from Berlin on 2001-09-03 06:36 [#00028856]

the doobie/cigarettes/nothing at all?
on 2001-09-03 06:45 [#00028858]

Can't u tell that he smokes weed?
])avid Violence
from Florida. on 2001-09-03 08:56 [#00028896]

Richard David James, used to have an addiction to alot of drugs. Some of his more "public" addictions, would be to extasy, or ectasy, or how ever the kids today want to spell it. He almost undoubtedly inhales pot, but I don't think he does cocaine, or anything "too crazy."
So, to answer your question, yes, aphex twin does druks. whoops, fruedian slip.
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-03 09:00 [#00028898]

I did not think it was possible to get addicted to "E".
])avid Violence
from Florida. on 2001-09-03 09:53 [#00028912]

A mental addiction, friend. He does alot of hallucinagons
By the way, I'm a big fan of your site wizards teeth. Alot of that stuff is very insightful. Keep up the good work.
from Milan on 2001-09-03 10:11 [#00028917]

Which is the address of wizards teeth's site?
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-03 10:13 [#00028918]

from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 10:51 [#00028929]

lets seee.....
from London on 2001-09-03 17:06 [#00029010]

I once stood behind Mr. James in a queue at a newagents in Tufnell Park. He asked for "Twenty Superkings black, please". These are king-size cigarettes available in the UK, and the black packet is the high-tar variety. The green packet are menthol, and the blue packet are lights. This was in 1994, so he may have changed his brand by now, or given up completely. If I happen to overhear another one of his purchases I will let you all know.
Justin Schiz
from Aphex Land on 2001-09-03 19:25 [#00029050]

what a STUPID question to ask. Aphex OFCOARSE smokes considering the fact that his next cd is named "Drukqs"! How stupid can people get?! jk.
])avid Violence
from Florida. on 2001-09-03 20:15 [#00029063]

Dont' be drinking the hatorade. Some people just don't know these things.
from elephant and castle on 2001-09-03 20:28 [#00029065]

drukqs is nothing to do with drugs
Justin Schiz
from Aphex Land on 2001-09-03 21:03 [#00029068]

Richy is retarded. jk
from Berlin on 2001-09-03 22:25 [#00029090]

Justin: considering you have probably never ever met Richard and since the FAQ never considers this topic... how would you know? are you just some really smart person who knows all?
on 2001-09-03 22:44 [#00029091]

I doubt he smokes stogies -- he has asthma right?
from NYC on 2001-09-04 08:15 [#00029261]

Me and Richard D. James used to do whip-its in high school.
from NYC on 2001-09-04 08:16 [#00029262]

Me and Richard D. James used to do whip-its in high school.
on 2001-09-05 22:17 [#00029695]

well at tribal gartering 96 i saw him smoking cigars, does that count?
from London on 2001-09-05 22:30 [#00029698]

He smoked a cigarette during one of the interviews. I can't remember which. This journalist lit up and he asked for one.
Plus, I have asthma, but I smoke and it doesn't affect me in the slightest. Whereas dust is fucking killer.
from somewhere on 2001-09-06 03:42 [#00029744]

why does drugs even have to be an issue, to actually think you need to be on something to enjoy or make good music is really stupid to me. I like to be at my very best, mentally and pysically when it comes to creating art.. I for one dont need ant mind altering substance to have a good time...
from somewhere on 2001-09-06 03:43 [#00029745]

to some up: Drugs are for weak the very weak minded who cant or dont want to deal with reality....
the can of worms is now open
from cold and balmy seattle on 2001-09-06 03:45 [#00029746]

i agree, its virtually impossible for me to get anything done when i am ripped... but i always give my tracks the ole smoke screening before i decide they are finished.
from somewhere on 2001-09-06 03:47 [#00029748]

i used to in the past, but then realized, stuff I really liked stoned or on something wasnt quite the same when straigt and I would think man that sux, but also realized stuff I liked straight I liked better stoned.. so I gues sI just dont need it
from Berlin on 2001-09-06 03:48 [#00029749]

to put it straight evolume... you'd have to be a dumb ass to ask about who else has heard the samples from the song... "formula" on 54 cymru beats... i'm not saying that i have to be on anything to listen to his music... and wow... isn't everyone pleased that you are at your physical and mental best while creating art?
from Berlin on 2001-09-06 03:49 [#00029751]

