from New York on 2001-09-20 22:15 [#00034778]

The other day, I was walking through town, and I noticed that someone had left a jar of pickles on the sidewalk. I stopped and stood puzzled for a moment, before deciding to eat that jar of pickles right then and there. Not the pickles my friend, oh heavens no! I ate the glass jar itself! Let me give you a quick word of advice: don't eat glass! I was sent to the nearest hospital, were I consumed vast amounts of pink lemonade.
from New York on 2001-09-21 02:05 [#00034903]

So that happened to you too? In 1989? You must be an old man by now. 'Twas a long time ago.
You must have had a very foolish docter if he gave you grapfruit juice. I think pink lemonade has more electrolites in it er somthin...
My docter looked very much like an ape, or some kind of primate...although I was suffering a severe case of amnesia at the time, due to my insomnia.
Reflex, you are in canada? Wow! Were in the same continent! Unlike those crazy Europeans...
from earth on 2001-09-21 03:47 [#00034918]

as eye drank tha purple milk and ate tha green eggs and ham, i thought to myself..
"circuses are no fun for animals"
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-09-21 09:58 [#00034967]

As a child I never really wanted to be around old people they smelled funny the smell reminded me of death. THE BARON HAS SPOKEN
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-09-21 11:53 [#00035000]

mr barron please can you inform us all and tell us what type of pickles your feet are actually made of?
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-09-21 11:55 [#00035002]

I can never tell the secret to my picklefeet !!!!!I can tell you that they are a bit on the bumpie side !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-09-21 11:57 [#00035003]

do you relax with a vinegar footbath of an evening?
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-09-21 11:59 [#00035005]

id you know that for a few seconds the pickle will do nothing. After this, the pickle will begin to steam. After a few seconds of steaming, one end of the pickle will begin to flicker a bright yellow. The duration of the flicker depends on how well the pickle is hooked up. The reaction gives off a strange smell and a rather frightening noise. Be prepared! Do not leave on for long periods of time, the pickle will probably dry out and get set on fire!
If you enjoy the glowing pickle experience, you may wish to upgrade your pickle rig bybuilding a more permanent device. Simply hook the leads up to two metal spikes. Mount thespikes on any nonconducting material and impale the pickle on the spikes. Make sure that the cord is unplugged when you touch the pickle, spikes, or any other part of the device!
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