from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-09-08 01:43 [#00030143]

Okay, this is for a school project, I just wanna know at which point do you think life starts eg. embryo, foetus etc.
I personally think it starts at conception, but that's probably cause I'm a Christian.
Please reply, even if you don't care. but do take it seriously please.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-08 01:52 [#00030144]

ewwwwwwwwwwwwww................. yucky./
religion has NO place on this board. this board is for drug addicts and psychopaths. sorry.
from under your bed on 2001-09-08 02:07 [#00030147]

*laughs* People are interesting things... After seeing some of the weak and pathetic flames on this board, I've decided to change my definition of when life begins to, oh, say, when people begin to have some respect.
Seriously, I believe it starts at conception spring.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-08 02:25 [#00030149]

from Melbourne on 2001-09-08 04:36 [#00030161]

As the old saying goes: Life starts at 40 :)
from Berlin on 2001-09-08 05:01 [#00030162]

life starts when you want it to... don't you think it starts once you're cut from the umbilical chord that is actually keeping you from experiencing things on your own?
from Berlin on 2001-09-08 05:02 [#00030163]

those were actually two different philosophies... Does life start when you want it to? Or... the umbilical chord thingy... (correct spelling = umbilical chord¿)
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-08 09:09 [#00030172]

I think life starts when you are a concept.
When your mother and father contemplate a child you as a thought are alive.
The concept of everything and everyone are always alive.
Praise the lord. Go to church in the morning on a sunday or stay in bed with a hangover, I know what I would rather do.
on 2001-09-08 09:27 [#00030174]

I completely remember my days as a sperm. Those were happy, simple times... we had no worries at all, it was just a relaxing, care-free life. That was, until my dad turned about 13... at that point, stories and rumours were flying around that he was purposely spraying some of our civilisation out onto his chest, to be wiped off with a grey gym sock. We were all worried, any one of us could have been next... I had a friend who was almost a gonner, he managed to cling to the side of the inside of my dad's cock. Three years later, he returned to the balls, and we were friends again. When he was 17 he lost his virginity... he was firing us out but we were happy for that to happen, its what's supposed to happen. I was one of the lucky guys to be sent out three years later, little knowing just HOW lucky I was to be. When I was born, I saw my brother... to my horror, it was the one and only HUSKUSS, my arch-enemy when we were inside. He didn't remember those times, so I forgave him... anyway, where was I? Yes! I am lucky to have remembered my entire life, I conclude that all our lives began when time began, it was all there to start with (remember the scientific rule: nothing can ever be created or destroyed) but in a different form. If I ever decide to have kids, they will have just developed into a human, but they are alive now inside me! And on my bed-sheets, and my chest, and a grey gym sock.
on 2001-09-08 09:29 [#00030175]

PS. I am not a troll.
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-09-08 11:26 [#00030187]

Okay, let me explain this further...
You see, there's this wonderful thing called stem cells that are found in human embryos. With them you can cure many diseases and stufff.
However, extracting these stem cells will kill the embryos. Is this right?
Keep in mind, embryos used will come from infertility treatment clinics and will die if not used anyway.
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-09-08 11:29 [#00030188]

There needs to be a world wide decision on when life starts. That's why I'm trying to get you're opinions. I wanna know if more people believe it's at (or before) conception or after.
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-09-08 11:30 [#00030189]

One more thing...
George Bush has agreed to federal funding of stem cell research. This has made some people very angry.
Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-09-08 12:45 [#00030196]

Some people belive that an idea of life allredy exists for every man and women in the world! when the women gets pregnant the life is permitted to evolve and get born in this world.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-08 17:06 [#00030210]

life begins at consciousness. i imagine that's in the third trimester of gestation.
from over here on 2001-09-08 19:44 [#00030226]

scientifically, the hearst begins to beat at 3 days, and there are brain waves at 6-7... but personally, i believe in my right to choose, so i say three months...
from over here on 2001-09-08 19:50 [#00030227]

oh, ans i truelly believe stme cell research is a very good idea... cure diseases!! no offence, but "our" "president" is fucking things up, and the gross limitations he has placed on stem cell research will hinder it more then expand our options for saving lives. unforutanly, his "christain" background will inhibit him from doing many benificial health ..stuff, but he sure as hell doesn't mind fucking up the planet, and yanking the US out of the kyoto protical!! the dolt!
Bob Mostly The Salesman
from hg on 2001-09-08 20:01 [#00030228]

