you around the board tho
on 2001-09-28 23:03 [#00037689]

Again by that, it simply means you SAY it's copyrighted right? You didn't go to some copyright office or something...?
on 2001-09-28 23:06 [#00037690]

go to
that'll tell ya all about it
on 2001-09-28 23:08 [#00037691]

All right, later then. I just realized your name is the same backward, that's the only other word I know that does that other than "racecar".
re divi der
on 2001-09-28 23:10 [#00037692]

hey wait a minute - your's is too!!!
(theme to twilight zone fades in slowly)
hah! anyways, i'm outta here
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-09-29 01:55 [#00037708]

since everyone was showing their shit i thought i would show mine
http://downloads.members.tripod.com/mofobob99/art_of_noise_ 002_copy.jpg
my second favorite http://mofobob99.tripod.com/mofo_bob_006.jpg
http://downloads.members.tripod.com/mofobob99/mofobob002b.j pg
my favorite, took longer to make than you would expect http://mofobob99.tripod.com/poster003.jpg
on 2001-09-29 06:37 [#00037758]

mutant death penguin: your links don't work beanz: I just saw that one where you merely changed the colors of someone elses picture into purple instead of yellow....
from http://darkscape.topcities.com on 2001-09-29 13:15 [#00037804]

just cahanged the colourz did i?? lol r u blind?? look closer!! and did u c the other stuff there? u cant dis that
re divid er
on 2001-09-29 17:55 [#00037830]

beanz i think your stuff is the shit - i especially like the drawings you did by hand (the eye is my favorite).
i dunno if you caught the link above but i thought you might like my stuff, if it's not too out there for ya:
there's some trippy applets up there as well...
from http://darkscape.topcities.com on 2001-09-29 18:26 [#00037832]

thanx re divid er! good 2 c sum1 has this thing called "a brain" and i did c that link, ya drawinz r good and original and i like the main page, funkaaaayy applet thingz aswell :o)
from MUP on 2001-09-29 18:37 [#00037833]

That art was amazing... especially the code, I am glad I have a cable motem!
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-09-30 01:01 [#00037864]

my links dont work becuase tripod deleted the files!!
"Please Note: mofobob99 is no longer an authorized member of Tripod. This Tripod member has been removed because they violated our Terms of Service"
Bastards! I was only hosting a child porn site!
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-09-30 01:27 [#00037866]

re divid er
on 2001-10-01 06:32 [#00038064]

"alright stuff"
heh. i'm no picasso, but i would like to think of my stuff as better than "alright".
redi vid er
on 2001-10-01 06:44 [#00038067]

on 2001-10-01 08:10 [#00038071]

redivider: I looked at your code stuff... very inspiring! I've always wanted to do stuff like that, any tips on where to begin finding out how? This is visually superior to simple unmoving permanent drawings, far more interesting, but the pencil is a useful enough tool to record imagination onto paper for future reference too. There's pros and cons to any technique I guess, but the computer usually wins... can you write software too, I'm not very experienced with computers yet. Can you make a simple videogame for example? It must be quite similar... They should seriously make a sort of headset where you can view things like this, available to the public, with geniuses like autechre doing some insane crazy stuff like "light songs"... light can be organized in so many more ways than sound. You can also view more than one part at any one time, whereas sound you are stuck in the split second of the present always. I'll mail my drawings to you eventually, I really like your stuff...
on 2001-10-01 08:46 [#00038078]

It's all about stimulating the senses, art, originally evolved to guide behavior more successfully, now they just reside in various orifices in our face (and skin) connected to specific parts of the brain, and don't have much use anymore for a species with nothing to hunt and nothing to fear being hunted from... you take drugs so I suppose you've had some cool stimulations I havn't, all well... I've heard people describe it, neon colors flowing and stuff... My goal is to create some device where all the senses are stimulated at once and in ways that interconnect with the information recieved by each sensory brain lobe, light and audio and touch only probably, since taste and smell don't really organize well, you cant divide them into small organizable units easily. Music videos are the highest popular step I think, but most rely on the dancing chicks to stimulate hormones... I'd like to see a music video, rather a "light version" (since "music videos" don't have a reputation for doing what I envision), of an autechre song... where the sounds are interconnected with the light in some way. It would take forever to make it, perhaps software could be developed to make the light AND audio at the SAME TIME, already interrelated, the related light composition being created as the sound is, so it wouldn't have to be done seperately. I've seen those visuals that "dance" to the music, and that's close... Of course, once I make this (which I'll never have the resources or brain power to make) I'll want it to be interactive, like a videogame... then I'll just reside in the virtual reality and leave the real reality... if that... IS the real reality...
from http://darkscape.topcities.com on 2001-10-01 10:24 [#00038095]

hmm bein as we r on the subject of code and all that shit i just thought i would say about my pong game i made which u can play here.... http://darkscape.topcities.com/gamepong/pong.htm ....itz very simple code but i was just wonderin wot people think of it and by the way it IZ possible 2 beat the computer on it! and the pic in the background (classic) iz of my deranged mate hahaha
M...wmM...Mw W m)M(m W wM...Mmw...M
on 2001-10-01 18:40 [#00038159]

"maybe I ain't that shit" he he, I won 15 to 9, I would have done better but that guy scared me. You should challenge "deep thought" to a chess match with your little pong program, heh heh.
Thanks for the links reflex.
redi vi der
on 2001-10-01 20:31 [#00038182]

this has already been done, but i've thought of trying to take audio input parameters (i.e. amplitude, frequency, etc) and converting them via code into visual parameters (brightness, spatial orientation). but java is really not great for that sort of thing... i'm taking a class in c++ now, so hopefully that'll help. but like you said, it's not the same as generating the sound and the visuals simultaneously, already interrelated.
if you want to learn some java, check out this page:
http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/?frontpage-spotligh t
that'll give you the basics, but it's pure creativity from there on out... i personally use lots of recursion and nested looping in my code.
M...wmM...Mw W m)M(m W wM...Mmw...M
on 2001-10-01 23:46 [#00038224]

Excellent, I wrote it down.
from http://darkscape.topcities.com on 2001-10-02 02:56 [#00038249]

hey redi vi der u can do that kinda stuff on "flash" hav u heard of it? i can send u a demo if u want?
re div ider
on 2001-10-02 03:04 [#00038253]

i actually have flash, but haven't gotten the chance to play with it all that much... i can do basic animations and rollover buttons but that's about it. i'll check out some more of the features though, cuz i've seen some purely amazing shit done with flash on the web.
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