from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 09:49 [#00026126]

I have a hard enough time tryin to post on here withought some morons poking fun at me or using me as a target. I have done nothing wrong, I think they waste their time doing this. But eh.... its going too far, racial comments, using my name and getting me in trouble.... fuck that. Its shit. I havent done anything wrong, and yet it persists. Ive done all I can, which is nothing, considering I dont get mad or lash back. Its just really annoying. I know there are many of you here who totally agree.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-27 09:50 [#00026127]

I think phobiazero should make a couple of people mods here so we can get rid of those people the second they start posting.
Bob Saget
on 2001-08-27 09:59 [#00026128]

"I havent done anything wrong."
Think about that for awhile, "I havent done anything wrong." Excuse me while I have a little chuckle and shit my pants, and on that note we'll leave for a commercial break.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-27 10:01 [#00026130]

fuck off saget.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 10:03 [#00026133]

Oh except ... you cant tell me what ive done. Just keep throwing it at me.
on 2001-08-27 10:24 [#00026142]

What you've done wrong? Nothing! You're just a socially inept fuckwit, that's all. How about you stop acting like a cunt all the time, and maybe people will like you.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 10:32 [#00026143]

Oh yeah thats real original. Post under a different name, youve never posted here before and all of a sudden you have an opinion. Make me laugh!
on 2001-08-27 10:38 [#00026144]

I've been posting here since late last year, under a different name. I know you're a twat, you act like it all the time, yet you complain when a few people are nasty to you. You're so fucking ignorant you are unable to see how shit you are.
And you know what? If you don't like how you are treated around here... just FUCK OFF and the problem will be sorted.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 10:49 [#00026151]

YeahYeah Whatever. Its just so obvious. I dont act shit to anyone. Show me where. I can already show you where your acting shit to people. Right here. ohh hohhh ohhhh.. 1 for me 0 for you. HA
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-27 10:53 [#00026155]

For a newbie to come onto a board and start bashing a regular... I don't think so. Shut up.
on 2001-08-27 10:53 [#00026156]

Acting shit, am I? Right... so suddenly pointing out where someone's going wrong is acting shit? Your last post is exactly the kind of behavior I'm talking about. Yeah, well I don't give a shit about you, just keep being like that and see how long you'll last. Cunty.
on 2001-08-27 10:54 [#00026158]

Newbie? I'm not a newbie. I have been here since last year.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 10:57 [#00026160]

Whatever you are making no rational sense, just throwing it {whatever it is} back in my face. quite frankly its funny that youd think i care in the least!? ha. think about it, you come here, tell me iam acting shit when you haven't even brought up where i was doing it or to whom, and then you throw it in my face. i said your acting like shit right now, and yet .. no oh no he/she wont admit because oh well they are just so smart and divine! Show me and Ill believe, until then toodles.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-27 10:57 [#00026161]

1. If you don't care, then why are you seemingly trying to start a fight?
2. And what name was it that you posted under? I haven't seen you around before, nor has reflex aparently.......
on 2001-08-27 10:58 [#00026163]

My name? Torley Wong.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:00 [#00026164]

Hahaha no. You used to post here a long time ago. And haven't forever. the last time you did was to shout out hey to these people that remembered you hear. after that.. BAM you were gone for good again. and as I recall we never had any problems at all, and you never acted this way. ..... geez. try hard.
on 2001-08-27 11:02 [#00026167]

I know we had no problems, but you've really turned bad. I don't understand why you're doing it. Come on, just stop it.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-27 11:03 [#00026168]

Why are you comming back here and trying to start shit tho? What's the point of it?
nepa thix
on 2001-08-27 11:03 [#00026169]

i agree that people who post under other peoples screen names, or who are just assholes in general, are annoying and should just go away. but at the same time by calling them cunts and dedicating entire topics just to them you're giving them exactly what they want.
you're fueling the fire. if you just ignore 'em and don't respond they'll get discouraged and go elsewhere. its just like a child misbehaving because they want attention from their parents.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:04 [#00026170]

Yeah why would you start something that came from NOTHING!? Out of the blue. Its pretty stupid - You STILL haven't said what ive done. Go on... tell me.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:06 [#00026171]

nepa thix: good point.. indeed well taken. I know what I was doing..... its ok though. maybe this is a way.. they cant prove anything that "ive done" before or anything.. so it just helps me in my way.. they look really foolish. thanks..
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-27 11:09 [#00026172]

i'd like him to answer my question.......
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:10 [#00026173]

he/she wont ever.. thats the "smarts" the have over us.. the ability to call one stupid and ignorant and totally ignore a simple question or two! really brilliant minds we are dealing with!
on 2001-08-27 11:13 [#00026174]

I'm not trying to start shit, I'm trying to end it. Examples? One only needs to look at what you did to poor Geonime to see what a cunt you are.
nepa thix
on 2001-08-27 11:14 [#00026175]

and just to make sure everything is clear...
the post i made before this one wasn't directed at any one of you in particular. i know some of you who have been "flammed" by these people don't respond in a negative manner, i.e. name calling. the post was just a general statement to anyone who is sick and tired of seeing people cause trouble on this messageboard.
i mean afterall, its just a messageboard. i don't see what gratification these people receive in causing a nuisance. we all have a common love for afx, or just music in general. i'd love to see the board go back to that. people just discussing musical ideas, new underground musicians they know of, everyone sharing their own original tunes. just...i dunno. whatever.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:14 [#00026176]