(reverse ^) that was to e~e(.as.flasdfals;djkf)
from somewhere on 2001-09-06 03:49 [#00029752]

why be impressed.. wow Im real impressed you have to be stoned to like music wow.. being stoned is great.. HAHAHA
from somewhere on 2001-09-06 03:55 [#00029753]

besides quoth who was pointing fingers at you anyways.. feeling guilty or weak mined.. HAHA
from Berlin on 2001-09-06 04:06 [#00029755]

big tough man to say that you're from "somewhere"... too weak minded to know where you live?
from somewhere on 2001-09-06 04:06 [#00029756]

haha thats it.. wow you are a simple minded moron.. go play in the sand.. HAHA
from somewhere on 2001-09-06 04:12 [#00029758]

wow Im sorry I just have to write again on how retarted you are quoth to acutally think because I dont do drugs, I must be some be tough man..NOPE there are some smart, little, skinny book worms, who like AE, Aphex, keeping healthy maybe if you tried it you would be able to come up with more interesting statements.
from Berlin on 2001-09-06 04:17 [#00029761]

true... but yet you decide to respond to my ignorance and bullshit that you, yourself make an ass out of yourself just like i do... stop complaining to me... did i ever say that i did drugs? no
from somewhere on 2001-09-06 04:19 [#00029762]

then why are you so angry.. you must be on something.. my last post was sort of a catch22 wasnt it..
from quoths backyard on 2001-09-06 04:23 [#00029764]

there hows that for where I am from...HAHAHA
from Berlin on 2001-09-06 04:25 [#00029765]

because you were the person who started judging druggies... and that anyone who is on them is a bad influence and a disgrace to making art... i'm pissed b/c you judged people who do that.... why should you give a fuck? what harm does it do to you?
from cold and balmy seattle on 2001-09-06 04:27 [#00029766]

are you suggesting that i am a dumbass for just now noticing the samples? i only listened to the song for the first time today. i thought that this is what this message board was for; posting observations about afx. why do you have to start name calling?
from Berlin on 2001-09-06 04:28 [#00029767]

lol... take your best shot... i'm used to p{o}e
from Berlin on 2001-09-06 04:31 [#00029769]

besides evolume you don't piss me off... i'm the one that's pissed off, i tried explaining that sequencer stuff to you... hope that helped
from Berlin on 2001-09-06 04:33 [#00029771]

omg, i am a dumbass... nevermind people quoth's going to go in his underground suitcase for a little bit now... i am a dumb ass... it is e~ad;alskdjf that i was helping out
from cold and balmy seattle on 2001-09-06 04:46 [#00029775]

oh.. heh sorry dude you're cool in my book. i must be stoned. ... cant.. take.... joke... must.... cry.... really man peace n stuff
from quoths backyard on 2001-09-06 04:47 [#00029776]

quoth, dude your brian is disolved.. by judging non-druggies you are doing the same as I aparrently did to "YOU"
so where did the "bad influnce "and the rest of your ranting come from?
are you reading a different message board?
from cold and balmy seattle on 2001-09-06 04:50 [#00029777]

ok lets all chill a sec. we are all on the same team here right?
KILL POP MUSIC WHORES!!! there lets all chant in unison.
from under quoths bed on 2001-09-06 04:52 [#00029778]

ok I have moved locations and now am at peace.. quoth do as you wish you don't need my permision..
dinky tinky
from the uk on 2001-09-06 09:17 [#00029805]

I thnik I saw rdj himself at a local mc donalds.I was sitting outside, and a c reg luvin it car went backwards and forwards to the display thing. he went back and forewrd about 5 mins, holding up the que, he looked just like richard, and 3 other people in the car aswell.
thats just waht I saw, I am not liable for any people getting annoyed, etc
])avid Violence
from FL on 2001-09-06 19:50 [#00029877]

I have heard many tales of Richard sightings. Mostly people say they see him, or at least a damn good look alike all over the place. He usually drives around with his mates, and all they listen to, are various bass tones, as low as they can go. Like, when you put a cheap keyboard through an amp. Just stuff to mellow out to, study to..I like to do math to it. =D
Oh well, I don't buy much of it, after all. Aphex dosn't go out into public enough unless he has to. The man lives in a fucking bank vault, for christ sake. If that dosnt scream seclusion...Well,then I don't know what does. I dought it was him tho'
((>e V o L u M e<))
from seattle USa on 2001-09-06 20:47 [#00029881]

i'd live in a bank vault if i could afford it.
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