Life starts when the said life has knowledge of its existance, or for sake of argument is aware of its life enough to defend itself from certain death.. Example the feotus fights off certian death brought on upon by a vacumm tube by struggling to move out of its way, and by grimicing in pain as the instrument sucks its arms and legs off. I heard they have found fetus heads with tears in the eys. scary. Also one more point why is it, not legal to die buy suicide when that is clearly by choice but legal to kill an unborn baby that has no choice in the matter.. strange..
Bob Mostly The Salesman
from hg on 2001-09-08 20:05 [#00030229]

as far as stem cell resaerch goes, you can get the same important protien used in those expeiremnts from the Umbylical Cord as from the embryos..so why cant they just use those.. because pro choicers want to make aborotion justyfied.
from over here on 2001-09-08 20:12 [#00030234]

i think it would be reather hard to determine is the fetus has tears in it's eyes, considerin it is coming from an enviorntment that is made up of roughly the same subastances of tears. also, it is fact that humans have little to no control over their facial epressons untill they are at least 3-4 months of age. now, i only say all this becasue this sort of hype it's true. i alny say that i believe in my right to choose, because i am female, and i know that ifd there was some sort of accident (ie:rape, condom busts, or the morning after pill fails) i would hope i could have tyhe option of an abortion, becasue in this phase in my life, i would be unable ot handle, support, raise or even give BIRTH to any child.. now, i DO NOT believe that abortions should be used as birth control, but i do believe they are needed.
Bob Mostly The Salesman
from hg on 2001-09-08 20:14 [#00030235]

oh and to the sperm guy.. no one thinks the sperm is life..just feritlizer, used to fertilize the female egg... that creates life...
so jack off all you want......
Bob Mostly The Salesman
from hg on 2001-09-08 20:19 [#00030237]

nope sorry I have seen actual abortion footage of a baby getting sucked out by a tube it fought off the tube by pushing it with the hands and also mae facial expressions by squinitng its eys hard and twisting its mouth around it was really sad, as far as the tears go these aborted babies they dont always die during the abortion some die after and squirm and some cry until dead and they all had looks of horror on there faces.. it was gross and scary.
master bobjim
from belgium on 2001-09-08 20:25 [#00030239]

from over here on 2001-09-08 20:29 [#00030241]

you are a rightous man for veiwing such material. as far as i care it says "that all sins are equal in the eyes of god."... but it also says "even the devil can quote scripture.." so don't worry you're pretty little head, while some poor stupid girl is killing her unborn child, and you covet what you can't have, you're both wracking equal pounts against your selves....
Bob Mostly The Salesman
from hg on 2001-09-08 20:35 [#00030244]

Actually it was on the Discovery channel.. what that have to do with being rightoues anyways.. its the only way to know for sure the facts.. you research it, not go by what your friend told you. So in your book its ok to do i, just dont find out wheather or not its actually murder just do it right?.. that sounds typical....
Hey my Dog has pusspies can I abort them, I dont want them? or sould I just let them be born and drown them in a bathtub?? or?? or give it them away to a shelter..hmm.. the last seesm the most logical doesnt it?
Bob Mostly The Salesman
from hg on 2001-09-08 20:38 [#00030246]

puppies not pusspies.. thats funny.
from over here on 2001-09-08 20:43 [#00030248]

this isn't what some friend of mine said, this is from a doctor, and not even my doctor, or even a doctor i know, but if you do the research as i have, you'd find that i am right. do read the bible friend? i am sure you do judging by your beliefs and your denfence of George W... then you'd know where i quote from! look, unethical treatment of animals and people is bad, but there is enough childern who suffer worse faits at the hands of adoptive parents then your puppies.... i'm sorry, but you'll never change my mind, and i know damn well i can't change yours, so, good points, *slap on the back*, and have a nice day.
Bob Mostly The Salesman
from hg on 2001-09-08 20:48 [#00030250]