Muahahah!!! Geonime? Everyone was happy to see him go. EVERYONE. Phobiazero kicked him off the board. And damnit everyone was glad. He deserved it. What did I do to him? Huh? What?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:15 [#00026177]

nepa thix: thats what ive been getting at forever.. thats what I would like it to be.. the way it used to be.
on 2001-08-27 11:19 [#00026178]

Let me see... an enthusiastic boy, always contributing to the place and requesting help with what he wanted to do... make music. In just one day, just because of a nasty chat in ICQ, you BROUGHT the whole community against him. They didn't hate him because of what he did, but because of how you made him look. Creating false stories like him flooding your inbox with mail. Even after the argument, he apologised in order to make things right, but you still carried on trying to make things shitty for him. Then you cloned him and posted a load of shit which everyone else was supposed to think is him. He basically did nothing wrong, but you ruined his time here. Most of my hatred toward you is because of this.
nepa thix
on 2001-08-27 11:22 [#00026180]

nepa thix
on 2001-08-27 11:23 [#00026181]

well i'm off to bed.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:24 [#00026182]

HAHAHH!!! Make me laugh even harder! Boy I cant believe it, you should be a comedian or something! First off Geonime got what he deserved, he got Kicked for a reason, I didnt get him kicked, nor did I kick him. Phobiazero did. And people were glad that he was kicked. As am I. Geonime lied to me, cloned people, lied to the messageboard about more than 1 thing, he impersonated more than 1 person, he DID put stupid emails in my inbox, he went ouf of his way to bash me, and did it deliberitly, after apologizing and I did as well, he continued his path... that he was on before. And thats EXACTLY why he got kicked. Go aheah inquire, ask. I have not cloned one person since I got here a long time ago.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-27 11:24 [#00026183]

You aren't Geomine are you? Or his lover?
Reflex wasn't posting under his name. I know he wouldn't do that.
I didn't dislike Geonime because of what he did to reflex, i didn't like him cause he was a childish prick.
on 2001-08-27 11:26 [#00026185]

Yes, go on, make excuses. I don't really care if everyone agrees with me, the guilt inside yourself will remain. Oh wait, you don't feel guilt because you're an evil little cunt. Are you REALLY the same r3fl3x I used to like?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:27 [#00026186]

Well put.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-27 11:27 [#00026187]

That's true. i remember that. cause after the message transcript post, you two were fighting for a while, seemingly made up, then he started up shit again in a new post.
get your fucking facts straight you fuckin lush.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:28 [#00026188]

You never even talked to me back in the day here! HAHAHA! Caught in your own web of lies..... oh that is perfect. HAHAHA.
on 2001-08-27 11:29 [#00026189]

I'm not Geonime, he was BANNED, remember? You THINK r3fl3x wouldn't clone, but it seems he's the first person to clone, judging from the immaturity he's displayed here. Geonime wasn't immature, I know him personally and I know he was very upset for being banned just because of r3fl3x.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-27 11:30 [#00026190]

"Yes, go on, make excuses. I don't really care if everyone agrees with me, the guilt inside yourself will remain. Oh wait, you don't feel guilt because you're an evil little cunt. Are you REALLY the same r3fl3x I used to like?"
the guilt inside you......... jesus man. that couldn't have been more lame if you tried.
on 2001-08-27 11:30 [#00026191]

Oh yes, I didn't talk to you so I'm incapable of reading your posts!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:31 [#00026193]

Phobiazero if you read this topic.. dont bother replying,, its all under control. and is quite fun.
HAHAH! This gets even better and better! This is way way WAY too funny. I got him banned? HA! OK so now ive got power over peoples minds... lets see! And I use this power to get people kicked out of Messageboards! WoW! Awsome!
Well lets think about it. HE GOT HIMSELF KICKED OUT! How could I do it. And no, ive never cloned anyone... ask Phobiazero if you like. But thats a waste of his time.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:32 [#00026194]

oh so you were my secret admirer were you? Im flattered but sorry im not a homosexual.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-27 11:32 [#00026195]

he shouldn't have started shit then. it's his own fault. reflex isn't sucking phobiazrios dick for favours you brilliant, brilliant man. phobia knows exactlaly why he's baning people when he does it. he gets the story straight as he has to to make sure everythings fair.
he was a dick, people wouldn't stand for his shit, he got banned, end of story.
on 2001-08-27 11:32 [#00026196]

I just can't be arsed arguing. I do know another trick which will sort you out, tho'.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:34 [#00026198]

Oh yeah? Ok - lets have it then? What trick is this. Wow look everyone hes on a mission! Hes gonna use a magic trick and get me somehow!
You think it was that gay thing I said?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-27 11:34 [#00026199]

oh! what tricks might you have up your sleeve!!!!!!! i'm dying to know!!!!!!!
you started this whole thing. don't try to get out of it now.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:35 [#00026202]

checkmate BAM BAM.
from Milan on 2001-08-27 11:36 [#00026203]

...everytime in this MB I read about Clone, Cloning, etc... this argument is really bore, I hate the clones and all the stupid childs that get fun to clone people!!!
P.S.: (for all the clones): Try to listen Cloning Technology from Fear Factory, it's really harsh!
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-27 11:36 [#00026204]

from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-27 11:37 [#00026205]

\/\/ooÆ’er_Attack: good man! how is milan this time of year?
on 2001-08-27 11:37 [#00026206]

Children, children, sort this out. I don't come here to read your petty arguments.
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