Organ Grinder
from from my own little phuqed up world on 2001-09-01 19:21 [#00028501]

Hmm... since there seems to be a topic of "favorites" lately, why not start a topic about horror movies? My faves:
Hellraiser (entire series is kick-ass) In the Mouth of Madness Event Horizon (although it's a bit more sci fi) Anything directed by George Romero (Day of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead, etc.)
Candyman Stephen King's IT The Shining (the STANLEY KUBRICK one, not that damned made-for TV shit they recently put out -- who cares if it's more accurate to the book?)
Seven (more of a psychothriller i know) Perfect Blue (anime) Wicked City (anime) AKIRA!!!!!!!!! (anime / sci-fi)
from UK on 2001-09-01 19:31 [#00028504]

Yeah I think most of them are cool, especially The Shining, maybe my all time fave. Saw it when I was 10 and I was fucking petrified. Nothing has scared me as much since.
How about the evil dead series, or are they classed as comedy.
Also braindead and bad taste... hilarious!
Don't like any anime nor event horizon.
Pitch Black is currently my fave sci fi.
from Netherlands...YEAH! on 2001-09-01 19:44 [#00028505]

Stephen King's IT sux man...The book is SO much better, if you read the book and see the movie...You'll notice that nothing in the movie is correct! Switching of characters and stuff. Sometimes the books kick much more ass ;)
from over there on 2001-09-01 19:53 [#00028506]

jacob's ladder (horror) final fantasy (sci-fi) the man who fell to earth (sci-fi) mars attacks (sci-fi) silence of the lambs (horror, sort of) kenny g.'s conerts (horror)
on 2001-09-01 19:59 [#00028509]

The Shining Silence Of The Lambs Halloween Alien Alien3 Sphere (I dont care what those damn critics say!!) Event Horizon
Is Final Fantasy really any good? I didnt see it in the theaters, but I plan on purchasing it on DVD, it is coming out in an absolutely amazing DVD special edition.
from NY on 2001-09-01 21:13 [#00028526]

Event Horizon and The Shining!!!!!
AMAZING MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 2001-09-02 06:17 [#00028603]

on 2001-09-02 06:19 [#00028604]

oh yeah and also BRAINDEAD (or Dead Alive as it is called on DVD) the goriest movie you will EVER find. but it's not really a horror movie, it's sort of mix of splatter & comedy.
from a warm place on 2001-09-02 06:21 [#00028605]

Definitely Event Horizon...
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-09-02 12:31 [#00028694]

I love Braindead! Also love Evil Dead 1 & 2.
from Melbourne on 2001-09-02 12:58 [#00028697]

"kenny g's concerts (horror)" => hahahaha
from London on 2001-09-02 16:15 [#00028713]

One of my fave sci-fi films is "The Arrival"starring Charlie Sheen.Check it out if u haven't already.
Jaffa Kid
from Newcastle on 2001-09-02 16:54 [#00028714]

What, nobody like's "Aliens"? ....what the hell?!!!!
Pete Rocks
from wordtown on 2001-09-02 17:02 [#00028715]

buttmans big tit adventure!!!
Netlon Sentinel
from morf no on 2001-09-02 17:33 [#00028722]

yeah In the Mouth of Madness definately!! the only really scary horror film ever.
also that spice girls film.
from I O W A on 2001-09-02 17:46 [#00028723]

all the aliens are great event horizon screamers the thing anyone seen Cube?
from Netherlands...YEAH! on 2001-09-02 18:22 [#00028727]

ALIEN RULES! I love all the 4, but part one and two the most. Giger is the king of biomechanics :)
from Edmonton, Alberta on 2001-09-02 18:33 [#00028734]

Yeah. You suck.
João Evangelista
from Portugal on 2001-09-02 19:56 [#00028755]

HORROR MOVIES SUCK! I've never seen a good one. They're all soooo boring
from Seoul, South Korea on 2001-09-02 19:59 [#00028757]

Cube, thats my fav.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-09-02 20:06 [#00028762]

Just seen Cube tonight. Great film.
from NZ on 2001-09-02 22:57 [#00028786]

I agree with most except for the Stephen King bits..(other than the shinning)... :P
I recommend...just about everything and anything by David Cronenberg plus most of David Lynch...
from NZ on 2001-09-02 22:58 [#00028787]

yep agree with Cube..it does rock!!!
on 2001-09-02 23:35 [#00028794]

the shining, jacobs ladder, event horizon..
on 2001-09-03 01:25 [#00028803]

Dont be talking trash about Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, one of the greatest movies ever made...
from NZ on 2001-09-03 01:41 [#00028805]

um..you got me wrong..I wuz saying that I don't have time for Stephen King flicks except for The Shining, which I believe is nothing short of a masterstorke..Kay?
on 2001-09-03 01:47 [#00028806]

Sorry, my bad dude, i read that wrong. Yes, The Shining is an amazing movie...
from NZ on 2001-09-03 01:53 [#00028807]

yep right up there with "Jacobs Ladder" on my list of favourite mindphuks
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 04:41 [#00028823]

Event Horizion Jacobs Ladder Evil Dead 1, 2, 3 {army of darkness} Hellraiser 1, 2, 3 Space 2001 Akira Ghost In The Shell
Thats the best...... although there are tons of horror movies I like..... but arent for good reasons... haha.
Jaffa Kid
from Newcastle on 2001-09-03 04:55 [#00028829]

Don't Look Now is the scariest film I ever saw, with Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 05:02 [#00028830]

