from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-28 12:49 [#00026607]

Go here to read about it. I wonder if it was ignorance or just plain..... knowledge?
Aaliyahs Crash Explained Its a follow up on the story earlier this week concerning the pop star.
from New Zealand on 2001-08-28 12:54 [#00026608]

I tell ya, you get what you pay for.
on 2001-08-28 13:04 [#00026611]

Reflex, that's old news.
Saman Perera
from Orpington, Kent on 2001-08-28 13:18 [#00026613]

I wish Hype Williams would die. Or at least stop making those CRAPPY VIDEOS.
from need new aphex twin on 2001-08-28 17:47 [#00026657]

o'well aailyahahahahaha hahahahah
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-28 17:51 [#00026660]

i was going to get a piece of her, now she's dead. actually, hey! that makes it easier now doesn't it!
actually, when did she die? late saturday/early sunday? i was watching the little T and one track mike video "sheniqua ain't here no mo'" on mtv late saturday night when they started scrolling aaliyah is dead messages on the bottom of the screen.
honestly though, why is this topic and other aaliyah related topics on this messageboard?
Saman Perera
from Orpington, Kent on 2001-08-28 17:58 [#00026664]

Try Again sounded like it was done on a Commodore64 SID chip
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-28 19:17 [#00026682]

what's wrong with you people! aaliyahahlliahaliaya was a very important person! she touched all of us and changed our lives! there's a little bit of alaiylahlyayha in us! this topic needs to stay at the top!
christ i'm bored...i'm still not seeing as to why the hell aliyahlilahalya topics are on this messageboard.
i hope i can be the first to report britney spears death after a large amp falls on her or dies from exhaustion after trying to learn a new dance routine. i think her boyfriend/fiance?/pretty boy punch me in the mouth chris? whatshisnuts will die first when his patience and stamina gives because he hasn't gotten a piece yet.
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