from i wear the cheese. on 2001-09-07 09:17 [#00029982]

does he put on a good show visualy? what does he use to play? computers, desks? i want to see the man at work..
from dublin on 2001-09-07 10:41 [#00029993]

4 times! 4 utterly different shows 1 class artist
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-07 12:34 [#00030015]

4 times aswell, and as above!
Last one was the Eat your own Ears Rephresh Braindance sponsered by Rephlex....RDJ, Bogdan, Ovuca.....
Fukkin awesome!!!
Have fun.
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-07 12:36 [#00030016]

That one was a DJ set, do it was laptops and decks!
A gig a while ago in Birmingham, he used a laptop, but had all his hopmemade stuff etc... aswell, although it only really looked like he was using the laptop + newish looking gear!
Have fun
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-07 13:25 [#00030020]

Yup, on that 'holy' day of September 25-1997 here in Vancouver me and my late best friend SPACEBOY www.squeakie.com/spaceboy saw Aphex live at The Rage,
It was brilliant, confusing and exhilarating and bizarre at the same time.
He was the headlining act ofcourse , but since this was North-America and his music too intelligent and esoteric I guess he needed The Sneaker Pimps and The Crystal Method to get the people to come and see his show.
Thank God the Sneaker Pimps lead singer was sick and it was horrible seeing the Crystal Method emberass themselves with their "Get Busy Child"set-hoopla acting all arrogant and corney behind their keyboards .
It was a horrific hour of bullshit me and my friend had to withstand until "God himself finally came on.
The feeling ( and I'm not lying or exxagerating) was that when the place was waiting for Aphex to take the stage it felt like the 2nd coming was about to arrive.No shit! ( sounds juvenile but true).
Remember this is 1997 , the Aphex sound is a little more commonplace nowadays but then it wasnt ( not in North America anyways).
But the whole show itself was dark as he lay flat on stage, the big huge teddy bears stomping through the audience, the person who got his hair shaved onstage in bondage, lights away from the stage when there was no action onstage to the audience instead, at the end of the show when one of the teddy bear dudes took all of his outfit off and stood starknaked onstage.
The music too bizarre for the staff of the establishment looking in sheer bewilderment and after Aphex left stage with NEVER EVER once looking at the audience the yelling for him to comeback started.
But I've never seen such bizarre worship EVER!! People were calling Jesus and God to come back over and over for 15 minutes straight.
The word GENIUS was yelled a trillion times in between songs etc..etc.
Ive been to many shows but I have NEVER seen anything like it before or since.....
Trust me.. Oh btw, Aphex live is AMAZING....
from dublin on 2001-09-07 14:33 [#00030024]

PostModernVancouver ....like yer style, sounds amazing alright.
Maybe out your waynbefor chistnas to see a mate (Seattle then Vancouver for a weekend)...any Braindance venues out there?
The gigs i saw: 1) 1999ish..Dublin..corner dj box, hidden, about 10 dancers on a theatre stage and SAW2 type sounds all the way...great but insanity
2) Dublin: Last summer he played hidden (crouched) for most of it except at the end when he went nuts with punching the air. Played a lot of Squarepusher which made me wet. The triumph was he had dj mates on stage dancing, Clob dressed as a banana and some great visuals.
3) Sonar this year in Barcelona. Fucking brilliant set > see www.joyrex.com...discography/live shows/Sonar.......banging stuff altogether. A real refresher after Carl Cox in another part of the Arena.
4) Two weeks ago, Dublin. No visuals, no stage show...just Bogdan, Ovuca, RDJ hanging out playing pumping tunes....fucking 'A'!
from Denmark on 2001-09-07 16:07 [#00030028]

Does he still perform live?
from Oxford UK on 2001-09-07 16:23 [#00030033]

3 times
1993 Brighton, Event club Played after Orbital behind a mass of machine and wires. Did not emerge once. Had his mental dancer.
1996 Brighton, Paradox club Played after Cylob who in my opinion stole the show that time, simply awesome. Aphex performed lying down on stage, watching TV style, while twiddling knobs on some MUCH smaller equipment.
2000 London, The End Aphex just played tracks from a Mac laptop, very hardcore. He was looking quite fat actually. Probably my least favourite time.
from dublin on 2001-09-07 16:42 [#00030037]

yeah, Cylob in Dublin a few months ago kicked ass!....probably my favourite gig of all time ...and i've seen squarepusher too, who is very hard to beat
rodney parade
from Cambridge on 2001-09-07 20:44 [#00030076]

Saw him in Glasgow in winter 96 - on after Luke Vibert/ before Andy Wetherall. With hindsight, he played (more or less) all of the tracks off Come to Daddy plus Heliosphan - but with a differnt baet. I spent the first 5 minutes laughing my head off. A-tonal nonsence from start to finish. He was lying on a dodgy old matress looking bored out of his head while the great and good of Glasgow (piissed up on booze) went ballistic. A very good gig.
on 2001-09-07 21:07 [#00030080]

I've only seen him DJ -- after the Bjork show in 95 in DC....I don't like Bjork, and waiting for aphex was one of the most torturously long and bothersome stretches of time EVER>>>his set was quite good though
on 2001-09-08 03:54 [#00030156]

i've never been to a show of any kind except shitty rock concerts. so for the naive idiot like myself, it would be great if someone could describe what he plays? does he usually play his own shit? original shit? other people's shit? can you dance to it?
Vampire Angel
from San Juan,Puerto Rico on 2001-09-08 06:15 [#00030166]

Postmodern and al><, you two are my heroes. I will do anything to see my God RDJ playing live as Aphex Twin. Have to stay alert at the web sites to see whenever he starts a USA tour to see. Because I will fly to the states if I have to, in order to finally see this Genius at work, doing it live.......Take care guys....
from dublin on 2001-09-10 09:54 [#00030475]

chris!..check out the Sonar set and all the other live sets..Mt Fuji is great, at www.joyrex.com..discography/live shows..
Can you dance to it? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Have you heard his gabba stuff yet?!!.....
ps i'm no hero, but i do appreciate how fortunate i am to have seen him live AND squarepusher, AND luke vibert next week, AND Cylob AND maddog wallace at a beach rave 2 weeks ago....and .....
Bogdan too......Indeed i AM blessed!..better practice my kata and lose the ego
from the uk on 2001-09-10 12:27 [#00030499]

yeah, I havent seen the Twin live, but I would love to (I am already saving money for a ticket of he does london or something)
did any one else see warp100 98? that was good, played come to daddy and stuff, seeing autchre live there has been my best live experience... all dark, just little red lights on the stage, and seeing orbital is always good, especially their mtv one they did a few months back (the slideshow/light show prodded major buttock during imapct wich laste d 15mins)
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