from Sweden on 2001-09-19 10:31 [#00034068]

First of all: Our messageboard differs a lot from existing (commercial/non-commercial) forums. No need to compare them. We code and invent everything from scratch. We also avoid stuff that SLOWS down a messageboard.
The point-system is just for fun and we won't have any status stuff like "Newbie", "God" etc etc... that's pretty stupid. ;-)
I don't think Tune needs to look at the YABB-source. In fact, the YABB-developers should look at OUR source to find out how to create decent, fast code. Maybe you haven't get it yet, but Tune is a real ace and work with things like that professionally. (They have recruited him from Hungary to Canada). He is a rock! :-)
More info to come...
Mr T
on 2001-09-19 14:18 [#00034132]

Canadian or Cunt-alien? Australian or Arse-alien? English or English?
It took me three hours to come up with that joke, so you better laugh, damn fool.
from joyrex.com, of course! on 2001-09-19 16:23 [#00034204]

I understand you're proud of your board, and you should be - but I think you'll find the more features you add, you will take a hit in performance versus a pure text messageboard. Put graphics into the mix and you WILL have some slowdown due to increased bandwidth. Nothing wrong with that, as long as it doesn't detract from the browsing experience. I was just suggesting looking at the code; most of the good programmers I know don't reinvent the wheel everytime, they use and reuse bits of code to save time and if somebody can do it better, why not use superior code? Just common sense, I reckon.
Of course, the proof is always in the pudding, so when the new MB comes out, we'll see how it goes - I'm sure it will go well.
from Milan on 2001-09-19 16:42 [#00034216]

Hey, two webmaster at the same time, cool!!!
I believe in phobiazero and his new creation aphextwin.v5 but I enjoy joyrex.com, too!!! Joyrex is a good webmaster and he has a nice site with a funny MB.
I think it's interesting an exchange of opinions between phobiazero and joyrex, the greatest aphex twin webmasters.
I have only one curiosity... Sometime I see joyrex on aphextwin.nu but I never found phobiazero on joyrex.com...
"Richar D. James bless his webmasters"
from Sweden on 2001-09-19 17:39 [#00034233]

Sure I appreciate you comments and suggestions, James. My point is however that there are several ways of coding the same stuff and I'm pretty sure we could expect a very fast messageboard even with additional features, optimized pictures and so on.
Anyway, PHP/SQL is much faster CGI/flat database - so it's no point checking out the YABB Perl-code.
I def. agree with you about creating/maintaing the site(s) takes too much time. I have recently bought a house and we're currently moving in, so... that's my priority right now. :-)
from Sweden on 2001-09-19 17:40 [#00034234]

Woofer: I am a regular at joyrex.com. :-) It's a good site!
from NYC on 2001-09-19 18:02 [#00034237]

I'm also worried that v5 will overcomplicate the message board. I think the login/password is a good idea, but do we really need smiley faces for people to select and shit like that? Keep it simple. This message board rules the way it is, except for the clones and the stupid posts.
I don't really think there should be points that you can trade in for anything, its not fucking Chuck E. Cheese's after all...You should get a little tally next to your name. Or little aphex symbols for new member senior member etc. You can make reflex 'super duper been here forever memborioso extrodinaire' and everyone will be happy.
Boris The Dog
on 2001-09-19 18:08 [#00034238]

That alreadygone site is your enemy.
Boris The Dog
on 2001-09-19 18:09 [#00034240]

The points system is my enemy.
from Sweden on 2001-09-19 18:51 [#00034249]

We'll keep it as simple as possible! We like it minimalistic...
Bobby McGee
on 2001-09-19 19:44 [#00034270]

I want it to be bunbury. I will slap you to death. Ah.
from over thar on 2001-09-19 19:47 [#00034271]

lord, i am excited! but, X is right, let's not get ahead of ourselves... let's not get the message board too "busy".... but i like all that about pics, and location and homepage...
from Melbourne on 2001-09-20 04:04 [#00034491]

It'll be interesting to see v5.
from joyrex.com of course! on 2001-09-20 04:35 [#00034494]

True - SQL is faster than flatfile - YaBB has a SQL verison coming out (hopefully) soon, and I will go with that when it is released.
Congrats on the home Phobia, I just bought my first home in April, and let me tell you, the first year is tough! But after that, it gets much easier (I hope).
You're lucky to have a talented programmer like Tune helping out out Phobia... I too have people I could not manage without.
Phobia even has his own custom title on my MB...so the rumours of me not liking him are totatlly not true.
from NYC on 2001-09-20 05:36 [#00034498]

Did you guys hear that Joyrex hates phobiazero because they are in constant competition to make the best aphex twin website?
from Milan on 2001-09-20 07:23 [#00034522]

Phobiazero: Which is your nick on joyrex.com mb? Please, tell me, I am curious to know...
from Sweden on 2001-09-20 09:38 [#00034563]

Thanks Joyrex... I've been living in my flat now for five years and believe it or not - I prefer living outside town. This will allow me to pump up the volume a bit when playing Ae/Vletrmx21/Basscadet. :-)
from mm on 2001-09-20 09:53 [#00034574]

sorry for butting in but my personaly fav is the beaumonthannanttwomx
from NYC on 2001-09-20 12:31 [#00034609]

Reflex: Indeed.
Anti-Asian Committee
on 2001-10-17 00:35 [#00042324]

You run the paperrun, do you? So, Phobiazero, you are a liar.
from perth on 2001-10-17 04:30 [#00042480]

yair im intrigued (spelling?) about this v5... sounds good.... i agree thoguh.. the amount of posts giving oyu points is a little didgy...ppl may just do multiple posts or *shock horror* get points for repeating things..spamming or whatever..the same message over n over....points based on post content would be cool, but near impossible to judge etc, even manually...
oh one more thing
shut up geonime
David The Dog Fucker
on 2001-10-17 20:59 [#00042966]

I don't think there needs to be lyrics from each track in V5, that would just be like "I want your soul, I will eat your soul." it'd be alittle stupid.
on 2001-10-17 21:39 [#00042986]

Like the ideas for v5. One thing though, with this buy and sell thing, do you think people will use it?
Anus Invader
on 2001-10-17 23:35 [#00043055]

It wouldn't be reliable, that idea sucks catpenis too.
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