from vistalasta on 2001-09-14 05:41 [#00031678]

to all venting there fustrations on america saying how proud and that we deserve this action.. the pride is comming from you, or you would humble yourself enough to show your sorrow for this tragedy, and stop pointing fingers at us, becuase we have such great lives over here and you are so jealuos of us TOUGH. You all sound like a bunch of backstabbing little gossiping old ladies, looking over at your neighbor like you are better than us.. how would you handle such a terrible tragedy, you have never been through anything, but sit and watch others who suffer and wait for a way to pick them apart even more.
well it wont work.. terrorism must be stopped and it will thanks to the USA..just wait and see.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 05:47 [#00031681]

i have no idea what the hell you're talking about, but ok.
from vistalasta on 2001-09-14 05:54 [#00031685]

this is only posted for those who have openly showed there glee at americans devistation, I have read a lot on this bard and it pissed me off thats what I am talking about..
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 06:00 [#00031688]

who said it was a good thing? i remember hevquip said that he hopes that more people die, but i beleive he's american. no one is saying it was a good thing though. some people said that america has been doing it to other countries for years and that they got what was comming to them, but that's not saying that they think it's a good thing. if someone actually said it was a good thing, i think it would be safe to say that everyone would become quickly aware of the comment, who said it, and that that person would find themselves quite unwelcome here after that. i know i would have exploded on someone for that.
from location on 2001-09-14 06:09 [#00031693]

so, what exaclty has american done then tell me? what has america done to deserve killing people at work in a sky scraper, thinking about going home and eeing there kids?? I dont recall us doing that.. oh maybe its becuse of the atom bomb in Japan, there thats why... ok now you know america maybe how the japanse felt after they attacked pearl harbor when we are at peace...
How can a country who lets anyone come over to live including the terrosits who killed the americans be blamed or made feel like they deserve it??
Bobby McGee
on 2001-09-14 06:23 [#00031698]

Ami's posts are too long, I can only read the first line then I stop. Please explain your idiotic opinion in one line so that I can follow it up with acurate poke at your ribs.
Bobby McGee
on 2001-09-14 06:24 [#00031699]

Your posts are inane.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 06:28 [#00031702]

right on McGee.
Ami, what the fuck are you talking about? i never said that americans deserved it. i said no one on this board was saying that it was a good thing. what the hell are you arguing? mcgee is right. it's almost impossible to read though your random babble.
Emile Zola
from Paris on 2001-09-14 08:55 [#00031822]

ami, you're an ignorant.
from Sweden on 2001-09-14 09:02 [#00031832]

Personally I have nothing against when people creates a new topic from a single message. Thats why we have a topic-based messageboard.
So stop telling people avoiding this. Such messages bring more chaos to the topic. God, I hate off-topic messages...
If you dont wanna discuss a topic then simple DONT reply to it!
Corey Feldman
on 2001-09-14 09:05 [#00031836]

I really don't like your attitude, Phobiazero, you should have made that post in a new topic, but it's too late now, if you attempt to post the same message twice, I will kill you.
Captian Slipknot
from www.mp3.com/chaka015 on 2001-09-14 09:19 [#00031852]

LOL \ ] kl Cory Feildman eats fishsticks and it shows.
from Sweden on 2001-09-14 09:21 [#00031855]

Corey Feldman: I can see from your previous posts that you're a real trouble maker... Just by using 10+ alias for the last few hours keep me from taking you seriously.
Anyway, thanks for posting messages and for keeping the MB alive even though the general quality of them are not too high.
from Sweden on 2001-09-14 09:21 [#00031858]

Take it as a joke.
Captian Slipknot
from www.mp3.com/chaka015 on 2001-09-14 09:23 [#00031860]

damn straight phobio.
we're a sad bunch when it get's this late in the night/early in the morning
Bin Laden
from Afghanistan on 2001-09-14 09:25 [#00031865]

It's not about quality, it's about quantity and apparently you wanted me to return, it seems, or you have a plan involving Shane Warne, a cigarette and a mechanical seagull.
"Do you hear what I hear?' Said the night wind to the little lamb. Do you see what I see? Way up in the sky, little lamb."[That's alittle bit of terrorist humour, you wont get it.]
Emile Zola
from Paris on 2001-09-14 09:31 [#00031873]

we got ami the ignorant and bin laden the sad asshole...
Steve CockMeister
on 2001-09-14 09:33 [#00031876]

