Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-12 20:18 [#00031098]

the smoking gun's website rocks.
from NYC on 2001-09-12 20:18 [#00031099]

Interesting Stuff Reflex.
A lot of Nastradamus' predictions have REALLY been stretched to fit modern day events, and I don't really buy into them. The flight dates, that's just a coincidence, I could make those number's mean a lot of different things.
177 = Mathew 17:7 "And what once was dust will be dust again" It's coming true! ...load of B.S. see?
However, I do STRONGLY believe in government conspiracies, I believe in cover-ups and lies. I wouldn't doubt at all that the planes which were hijacked and never showed up were shot down by the U.S. killing hundreds of civilians, and then lied about. Remember the one that crashed near Pittsburgh? Anyone else notice how over and over again they showed scenes of the police kinda making their way through the forest? THEY NEVER SHOWED THE PLANE! Why? Because it was blown apart by a missle! Or riddled with fighter bullets. Maybe.
However I even believe them farther than the average public. I don't even rule out the exstance of some sort of Illuminati, so powerful, the president doesn't know of their existance...
I know alot about this latter subject which I brought up, I'm gonna take a shower, i'll probably make another post or thread about that later today.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-12 20:21 [#00031101]

dude there's a giant fucking hole in the ground from that plane crashing. it may have been shot down, but why does it matter? it's good that it crashed there, cause that plane was not going to land properly. maybe shot with gun fire but it wasn't shot at with missles.
from NYC on 2001-09-12 20:23 [#00031105]

If it doesn't matter why is the government denying it?
Additionally, there are supposedly possible ways of taking down out of control planes safely, like having a special operations team connect a small transport plane to it, and breaking in. Most of what I know about this is from the movies, I think Air Force One but you don't think it was worth trying to save the lives of the people inside?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-12 20:27 [#00031108]

who denied it? no one's denying it happened. some people are saying that they know nothing about it, but they probally don't...
and this isn't a fuckin steven segal and kurt russel movie. yeah yeah i saw it too. that would not happen. you know how much time it would take to do that? the plane would have been in DC it no more than half an hour.
why couldn't it be the pilot or someone crashing it into the ground? it's just as likely. i'm not saying what happened cause i don't know.
if you know some sort of secret knowledge, then please, share.
but i'm betting you don't, so why are you trying to argue it?
Sido Dyas
from Coruscant on 2001-09-12 20:36 [#00031113]

The number eleven looks like twin towers to.You can make all kinds of shit out of this he he!
Organ Grinder
from from my own little phuqed up world on 2001-09-12 21:48 [#00031136]

Nostradamus DID predict the coming of the nuclear bomb.... so did H.G. Wells....
in fact, when H.G. Wells was asked what he wanted on his epitaph, he said he wanted it to say ---
"Damn you all -- i told you so!"
from NYC on 2001-09-12 21:53 [#00031137]

Syd: If you want to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, you shouldn't do it right after writing
"Noone's denying anything" When several government officials publicly said "There is absolutely no truth in the rumours that the plane was taken down over Pittsburgh by missle from air or ground"
Check your facts before you tell me that I'm wrong about anything.
Oh, and Syd, do most planes that crash into the forest not leave a wing/a tail/a blackbox? Keep in mind this one wasn't demolished and left in a 6 story pile of rubble. Secondly just simply explain why the terrorists decided to teach a forest 60 miles outside of Pittsburg a lesson it will never forget.
from NYC on 2001-09-12 21:55 [#00031138]

Oh, I missed "The pilot crashed it or something"...
You're right, it was probably a coincidence. Is that what you thought when the plane hit the other twin tower?
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-09-13 00:01 [#00031178]

I thought it was thought to be headed to camp David, then realised it was back off to Washington. Hmm.
Dont want to watch the news no more :( Getting upset
from NYC on 2001-09-13 00:04 [#00031181]

Can you let me know what your source on the second pentagon 21 stories beneath camp david is reflex?
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