from NZ on 2001-09-13 00:59 [#00031208]

how is this effecting everyones mind and psyches?..me I was plagued with nightmeres and I havebeen writing some of the most depressing and creepiest music I have ever done..even by my standards..how everyone else effected..anyone writing drawing creating because of this...
m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m
from W)mm(W on 2001-09-13 01:07 [#00031213]

I made a really happy song right before it happened. I'm mostly just worried how it will affect me personally. I hope they don't draft or anything, many wars start with relatively small causes... this one wasn't very small. If they give me a gun and a killing environment where people's arms are flying off, I'll just shoot myself in the head and save the unwanted mentaly pain. Plus the poor people that suffered, I hate the concept of pain/suffering, but pain is an evolutionary adaptation that evolved to help things know when their bodies are being wounded and thus be more fit to survive. Is it equally painful to the ants when a kid tortures their hive? Or the rats killed in your basement. I saw jurasic park and though it is only a representation of a deceased reality, the scene of the t rex shaking that small little insect like human, and knowing how horrible pain feels to people, and knowing how reality would be so different if only a butterfly had not flapped it's wings somewhere in the deep cosmos to hurl a meteor in our path...
from NZ on 2001-09-13 01:11 [#00031214]

same here..I was writing a lot of quirky silly music..thinking the more depressing stuff's behind..and lo and behold I witness this and I am back in a dark depressed mode of creation..I can not describe what's coming out as scary or anything..just..sad
from NZ on 2001-09-13 01:16 [#00031215]

I was in the States at a University when a gulf war broke out..some of my friends and classmates were in R.O.T.C and one day they just stopped showing up in class because they had been called in for excercises or something...I met em later and they were frightened and very anxious..and wishing they hadn't gone and joined R.O.T.C..one of them was worried that he was gonna loose his life nad all just because he wanted to save on tuition...it was a sad and dark time being around those guys...
on 2001-09-13 01:51 [#00031225]

i just sat in front of my keyboard, and played somewhat of a sad song, that was actually some of the best playing ive done..and i did it for like 5 minutes, it was strange but comforting
from nZ on 2001-09-13 02:47 [#00031230]

m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m
from W)mm(W on 2001-09-13 06:28 [#00031299]

Luckily I don't have any friends to worry about. When I was in the adolescent prison called school, I had quite a tough time... I can't say how tough exactly, at the time I thought it was pretty damn bad but it's mostly all shoved into my subconscious like a time bomb. I had plenty of horrible thoughts I can no longer remember... During this time though, I created drawings that are absolutely insane. Almost rejecting reality, many are abstract almost surreal representations of mental pain. The ones that do reflect reality do so in a twisted way. I focused all my mental pain and thought on them. I feel like they were 99% representations of my soul. I've heard from some other source a link to art and pain/misery, can one exist without the other? The worst part is plenty of people and other living things have suffered worse than me. I hardly remember anything, maybe it wasn't that bad.
from Now Here on 2001-09-13 06:38 [#00031300]

I have found myself to be the most productive in my darkest hours...and I have had plenty of those..but funnily it's never my art (I draw, paint, illustrate etc)..which has always been kinda clinical, sterile and perfuntionary..but my writing and music always goes apeshit..and to many the work I create in these times is the most honest and evocative..in general a lot of people find my work to be far too cynical and satirical and intentionally bent for them to connect to...I don't really agree but it's just what I have always been told. quite frequently by totally unrelated people and I have started to believe it.....
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