....and we got Emile the speaky thingy.
Emile Zola
from paris on 2001-09-14 09:37 [#00031880]

no, the famous writer...
Steve CockMeister
on 2001-09-14 09:38 [#00031881]

No, the talky thingy.
Emile Zola
from paris on 2001-09-14 09:40 [#00031882]

no the famous writer...
it can last long like that... i got lot of time to lose (approximately 8 hours).
Bin Laden
from Afghanistan on 2001-09-14 09:49 [#00031886]

Well then I'm the infamous man...
It can last long like that... I got alot of time to plan my plane attack on your house (approximately 8 hours).
Emile Zola
from paris on 2001-09-14 09:53 [#00031888]

you'd better read my book.
Bin Laden
from Afghanistan on 2001-09-14 09:57 [#00031892]

I've read your stupid books Germinal and Captain Burle, they make us read shit for literature. You're a shit writer.
Emile Zola
from paris on 2001-09-14 09:59 [#00031893]

ooooh yes!
Daisy Ashford
on 2001-09-14 10:04 [#00031895]

It's true, she is a shit writer.
Flannery O'Connor
on 2001-09-14 10:04 [#00031896]

I agree.
Harmony Korine
on 2001-09-14 10:05 [#00031898]

I too find great displeasure in viewing Zola's shit.
Flannery O'Connor
on 2001-09-14 10:06 [#00031899]

I will stab you in the eye, Mr Korine.
on 2001-09-14 10:07 [#00031901]

I'm going home, Gook.
Emile Zola
from paris on 2001-09-14 10:15 [#00031906]

tomorrow i come with my friend Gustave Flaubert and maybe with Honoré de Balzac. They are real funny guys.
from the uk (school) on 2001-09-14 10:58 [#00031917]

what? I dont think anyu one has been slagging them off, I think everyone realizes what been going on, and how bad it is.
Purr Sent
from Cat Fractions on 2001-09-14 11:22 [#00031920]

I wasn't slagging the US, I was slagging the knee-jerk reactions of "terrorism's bad, we should kill loads of people", which seem a bit hypocritical when it's the US that funds many terrorist groups. People were baying for arab blood, and having seen this poor fucking arab market trader on the TV last night begging the US not to bomb the fuck out if him and his family, as he was as upset about the attack as everyone else, I was moved to tears. People in the US seem to have no fucking idea of what the foriegn policy of their country is, or the thousands of deaths caused by that policy every year.
I am in no way saying that what happened at WTC and the Pentagon was excusable in any way, but George Bush acting all innocent, and putting himself in the role of 'good' versus 'evil' is a bit fucking much.
The UK has had the shit bombed out of it by the IRA (who the US are helping to fund - yeah, thanks for that) for years and years now, but you don't see us flying in to bomb Northern Island.
And one final point, life is not better in US. I've spent quite a lot of time there, and as far as I can see it's a country full of depressives, maniacs, money-grabbing slimeballs and giant great big fat fuckers.
Sido Dyas
from An Imperial Cruiser on 2001-09-14 21:30 [#00031984]

I think most of the so called "anti americans" in here are just saying it aint all black and white good vs evil ,its more complex than that.
from mars on 2001-09-14 21:39 [#00031988]

Too complex perhaps.... i'm off to Moes to kill my brain with beer.
Id Lab
from The Untitled Kingdom on 2001-09-14 22:05 [#00031991]

Right on, Purr Sent. The US is not a blameless victim in this, though the individuals who died were blameless victims themselves. That's the problem with the US foreign policy of punishing an entire country for the sins of the few - the innocent suffer. I don't say the UK is any better in this respect - worse, perhaps, because our leaders allow themselves to be led by the USA. But violence breeds violence, and the most mature and sensible thing for NATO to do would be to stop bombing Iraq, stop supporting Israeli oppression of Palestinians, and start treating Arabs as people rather than as dangerous fanatics. This would not be an easy path, but it would be the best way to prevent further killing on both sides.
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