on 2001-09-11 22:23 [#00030845]

If they do bomb the terrorists, it will make martyrs out of them. This will get much bigger if the US choose to be total assholes about this whole thing.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-11 23:48 [#00030861]

no i'm afraid if they aren't killed then you're going to see more attacks on america. this will only be the beginning if Bin Laden isn't killed, as well as every possible person under him possible.
on 2001-09-12 00:36 [#00030865]

IF they are killed, you will see much much more attacks by more people trying to martyr themselves. They will be seen as heroes.
on 2001-09-12 00:36 [#00030866]

IF they are killed, you will see much much more attacks by more people trying to martyr themselves. They will be seen as heroes.
from Bafflement Inn on 2001-09-12 00:45 [#00030868]

WHOA!! syd...I am surprised! the last time they bombed Afghanistan for Ladin they took out the last Pharmaceutical factories there...and in a country already knocked back to before the medieval times (thanks mainly to the weapons the US so grasciously provided for a couple of decades) it basically signed the death warrant to thousands of the sick and wounded...what about the people man..what did the average man on street there ever do to you?
from over yonder on 2001-09-12 00:52 [#00030871]

all i have to say about this, is the had better handle this delicately... i really do not want to have some sort of nuclear war, and i sure as hell do not want to end up with 75% burns over my body, while vomiting uncontrolably from exposure to radation. that is just how i feel about it.
that fool bush had better think this trough very well, or at least, have some one else think it through so he can't fuck it up.
from i on 2001-09-12 03:28 [#00030903]

well... we retaliate, we dont retaliate, they will continue to kill the innocent, this is evidence of that.. soo we find those responsible and deal with them.. any and all nations responsible...
you dont sit by and let it happen when !!you get a toothache you pull it out you dont suck on it and take the pain...we need to totally abliterate any and all nations responible for these kind of actions, no ifs ,ands or buts...
from over yonder on 2001-09-12 03:47 [#00030909]

look friend, this is no tooth ache, ok? there is a difference. i am not saying we should sit back and let them fuck us in the ass, i am saying, let's be careful so we don'r end up killing every one.
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-12 11:16 [#00031007]

If it is him and he is being sheltered by Afghan, I think you can safely say good bye to Afghanistan, since Bush said there would be no tolerance for a country sheltering the instagators.
Id Lab
from The Untitled Kingdom on 2001-09-12 11:34 [#00031009]

F.l.e.a is right - any indiscriminate bombing will kill innocent people - which is exactly what the problem was in the first place. If the US bombed Afghanistan, the people who suffered would be the ordinary citizens who are already brutally oppressed by the Taliban, not Bin Laden, who is probably within reach of a secure underground bunker somewhere. Violence begets violence, until someone (patently not Bush) is civilised and intelligent enough to break the cycle. The best solution would be for the USA to stop backing the oppression of Arabs in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and within its own borders. Some arabs have done some evil things, but most are innocent. As innocent as those who died in New York.
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-12 11:36 [#00031010]

from the black forest on 2001-09-12 11:40 [#00031012]

Everyone in the US seems to realise that Bush is a fucking dangerous trigger-happy retard. So who the fuck voted for him?
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-12 11:56 [#00031013]

Retard americans, particular those who couldn't even fill the vote form in!
from Birmingham UK on 2001-09-12 12:27 [#00031019]

why the hell is everyone so agains Bush?? the american public voted for him, so why the fuck does everyone keep putting him down?
I agree completely with all that Bush has said since the terrible events yesterday... and if you dont you are condoning the killing of thousands of innocent people.
america can not sit back and do nothing... remember thats why this happened in the first place and it WILL happen again if action is not taken.
from the black forest on 2001-09-12 12:48 [#00031023]

I am against Bush's economic policy, his military policy and his frightening lack of knowledge of how the world works.
Enough for you? Why should I think he's a top bloke just because some Americans voted for him? Was Hitler a fuckin champ just because some German's voted for him? I'm not comparing them, but you get my drift...
from somewhere on 2001-09-12 12:57 [#00031026]

