from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-28 10:35 [#00026538]

Who here as seen this film? And who here loves it? .... Why do you enjoy it so much? I seem to really love this movie, its done so well, and its just so funny and odd {in a good way} that he used so many .. er.. pretty much ALL the characters from PI. My favourite part would have to be the end ofcourse..... or when Marion fucks that other dude {from PI} for money for drugs... its so disturbing.
from NYC on 2001-08-28 10:38 [#00026539]

Excellent Movie, had more personal affect on me then almost any other I've seen.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-28 10:40 [#00026540]

No Shit. It made me... ugh I dunno it was personal indeed. I was a coke addict once.. but nothing like this. This scared me kind of. Really it did. It was well done.. and im going to buy it soon enough, already got PI. Got to get this one.. damn I hope he does more interesting movies such as these two.
from in your mouth on 2001-08-28 10:48 [#00026547]

the soundtracks to the two films are essential listening..clint did good.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-28 10:48 [#00026548]

Clint Mansell...... yes he DID very good.
John Smith
on 2001-08-28 11:05 [#00026559]

I used to suck dick for coke.
from need new aphex twin on 2001-08-28 13:34 [#00026615]

every kid in high school should see this movie, its so fuked up that it would change this world inside out,
the last 10 minutes of the movie scared the shite out of me
from need new aphex twin on 2001-08-28 17:46 [#00026655]

i have it on dvd
on 2001-08-28 18:44 [#00026674]

I saw Pi, and I really wanted it to be good, but it it turned out to be quite far from that, really dissappointing, 100% emperor´s new clothes. Is Requiem.. any better?
from over there on 2001-08-28 18:57 [#00026675]

why did you like it? because you lke to see others in pain maybe? i have to say, i did not enjoy it as much as Pi... music is still good in both, but i think the whole desperate drug addiction thing has been done too much. i mean, there's "train spotting", and even "the addiction" (even though that is about vampires, it still fallows suit). i am kind of sick of these bleak addiction stories.. but that is just how i feel....
on 2001-08-28 19:02 [#00026676]

you guys have a depressing taste in movies.....
from need new aphex twin on 2001-08-28 22:07 [#00026699]

whats your movie then?
from Trondheim, Norway on 2001-08-28 22:10 [#00026703]

I'm gonna watch Requiem 4 A Dream tomorrow...Ellen Burstyn looks kinda like Linda Blair in The Exorcist. Got inspiration from there I think.
from NZ on 2001-08-28 22:30 [#00026713]

Quite an incredible flick...grim and heavy but silly and cheesy (the man eating fridge right out of Ghostbuster :) ) all at the same time..I like how the novel was contemporized..and I agree with r3fl3x the climactic crescendos, with Marion screwing what looked like a demon penis infront of the sweaty bussinessmen as the Ellen Burstyn is ECTed has to be the most disturbing thing I have seen in a while...It was my favourite film of the year..until I saw "Songs from the Second Floor"..anyone seen that?..left me absolutely gobsmacked!!
from NZ on 2001-08-28 22:32 [#00026714]

http://www.requiemforadream.com pretty awesome site too!!
Cream Pie
on 2001-08-28 22:58 [#00026721]

It's not that good, but have you seen Head On?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-28 23:11 [#00026725]

i just bought the dvd without seeing the movie because it wasn't playing anywhere around here in theatres and i knew i'd love it.
the end of the movie feels like a sledgehammer to the face.
i think the movie was fantastic. my friend watched it once with me and after it ended he turned to me and said "That was one of the best movies i've ever seen, and i never want to see it again."
I can understand why. my favourite shot in it is Jennifer Connely at the very end, with her smack, makeup smeared and the scariest smile on her face........
I thought it was a brilliant film. and Pi is very good as well.
from Trondheim, Norway on 2001-08-28 23:49 [#00026740]

The website scared the shit out of me!!
from NZ on 2001-08-29 00:53 [#00026774]

PI had potential to be so much more..it's flawed..but pretty incredible for a first feature mind you..the lobotomy endings a bit like the old corman flick "Man with Xray eyes" or something, where after awhile the guy who develops Xray vision starts seeing these demonic spectres and shit..so he ends up poking his own eyes out..scared the pants off me as a kid..supposedly they edited out the real ending of that film..Protagonist is supposed to be screaming that he can still see them, even with his eyes gone....Yeeeshhh...I am good at harvesting tangents aren't I :)
on 2001-08-29 02:31 [#00026806]

the movie has great camera and editing work. and is so beautiful in a dark way. desperate and alone but still somewhat beautiful. i love pi as well but i think i like requiem better. and the music was so good i got the soundtrack the next day. its great because it makes you feel like your in a movie. im all about that shit. that real movie quality feeling almost like a high. everything looks, tastes, smells, feels different.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 02:52 [#00026810]

Flea: I agree.... Pi was excellent... and I bought it but it flawed in some places. Requiem For A Dream is fucking amazing, the work is well WELL done, and it scared the crap out of me. Just when Marion is fucking that guy from PI for money and you see her boyfriend thinking about it, you feel as if you know what its like.... to actually know someone is cheating on you, then he takes the drugs.. and its all clear in his head... its so disturbing, how everything is happy and somewhat normal, and all turns to shit in the end.
H3XAN3 [C6H14]
from Melb. on 2001-08-29 08:31 [#00026990]

Cream pie--> i have seen HeadOn, some of those sex scenes were quite wrong, esp. the one at the end was FUCKED sound fx and everything
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-08-29 08:53 [#00027022]

If anyone loved the movie you gotta read the book byHubrt Selby Jr. Such a crazy study in human addiction soo sad never the less a must read THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!! P.S. RIGHT NOW I'M ADDICTED TO CHEESE POPCORN!1
on 2001-10-15 00:44 [#00041135]

I wasn't expecting this film to be good, I sort of was because of the reactions of some, I watched it and it wasn't depressing or life changing, I don't know, It was shit.
from Ardmore on 2001-10-15 01:24 [#00041150]

my favorite movie, only movie that ever depressed me, it was beautiful
from NYC on 2001-10-15 02:41 [#00041170]

What worries/annoys/scares me, is when people get the wrong message out of the movie "Don't Do Drugs." That's not what the movie is about at all, it's about addiction, and our society's lack of attentiveness towards drugs.
The doctor not looking up once at the mother when she is O.D.ing. The doctor not treating the guy with the infected track mark. We need to be responsible about our drugs, be they legal/illegal.
It's an amazing movie, as I said in the second post on this thread, I watched it again a little while ago, it got me to download the soundtrack, and navigate my through the website. Some of the greatest flash work on the web. I suggest you all check it out.
from NYC on 2001-10-15 02:42 [#00041171]

Sounds like its time for me to check out the book, that is, after I finish Lord of the Rings.
from perth on 2001-10-15 03:15 [#00041186]

is it me or does that dude have the wrong arm cut off? on the car... his right one is fucked up... but then on the operating table i swear they cut off his left one. and afterward, in hospital, his left one is missing.
all in all, a bit depressing for me. done really well, though.
Tor Erik
on 2001-10-15 06:22 [#00041219]

Love the film...
...the music, costumes, interiors, words and pictures.
...but it's not better than "Being John Malkovich", but...
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