if you are going to quote the bible now.. show me where abortion is ok? and why I have a feeling you believe capitol punishment is ok?
also.. you keep mentioning the Bible..why.. how did that come into play?
just because somthing is right doesnt make me a Bible thumper...
what do you think about Youth in Asia then for that matter. another thing I dont understand is why most pro-choicers and such animal activists, its like kill the babies but save the white seals, it just boggles my mind the contidiction.. animal life is more valubable than human then?? ok..
from over here on 2001-09-08 20:50 [#00030252]

by the way, if my dog were to have pusspies, i'd put them to sleep.... i know it was a typo, i suffer from that all too often, but it is still funny, as even you acknolged...
from over here on 2001-09-08 20:52 [#00030254]

bob, let's make this easyer.. do you have AOL, Inastant Messenger? i don't have all day to flit back to this message baord to see what you have to say, i have bills to pay, and papers to research....
Bob Mostly The Salesman
from hg on 2001-09-08 20:55 [#00030256]

sorry go on with your work.. I am rambling.. glad your are not anger.. goodluck..
pusspies, that is funny.. hahaha ok nice to hear you side of the debate.. later..
from Digi daWN baTH on 2001-09-08 20:57 [#00030259]

liFe stARTS aftER yoU Die
from over here on 2001-09-08 20:58 [#00030261]

gald to hear your side, but i hear it every day.. from my mom, but i still love her, even if we do not agree...
Bob Mostly The Salesman
from hg on 2001-09-08 21:06 [#00030265]

remember your moms always rigth!
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-09-08 21:10 [#00030266]

Stem cells taken from aborted foetuses, the umbilcal cord or from adults have big limitations. However there is thought to be great potential for adult stem cells, but concentrating on that will slow down the overall research process.
I think they make suicide illegal because it helps give it a negative image (along with the whole dying thing an' all) which is probably supposed to prevent people from doing it so often.
from over here on 2001-09-08 21:11 [#00030267]

i realy have to say, there is no right or wrong with this issue. it is too tough to say either way, personally, that is how i feel about it.... as for my mom, she is a born again christian, so she in sorts HAS to have those views... but i dont' hate people for them..... i take it in, and know the agruement.. ok, now i have to go . good day.
bob mostly
from gh on 2001-09-08 21:18 [#00030271]

so then why is abortion legal? isnt that killing of sorts?
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-09-08 21:22 [#00030272]

One more thing...
Cloned embryos from the patient will probably be used as it prevents rejection problems (like organ transplants, which eventually get rejected). This raises another question:
Is it right to clone humans, and only to sacrifice them to better our health?
Keep in mind that 2 groups of scientists in italy (I think) and the us claim they are ready to clone humans.
Personally, I beleive this sacrifice-a-clone thing is alright, as long as it's not done on adult clones or something. Killing an embryo is still killing, but it's to benefit our lives, and killing a terrorist bomber is killing as well, also beneficial to us.
Okay, that's not the best example, embryo's are innocent, but clones will probably end up f#*ked in the head anyway (if they aren't mutated rejects).
bob mostly
from gh on 2001-09-08 21:25 [#00030274]

I heard the are cloning a legion of nazis to attack canada and force you all to learn how to say "about" instead of "aboot".. haha just kidding
from noway hose on 2001-09-08 21:46 [#00030276]

life starts after you hear http://www.mp3.com/switzer
experimental electronic IDM
Mylanta Jones
on 2001-09-08 21:50 [#00030279]

nazis??? whats that all aboot eh??
LIVe does not start until you have watched strange brew.......you are un living organism until then...BREEW HAAA HAAAAAA
from noway hose on 2001-09-08 21:52 [#00030280]

hey strange brew.. no way eh? that movies great.. bob and doug mckenzie
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