from manchester on 2001-09-06 17:59 [#00029863]

Hello there.
I was thinkign, it woudl probably be a good idea to do as Joyrex has done and make some regulars board monitors to try adn keep this board slightly less, well, stupied! Ite been goign down hill alot for a whiel now and i think that giving a few more peoepl the ability to sort out teh message board would definetly help.
I'm not suggesting me because i don't know anything about any of this and thus would not be very good at it. But someone else would definetly help :).
from manchester on 2001-09-06 18:00 [#00029864]

And again i apologise for my frankly awful typing skills :)
from my friends computer on 2001-09-07 01:44 [#00029929]

bah..... we've been over this.. even reflex's promiss to be good.. i'm sorry relfex, but you're a liar.
on 2001-09-07 04:11 [#00029941]

|REFLEX| - hey.. fuck you COMPUTER NERD, you fucking CRACKHEAD, go play with your ballssss.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-07 04:13 [#00029943]

wow. where'd that come from?
make me a mod. i'd be wonderful. : )
from perth on 2001-09-07 04:51 [#00029950]

i would be a terrible one.
from tafe on 2001-09-07 06:23 [#00029954]

from London on 2001-09-07 06:31 [#00029959]

I would be a mod, but:
1) I don't have enough time to be making sure the kiddies here behave.
2) I am extremely paranoid.
3) I like to torture small animals for fun.
4) The previous statement is untrue.
5) The next statement is untrue.
6) The previous statement is true.
Oh no, I've gone cross-eyed!
from Sweden on 2001-09-07 07:50 [#00029971]

The membersystem should solve most of the problems since you need to register before posting messages. Even clones are history after the implementation.
I've tried the system and it truly works - we only need to apply it to this very messageboard and enhance the layout a bit.
As for moderators, TuneMX and I are monitoring the MB. We have banned quite a lot people and also removed a huge amount of nonsense messages. You have prolly not even seen them cos we're pretty fast. If we need moderators, then we'll recruit people we REALLY trust. Someone who never been into trouble before. :-)
Anyway, we are aware of the problem so no worries.
Sorry for any typos but I'm in a hurry....
from the uk on 2001-09-07 11:41 [#00030012]

hey, phob dood, I get back at school, so I came here, see what I have missed, and now people are being arrogant =( it isnt me, I apologize for them, sorry, it want me.... I will go for a week, let them forget it, the school has blocked hotmail, so I cant email you, I am sorry
from manchester on 2001-09-07 17:14 [#00030043]

ok, thats cool then. Its just been gettign pretty stupied :). Thank god that there will be no more clones, because they are REALLY annoying.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-07 23:38 [#00030113]

AK AKTACK!!!!!!!
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-07 23:38 [#00030114]

AK AKTACK!!!!!!!
from joyrex.com of course! on 2001-09-08 04:35 [#00030160]

Phobia: A word of advice - don't keep your board member-only postings, your attendance will take a BIG drop if you do, since most people can't be arsed to log in just to post a quick message (I would recommend having Tunefish make a cookie based login so it remembers you for a set time period and that way people are less bothered by logging in and it's more transparent. Just some friendly advice since we're all in this game together!
Vampire Angel
from San Juan,Puerto Rico on 2001-09-08 06:01 [#00030164]

It will be nice not have to insult people.Like some ignorants-short-minded people here do. This is to be such a nice friendly messageboard. Of course, most of it dedicated to Aphex Twin, but also to express ourselfs. I know everybody in this and other planets got the right to free expression, thats what all this is all about, right? But expressing ourselves is one thing and insulting a human beign is another. We are all brothers in some sense. Because we share the same musical tastes. Please will you guys stop the insulting. Ok, here's a test, the first one to insult, is definatelly an immature one and of course, beign so, cant write anything good, just stupid things and insults....Thanx guys and take care, just had to take this out of my system....
Vampire Angel
from San Juan,Puerto Rico on 2001-09-08 06:05 [#00030165]

Another thing, stop insulting R3FL3X, you do it because he is intelligent and knows how to really write in a messageboard. Go on buddy dont let anybody insult you. And if so ignore it, dont even take your time to answer an immature guy/girl.....Take care everybody.....
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-09-08 18:41 [#00030219]

Vampire Angel: I couldn't have said it better myself, wise words.
What do people get out of insulting a person?!
Mylanta Jones
on 2001-09-08 21:59 [#00030282]

Poeple are stupid....a agree with this statement...the member system is a very good idea....but allowing only registered peeps to post ..is bad..like the rexter joy said....
i say do dna identificaton...that wouldfuckin rule....then you could sell our dna on the black market to middle eastern terroists and they could post thier plans on this board...then we could foil there plans....haa haaa...take that mufastah been ladin.....ARRRRRR
from Sweden on 2001-09-10 09:23 [#00030473]

Joyrex: Of course we'll be using cookies! In fact, we're using cookies on the current MB...the "remember me" feature is heavily dependable on cookies. ;-)
...and I repeat: only registered members are allowed to post messages but you won't have to login each time. You'll have the option to store your username/pwd on your computer.
from London on 2001-09-10 09:59 [#00030477]

REFLEX is intelligent, and probably well educated, but he does show ignorance on some occasions. If one person calls you stupid, fine - probably just a troll, ignore. If more people say it, then look at yourself, look at your posts. Think harder about what you say, if looking intelligent is a big issue.
Hey, and also, it's 'YOU'RE' not 'YOUR', it's a grammatical error you keep repeating. If you're referring to an individual, use 'you're', if you're talking about something owned by that individual - whether it's a material possesion or a certain property of that individual and their personality, etc - use 'your'. You probably don't think it's such a "biggie", but these kinds of things annoy me.
from Sweden on 2001-09-10 10:20 [#00030480]

REFLEX: Yes, you have prolly entered 'aphextwin.nu' in your browser sometimes instead of 'www.aphextwin.nu'. It's OK.
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