Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-09-28 05:15 [#00037455]

I'm not sure if I hate the or just dislike them they don't let me have any fun I just got pulled over for going 83mph in a 55mph I wasnt driving like a crazy man i was just driving fast like I do! Oh well I will be fine fucking cops!The only think I regret was getting caught !Now I have to pay a $129.00 ticket so be it !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
gurl with the stupid raver gurl site
from E-TOwn on 2001-09-28 06:56 [#00037485]

Yeah! damn those damn coppers...
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-09-28 11:14 [#00037523]

I have fucking huge feet I never really thought about it before but they are fucking huge!They are size 16's U.S. just fucking giant and they are pickles no less!!!Hmmmmm what if I was to start selling my pubic hair on Ebay ???????THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-09-28 11:26 [#00037537]

It's a deal I will be dying them green before I ship them out! Shipment will take 4-6 weeks C.O.D only thank you !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-09-28 11:30 [#00037541]

Have you ever heard of Marryjane's hideaway ????THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-09-28 11:33 [#00037543]

It is a hotel in your neck of the woods sounds pretty nice to me. Amazing rooms and they hook you up with a nice basket of bud! I'm thinking about taking a trip there ! THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
from UK on 2001-09-28 13:18 [#00037558]

I don't hate cops but I hate the amount of resourse they pump into catching speeders in the UK, rather than theives.
If you have your car nicked they are not interested. If they catch you speeding they will follow the whole thing trough voraciously.
2 and a half years ago I got caught doing 104mph and I had to go to court and nearly lost my license. Got a big fine and points on my license now insurance is fucking expensive.
My point is speeding can be sometimes dangerous, but car theft is a major crime to the victim, but the police are more interested in catching speeders coz it's easy money.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-28 16:25 [#00037567]

cops are the worst! i hate speeding tickets! i got one for 30 mph over the speed limit. it was...175 dollars! i got pulled over by the same cop the next week, but he let me off. i got out of my speeding ticket though by doing community service with the addition of a driving class and not getting another speeding ticket within three months, but i did get another speeding ticket within those three months, except the court was to stupid to notice, so i got off scotch free. to bad our town sucks, so the cops have nothing to do except harass kids. i love going fast though. damn my porsche for being so fast!
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-09-28 17:56 [#00037583]

I am now blackballed from a car rental company for speeding fucking sucks but what are you going to do ?THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-28 20:30 [#00037629]

i would love to run from the cops. go to http://movies.taner.net/ and you can watch car clips, some of which are people running away from cops. there is one of a guy in eagele talon running from cops somewhere in america, one of a lotus omega running from swedish police, one of a porsche 911 evading stockholm police, a bmw m5 being chased by cops in a volvo, and a guy in his ferrari f40 doing 200 mph in traffic who was later caught because he sold the tapes to people and the cops got a hold of one and tracked him down.
from UK on 2001-09-29 19:12 [#00037835]

Cool, I love watching that stuff!
Anyone here got a fast car? I have a SEAT Leon 20VT 143mph, 0-60 7.7 secs
Barrett, Syd
from T Dot on 2001-09-29 22:24 [#00037847]

If you're breaking the law and a cop catches you, it's not their fault.
from from lab computer at some college in FL on 2001-09-30 22:13 [#00037994]

baron, you are lucky that is all they fined you! my frined got pulled over for going 85 in a 55 area and he got a ticket for $300! and the kicker is, he wasn't driving a nice car! they usaully fine people in nicer cars higher tickets.... oh well.
but cops, i do kinda dislike them. i have met very few "nice" cops in my life time. most of them want to search your bag, or fallow you for four blocks in their cars untill you do some tyhing wrong, like turn with out using your turn signal. bastards.
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-10-01 01:11 [#00038024]

Ouch $300 bucks that hurts I'm lucky I got off with the fine I got !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!P.S. DON'T HIDE YOUR BOAT IN MY MILK JUG!
Barrett, Syd
from T Dot on 2001-10-01 01:57 [#00038049]

shame on you baron.
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-10-01 02:04 [#00038053]

I'm sorry (Head hung in shame) but I really want to learn how to milk a cow THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
from Berlin on 2001-10-01 04:42 [#00038059]

I got pulled over in Lincoln, doing 85 mph in a 35 mph zone, didn't have my license on me, didn't see the cop pull up beside me before I started speeding and failed to signal a lane change... bloody fucking crocidiles... $230 fine... but ohh well, life goes on
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-10-01 05:51 [#00038062]

Next time this happens to me I'm just going to make a run for it !Keep a look out for me on "America's scarriest police videos"Woo HOO!!!!!!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
on 2001-10-01 07:08 [#00038068]

cops just inforce the law. the politicians are the assholes who make them.
on 2001-10-01 12:28 [#00038109]

Hate to play devil's advocate but if you break the law guess who's fault it is? Yours, not the cops, not your moms, not your cars, its yours. We love blaming other people for our actions in this country because we have an army of salivating lawyers just waiting to pounce at any oppurtunity. Also, it was firemen as well as police officers that ran back into the WTC after the huge second impact to save peoples lives. You might be happy to see a cop at that point in your life.
Officer John Langsworthy
from , on 2001-10-01 13:26 [#00038114]

If you kids just follow the law, then you won´t be encountered with "situations".
Besides, we don´t decide much what to do or not, we just follow orders. Cop-hatred is a very stupid and small-worlded mans idea.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-01 17:08 [#00038142]

with all the street racing i did this weekend, i'm surprised i did not get caught. i raced a GTO and a bmw M3.
loogie: ahaha! my car is faster though! porsche 944 turbo 217 hp, 250ish ft-lbs. of torque, great at powerslides, 0-60= 6.1 sec., quartermile= 14.4 sec., top speed of 152. i'm going to get a DME chip and knock the 0-60 down to 5.6 sec. q-mile in the 13's and a higher top speed.
from planet claire on 2001-10-01 18:41 [#00038160]

reflex, i have this really bad habit of racing, but my mom is worse. she drives this massive saburban with more horse power then any one in the sleepy little twon they lived in before they oved to russia. i remember one time we pulled up next to this fancy Beemer (BMW) and he looked at us, and we looked at him, and the light went green and VRRRRRRROOM!!! my mom was outa there like a bat out of hell.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-01 21:39 [#00038191]

i'm going to post my race stories.
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