on 2001-09-23 23:58 [#00035708]

ditto you poo baby,
on 2001-09-24 00:00 [#00035710]

"'Better to keep your mouth shut and look like a moron, than open your mouth and confirm it'
on 2001-09-24 00:01 [#00035713]

....um what now
on 2001-09-24 00:04 [#00035716]

"So why you keep posting?" -|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 01:01 09/24/2001
..to aid John Whitman in his experiments, of course! :/
on 2001-09-24 00:06 [#00035720]

even you |REFLEX|, my little poo baby, should have figured that out by now..
from Africa on 2001-09-24 00:35 [#00035749]

"His experiment!? Its just some guy who has nothing better to do and actually thought it up on the spot, and thought he was clever. Either its just 2 people trying to be funny to impress each other!? For Real? or its 2 people trying to annoy me, which is a funny thing cause theyd waste their time trying? When it makes me laugh at the stupidity that people can reach. It really amazes me the lengths people will go, out of their way to do things. Posting under some stupid name is cowardly and pretty lame. It just makes all your remarks invalid, as they are from a fake person. The only ones who think its cool or agree are the other fake people around here. Everyone else real, doesnt care in the least. I think we proved that last week then you tried to slam me and everyone backed me up. Good luck again. Youll need it. As its going nowhere.. once again."
Reflex, not to cause offence and get you saying "I'm been here since the begining" but you're a fucking idiot. "Everyone else real....I think we proved that last week then you tried to slam me and everyone backed me up..." This is just a message board. "Posting under some stupid name is cowardly and pretty lame." Yeah, so if my name was Burt Reynolds and I posted under that name would that make me a hero? I mean, rather then a coward because it really does take alot of courage to put your real name in that field. Why does it say lREFLEXl in your name field? That seems pretty "cowardly." It only takes two minutes aday for someone to call you a dick, it takes you seven hours to comprehend it and follow up with your "hey man, I've been here since the begining." Well, I've been here alittle bit longer then you, I don't give a fuck, this is just a message board put to much thought into it. You post quite alot though, so it's understandable that you would consider this "the real world."
lREFLEXl\\\'s lDADl
from Africa on 2001-09-24 00:42 [#00035754]

You're still putting to much thought into all this, it's just a message board. I'm not angry at you, you're just text.
from all too far away on 2001-09-24 00:48 [#00035756]

who cares...
"boring!" - homer simpson
from Satans Bag of groceries on 2001-09-24 00:53 [#00035757]

If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?....
from Satans Bag of groceries on 2001-09-24 01:10 [#00035762]

"Ooh Betty..." - Frank Spencer
red iv ider
on 2001-09-24 03:25 [#00035763]

now now, children... why don't we play the quiet game?
from over thar on 2001-09-24 04:02 [#00035768]

oh lord, are we all fighting again??
"Dick dick dick dick dick dick dick." Mr. Brown
"How many dicks is that?" Mr. Blue
"A lot." Mr. White
from Trondheim, Norway on 2001-09-24 08:58 [#00035827]

"Baker'n er den som smaker'n"
- Norwegian expresion
Which means: the one who gets the shit, is the first one to smoke the shit.
Happy Gilmore
on 2001-09-24 09:02 [#00035828]

Arh, they eat shit in Norway? Norway is some sick shit.
Julian Casablancas
on 2001-09-24 17:32 [#00035891]

"[Rubbing his thumb and forefinger together] Do you know what this is? It's the world's smallest violin, playing just for the waitresses." -Mr Pink
from planet claire on 2001-09-24 19:46 [#00035918]

"Are you ganna bark all day little doggie, or are you ganna bite?" Mr. Blonde
Julian Casablancas
on 2001-09-24 20:19 [#00035925]

Dammit, I was gonna use that one next. "You wanna fuck with me? I'll show you who you're fucking with!" -Mr Pink
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-09-24 22:03 [#00035959]

"ILL BUY THAT FOR A DOLLAR" said by the guy off of the robocop movie on tv who,s allways pushing large birthday cakes into some honeys cleavage!
anyone know a good movie-still of this scene ive been lookin for it all day!
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-09-25 02:32 [#00036058]

"If I cut off my ears I can paint the walls with my blood "!!!!! Baron Has spoken!
from perth on 2001-09-25 04:03 [#00036070]

wasnt it james brown "i feel good"?
i saw in interview with him a few months ago. he has lost his mind. they go "how do you feel" and he laughs and screeams "i FEEEEEEEL GOOOOOD!"
hes nuts! that made my day, that did.
from planet claire on 2001-09-25 07:52 [#00036117]

"Cut the shit! I don't think you called anybody except some cooze you once fucked, who happens to wear orthopedic shoes. And I don't think that's good enough care for a gut-shot man." Mr. White
from planet claire on 2001-09-25 07:55 [#00036118]

" you shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apallogize." Mr. White
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-09-25 09:02 [#00036143]

"Just because I can't dance doesnt make me a nazi" THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!!!
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-09-25 09:53 [#00036166]

"the future isnt quite like it used to be" i cant remember who said this though!
Julian Casablancas
on 2001-09-25 12:29 [#00036205]

"Why am I Mr Pink?" -Mr Pink
Julian Casablancas
on 2001-09-25 12:31 [#00036206]

"'Cause you're a faggot." -Joe Cabot
Bobby McGee
on 2001-11-18 08:23 [#00053182]

You know, the deletion of Reflex's posts make alot of us look crazy, threads hardly make sense, entire chunks of conversation, just one person talking to themselves.
Bobby McGee
on 2001-11-18 08:24 [#00053184]

People quoting Reservoir Dogs destroyed my topic.
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