from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-09-12 23:26 [#00031164]

In a sentance or two, I was wondering about what people here think of our situation in a year or so regarding the unity of our countrys?
I beleive we will all come out of this considerably stronger as a worldwide united force, never forgetting about what awful things happend yesterday. We will be Globally patriotic. The US has all of the United Kingdoms support... I've seen it.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-09-13 01:05 [#00031211]

There is really nothing more I hate then seeing innocent people dying. Nobody has the right to take another human's life no matter what this is wrong. Now we are going to bomb the hell out of who ever did this I think this is the wrong thing to do! I really do not believe in revenge this just keeps the cycle of violence going ! unfortunately everyone feels that something needs to be done with the people that carried out this attack . If we retaliate we will be also killing thousands upon thousands of people that had nothing to do with this ! I'm sorry I just had to say that I will get off my soapbox now!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN !
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-13 09:28 [#00031389]

from the uk (school) on 2001-09-13 09:40 [#00031397]

one point..... america has been bombing afghanistan(?) or what ever it is every DAY since that lil war started, have you not read of the american millitarys mistakes? destroying schools and hospitals "they thought" were millitary buildings..... I am not taking any sides, I am aware that was a horrendous act of terrorism which resulted in too many deaths, but face it, bush was asking for it
from the uk (school) on 2001-09-13 09:53 [#00031406]

and its because of bush they died, dont ANY one forget that, (and the american millitary)
Conan O'Brien
on 2001-09-13 13:24 [#00031456]

One of the towers wasn't insured. A stage light nearly killed Jay Leno about three months ago.
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-13 13:37 [#00031459]

I think if a constant supply of mdma was pumped into the water cycle, we would never have any troubles like this, and if everyone was allowed to grow canabis.
Constant happyness for everyone and a could not give a fuck attitude, thats what I would do if I was Jesus.
Jesus B. Christ
on 2001-09-13 13:47 [#00031460]

You'll never be me. Give up, you are surrounded. Sorry everyone, I was on the toilet when the terrorist struck, I meant to help you.
from UK on 2001-09-13 14:44 [#00031464]

It's not Bushes fault is it?! America was always the weakest link when it came to internal flight security... always. So it's not just Bush. Besides, Who gives a shit whos fault it is... and the fact he HASNT said what specific action he's going to take. Spose we just wait and see.
on 2001-09-13 15:37 [#00031477]

from UK on 2001-09-13 15:41 [#00031478]

João Evangelista
from Portugal on 2001-09-13 16:00 [#00031483]

I think most people have forgot the destruction that Americans have spread around the world. I don't agree with innocents being killed and all (USA's politicians should be the ones to get killed), but America has been doing MUCH worse to the world. Those stupid Americans attack everything they want, but being the ATTACKED isn't nice, huh?
Well, Americans deserved it. They have to pay for all the injury done to other countries. Although some americans are innocent, so are the ones they've attacked and no-one cares about them.
from UK on 2001-09-13 16:06 [#00031485]

Like I said in another post... It's like gangs... Many of the people supporting the bombings Bush might do, are people who lost familys and close friends. ITS A NATURAL REACTION... Just how you are feeling right now about the other countrys being bombed, yea? I wasnt suprised and I'm not disgusted at the celebrations going on in those countrys... they wernt allies and they had no family and friends in the US... Do you disagree with that?
from the black forest on 2001-09-13 16:09 [#00031486]

America sells Iraq weapons, teaches them how to use them, then bombs the fuck out of them.
The CIA trains Osama bin Laden, gives him weapons, then bombs the fuck out of him.
The US has funded shitloads of terrorist activities throughout the years. George Bush standing on his fucking soapbox bleating on about how disgusting terrorism is makes me sick.
I don't want the UK to be closely linked with the US.
from In my head on 2001-09-13 16:14 [#00031487]

Dont forget South America, the US Government have been funding terrorists there for decades.
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-13 16:17 [#00031489]

They funded the IRA aswell.
from UK on 2001-09-13 16:17 [#00031490]

I dont think that the UK has a choice anyway.
from the black forest on 2001-09-13 16:19 [#00031491]

Great. We're attached to the most fucked-up country in the world until the bitter end. Well done Mr Blair, you fucking yellow-belly shithead.
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-13 16:20 [#00031492]

He's got nice clean teeth though!!!
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-13 16:21 [#00031493]

Besides if we were under attack we'd expect the US to help us!
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-13 16:22 [#00031494]

The British Empire ain't what it used to be -
All we got now is a couple of dingys and a few spud guns!!!
from the black forest on 2001-09-13 16:26 [#00031496]

If we start feeding our soldiers ketamine and speed combos and playing them Didgeridoo on repeat for an hour before sending them into battle, I reckon we could rule the waves again. Bo.
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-13 16:28 [#00031497]

One thing the missus noticed about the fireman (typical!!) US firemen all look like 7ft hero's, where as UK firemen look like a couple of middle aged beer belly's who spend all their time putting fires out down the pub!
have fun.
from UK on 2001-09-13 16:29 [#00031498]

click! AI! We'd be the mutts nutts!!!
Blair has got nice teeth hasnt he....
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-13 16:31 [#00031499]

Come off it, we'd be sipping our tea whilst americans save the day - haven't you seen Independence Day????!!!!!!
(is it sarcasm or irony americans don't get?)
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-13 16:35 [#00031500]

I agree, mr. Blair has nice teeth.
i should know I am a dentist.
from the black forest on 2001-09-13 16:36 [#00031501]

Irony. Especially Alanis Morrisette. Although I think she may in fact be Canadian. Which is ironic, really.
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-13 16:37 [#00031502]

Seriously!!! (in the money..do dodo dooo )
I' ve gotto have a filling in 2 weeks!
Where is your surgey???!?!?
Have fun
from the black forest on 2001-09-13 16:38 [#00031503]

Actually, it's not. I've just had a quick think about it.
from the black forest on 2001-09-13 16:39 [#00031504]

Oooooh, fill my cavity!
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-13 16:39 [#00031505]

If they catch the bloke who is repsonsible.
Could they not strap him to a post and let everyone in America kick him in the pods at least once.
Or keep him alive using a drip and have a constant stream of people kicking him in the knackers for the rest of his life.
I don't know his exact age but he looks about 40. Imagine having people kick you in the trouser eggs for 35 years non stop, 7 days per week 24 hours per day, 60 minutes per hour, 60 seconds per minute 1 second per second.
Even though I am a eunuch, I think that would hurt.
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-13 16:42 [#00031506]

Ooooooooh Ben Doon Then.
on 2001-09-13 16:53 [#00031507]

from the black forest on 2001-09-13 17:00 [#00031508]

I think their official website might be www.natfront.com , but they've probly got a few. Tiny-cocked little nerds.
on 2001-09-13 17:23 [#00031513]

Yeah, the main site is at natfront.com, but the guestbook is at this other URL.
from over yonder on 2001-09-13 17:58 [#00031522]

america is a huge tyrant. we are a DESPOT, the world police. i have to say, it is aboiut time some thing like this has happened. but we will never learn untill all of the US is baried in ash and ruble...
on 2001-09-13 19:12 [#00031538]

ok.. u ppl have a few things mixed up i think. The US has used military force before on those countries for a reason not just because we felt like terrorizing them. Many of the countries believe in things like beating there wemon into submission. They cant keep there part of the world in peace for even a small amount of time. I dont understand some of these ppl from the UK who somehow believe that the UK is not involved in any other contries suffering. What about ireland??? I have also heard that the UN not just the cia was responsible in part for training bin ladin. IN my opinion they should take force but it needs to be directed in just the right area to minimize distruction
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