JAFFAfAFA: Ill have to check that movie out then... hm.... interesting. who else likes the Evil Dead series?
Jaffa Kid
from Newcastle on 2001-09-03 05:08 [#00028832]

JAFFAfafa? ha..........might have to change my name, sounds tempting....heh..
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 05:09 [#00028833]

yes its a good name for you. Fajajaj
Jaffa Kid
from Newcastle on 2001-09-03 05:10 [#00028834]

cheeky cow:)
on 2001-09-03 05:17 [#00028835]

Okay.......well you two appear to be done bonding, so i will say that i enjoy Evil Dead 1 and 2 greatly but do not think too highly of Army Of Darkness.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 05:34 [#00028836]

JAJA KID;; I hope to see you soon FAAJA!
LOMEN: yes..... Evil Dood 2 was the bist!
from Tucson, AZ on 2001-09-03 08:08 [#00028874]

Killer Klowns From Outer Space
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 08:10 [#00028877]

one of the worst horror films ever EVER made... {i would know Ive seen...... so goddamn many} would have to be Bloodsucking Nazi Zombies From Hell
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-03 10:38 [#00028926]

Any movie where the bad guys are zombies i.e. garden of the dead (if anyone knows it.......)
in the mouth of madness blair witch project the cell (? does this fit in here? i liked it myself...) sleepy hollow the shining poltergiest event horizon matrix (sci-fi isn't it?)
lots of others i can't remember right now.......
It The Haunting (the original from early '60's) The Others
yup ypiyyfcccccccccch ght tyxyrtyx
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 10:41 [#00028927]

ugh you liked Blair Witch Project? That was horrrrrribbblllleeeee IMO son.
from europe on 2001-09-03 12:25 [#00028953]

i'm not such a huge fan of horror films, but i liked john carpenter's in the mouth of madness, haloween and vampires, and tim burton's sleepy hollow. aliens, poltergeist, the omen and this 70s nicolas roeg film (which took place in venice - with donald sutherland) - i only know the german title of this film, was great, too.
2001 logan's run (bit cheesy, but fun) star wars episode v: the empire strikes back blade runner
and now i'm waiting for wong kar-wai's 2046, which takes place in hong kong in the future... i'm sure this will be a great film. i loved wkw's fallen angels.
from europe on 2001-09-03 12:27 [#00028955]

ok, i just checked the imdb.com... the title of this roeg movie is 'don't look now'.
Organ Grinder
from from my own little phuqed up world on 2001-09-03 15:59 [#00028992]

EVIL DEAD is fucking awesome!!!
And i do think quite highly of Poltergeist AND Pitch Black (fucking wicked) and how did i forget the Aliens movies?
I should PUNCH myself for forgetting those -- dammit!!!
from NZ on 2001-09-03 21:53 [#00029078]

to [REFLEX]: (riases hand) yep me..huge EVIL DEAD fan here...used one of the samples off Army of Darkness for a song which unfortunately can't put on the mp3.com because I have reserved it for someone else's project..and the Hellraisers..though a bit lukewarm about the 3
from NZ on 2001-09-03 21:59 [#00029080]

now bad horror movies are another matter all together..an acquired taste but once hooked can provide hours and hours of gut ripping laughter....I recommend most of TROMA movies..Redneck Zombies among my faves..some really weird shit goes down in that one....and "Tromeo and Juliet "is not to be missed by anyone who loathed that recent remake of Romeo and Juliet with gangsters guns and bloodless violence :p also "Killer Klowns from outer space" is also a classic (not a troma film though)
from a plastic bubble on 2001-09-03 22:03 [#00029081]

didn't anyone say silence of the lambs yet? well thats a good one...
alien + aliens are both good aswell did stanley kubrick do any horror movies besides the shining? (i suppose clockwork orange could be if taken in the right context..a great sci fi movie nonetheless)
2001:a space odessey is prolly the best sci fi movie i've seen..
the abyss is another classic.. i guess the blair witch project was a pretty good horror flick.
theres also lots of good sci fi anime including: akira ghost in the shell patlabor 2 (and 1..but not as much so) iria:zeiram bubblegum crisis: tokyo 2040 venus wars dominion tank police battle angel theres some seriously fucked up horror/sci fi anime too, including:
biohunter demon city shinjuku lily cat blood reign
there are others too...i just forget them
from a plastic bubble on 2001-09-03 22:04 [#00029083]

oh, i guess someone did say silence of the lambs...shows how much i pay attention...
from NZ on 2001-09-03 22:25 [#00029088]

I would like to add NINJA SCROLL (the feature not the lame series) to wayout's wayout list :)..but doesnt anybody like the UROTOSUKIDOJI?? series I am a bit disappointed...
from over there on 2001-09-04 02:31 [#00029148]

thanks hex... ;)
from DE on 2001-09-04 14:15 [#00029367]

Ok I didn't read all of the posts but I didn't see Day of the Dead OR Dawn of the Dead at all! Maybe some of you have heard of a movie from Hong Kong called Bio-Zombie. It came out 3 years ago and it's hilarious. (Not too gory, but damn! Those Hong Kong kids are funny!)
hmm...what else...oh yeah, of all the Nightmares, I personally like the 3rd one. Not too fond of any others of the Elm Street series. Oh, and Netion Sentinel, I've seen In the Mouth of Madness, and I liked it. I got a little strange in a confusing way, and that was a bit annoying, but it was still a good movie with really eerie camera work. Also, Evil Dead 2 is the best of the trilogy. I mean some parts of Army of Darkness were just...lame. And the first one had no comedy whatsoever. The second was a great mix of horror and comedy (even though it might of been kind of bad comedy)...
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