dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-09-21 17:23 [#00035179]

Man-tits, clinically known as gynecomastia (which comes from the Greek word for "women-like breasts"), are a common problem. The extra mammary growth is often the result of an imbalance between estrogens and androgens. Three percent of the cases of gynecomastia turn out to be cancerous. Interestingly, 10 to 20 percent of cases are caused by drugs and medicines. The THC in weed contains a type of estrogen which causes some men's bodies to mistakenly grow boobs. Other medicines with similar effects include asthma treatments, ulcer drugs, antidepressants, steroids, amphetamines, insulin, methadone and other narcotics.
dan shman
from SLEXETER on 2001-10-24 13:01 [#00045029]

dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-10-25 09:08 [#00045279]

dangle berry how the devil are yah im currently awaiting the 9th of nov when me soph and skullhead are going to the big warp records rave in hackney hurrah and rich d james is headlineing hurrah again! giss a phone soonish and let me know what your up to!
THE DJ Bladdered
from space on 2001-10-25 09:15 [#00045283]

heres a little joke; do you know there is a condition called 'religious gynecomastia'? Its commonly referred to as the 'preying man-tits' boom boom
PS Drukqs acid tracks are best played at the wrong speed ie generally slower to bring out da funk, Ive had a little shot of mixing in some of the piano bits over some parts of the acid tracks too, some nice funky dissonance
Richard D. James
on 2001-10-25 09:27 [#00045290]

Off fuck.
dangle berry
from slexeter on 2001-10-25 14:09 [#00045344]

dingle, howz u? what is your e mail address ? i typed coppcut into the search mode and nothing occured/?/ tell skullhead that his forest crew are endogamous!!!! se u later dan/gle
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