I am against Bush because he's an idiot and the sort of person who is quick to respond without properly thinking about his actions and the consequences of them. Ofcourse what happened is appalling, but responding with fire on fire doesn't usually solve things, considering the people you are after are likely to escape the retalliation totally. More lives will be lost, probably more than have died in America. Bombing isn';t the answer----plus unknown to alot of people here, the Gulf crisis continues to this day, air raids/bombings on Iraq are carried out every other day with many civilian fatalities, yet it largely goes unreported on CNN or the local networks.
Would you not be angry if you were in this predicament? I'm not condoning terrorism merely offering a view point that seeks to explain the reason and roots of why situautions like this come into being...
No doubt Bush and his War Mongers will be planning their bombing raid now, probably be here by the weekend, which country are they gonna hit? or are they just gonna role the dice and pick and mix, they haven't concrete proof of where the culprits are currently, ofcourse Afghanistan is a good scapegoat.
on 2001-09-12 21:35 [#00031125]

heres my pi8nion on teh whole thing,and you may or may not agree with me..the terrorists should be bombed..why? well,we are screwed either way,so we might as well end their cowardly existance...if we did nothing to retaliate against the terrorists...they will have gotten away with murder(and if you give a mouse a cookie...)anyway,if innocent people do get killed...the only good to come of it is that the government and supporters of the terrorists might realize that this is all bullshit and stop helping them. thank you.
from under your bed... on 2001-09-12 21:38 [#00031127]

yes kill those mouther fuckers.... that shit is uncalled for...... kinda makes me sick....
Organ Grinder
from from my own little phuqed up world on 2001-09-12 21:44 [#00031133]

Osama Bin Laden is one dangerous bastards.... and i find it hard to believe that he managed to hire someone who had the skill to fly a 747 plane into the Pentagon.... the CENTER OF MY NATION'S SECURITY AND...OOPS!!!!.... SOMEONE FLEW IN A 747 RIGHT FROM UNDER OUR NOSES!!!
This is a much deeper conspiracy than anyone can possibly known.
Isn't it odd how THIRTY New York police officers were missing after the attacks, and some of them mysteriously started to trickle back in later that night?
My friend thinks it's the End of the World -- and says everything will be gone in five years.... and soon after that, Apes will rule the planet and will talk.... and we will we be their slaves....
Oops... sorry. But even in the worst situations you have to find SOME humor so you don't end up shotting yourselves. It was funny as fuck when people in my area went to the gas station cause they thought there would be a shortage.....
Stupid fucking cattle.... mooooooooo....
from UK on 2001-09-12 22:45 [#00031150]

"America must act to stop this happening again" etc etc blah blah.
Wrong. This will happen again. And there is NOTHING with a capital NADA that they can do about it.
Because these are the acts of fanatics who happily die for their cause. Vietnam, anyone? you cannot beat people like this. Despite vastly inferior technology, firepower etc, these people have infinitely stronger convictions.
I think America had better consider it's reponse VERY VERY carefully. As many of you say, carpet bombing the Middle East will merely result in many dead civilians.
from NZ on 2001-09-12 22:57 [#00031153]

despite all the technology of mass destruction all it took for this travesty to occur were a few cardboard cutting craft knives!!!...how can anyone stop anything like that?
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-09-12 23:04 [#00031154]

You say "just a few Cardboard cutting knives"... These guys planned it so fucking well it scares me" The internal american flight system has always had that security loophole... You cant just "hop on" to an internal plane in England. You get checked and scanned.
8 Hi-jacked aircraft for fucks sake!!!
from NZ on 2001-09-12 23:45 [#00031169]

yes I agree the planning was on a diabolical evil mad scientist level even commitees of Hollywood Script writers couldn't begin to imagine...it was evil at work..pure simple..almost on a superhuman level!
from NZ on 2001-09-13 00:02 [#00031179]

yeah it's evil..whoever does it to innocent civilians is evil! but that also includes bombing air raids on civilian populations.
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