on 2001-08-25 14:51 [#00025620]

I'm just curious as to how people feel about this if anything at all. The music can be found at the following location:
www.myplay.com l:bluelorcets@yahoo.com p:disturbinglight
be honest..don't tell me you like if you don't. I don't really need that shit, because honestly I think it's better than most of the stuff on this board.
m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m
from Bird Cage on 2001-08-25 15:17 [#00025624]

I could not find any of the links to your music.
on 2001-08-26 10:42 [#00025809]

when you get into the locker you click on the folder "let the black satin sea lose me".
if you or anyone else could tell me what you think. please don't put it's great! or it sucks ass! commentary is appreciated.
also if you list what types of music (aside from rj) you like then it will help me to get an understanding where you are coming from. thanks.
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-08-26 10:56 [#00025812]

is this a joke? I mean first you say that your stuff is better than most stuff on this board?! WTF? in what aspect? musical creativeness (it is original)? production (in which, well frankly sucks.. sounds like it was recorded in a bathroom)
I dont mean to be so frank but I dontlike the cockiness of your post.. and then you present this.. ?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-26 11:02 [#00025813]

i like all kinds of music, i don't have a particular genre i listen to any more than any other... lately the majority has been instrumental (anything from godspeed, to mogwai, latin playboys, martin madenski & wood, and afx, ae, etc.) i do agree with you that it's better than most of the peoples on the board. but i think alot of the people here are boring as hell, or shitty crystal method wannabe's, or just flat out ripping off aphex.... i don't like to say who, and i won't. (tho i make it no secret that i think od is the best i've heard here... other than my own BRILLIANT songs : )
i think it sounds good, but it's not varied enough maybe? i don't know what words i'm looking for here, and you said to be descriptive. i don' tknow what you're trying to do here. i mean to say "what do you think" is hard because when i listen to it to tell you what i think, i think of things that I would have done, which might not be something you want at all. but regardless, i think that you should do alot more. they sound like a good start to a song maybe. add a bunch of different drum tracks. throw in some fuckin violins. whatever. distort them all to hell. dosen't matter.
but that's what i'd do. i'd add alot more to it.
tho i do have those very minimalistic songs as well.............
regardless, hope this helps. : )
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-26 11:06 [#00025814]

i think fony is being a little harsh, but i do beleive that the sound quality is suffering for sure. forgot to mention that.
i don't see anything wrong with thinking that you're better than others musically. i think that some of the tracks i've done are alot better than what i hear other people here have done. but that's just cause i'm proud of what i've done (kinda) and i don't see anything wrong with that. and on top of that, shouldn't your music be your favourite? i listen to mine everyday, at least a few tracks. i mean, you're making music, exactally how you want to hear it. so wouldn't that mean you're trying to make the best song you've ever heard in a twisted sort of way?
tis what i think anyways.......
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-08-26 11:12 [#00025817]

hmm... yeah I was a little harsh.... probably because I have my headphones on while listening and everytime it went to rebuffer it would cut out and it was pissing me off... but this does seem like a spam post since this is your first here. I just didnt like the way you came off on that like. It sounds like "Listen to this, tell me if its good, or if it sucks, but who cares I still think its better than most of the shit around here anyway"
It just doesnt fly by me very well.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-26 11:19 [#00025822]

yeah. i do see your point tho. makes sense. i think that (some of) my stuff is better than most of what i hear. but i wouldn't go around saying that to everyone. i don't have a webpage for people to listen to, and i don't even know if i want to set one up... might eventually on ampcast......
what's the deal there? on ampcast? how much space do you get or whatever?
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-08-26 11:22 [#00025825]

unlimited space.... $25 a year... and well worth it, and they CARE about the artists they host!!! WOW!
And if you want you can float on over here and post a question for "Jim" hes the owner of ampcast and hes always there. Very cool guy.. You will usually get a response from him or his brother in less than a day.
i (heart) ampcast
BTW they support any known audio file type and bitrate, and their cd system is superb compared to mp3.com and others.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-26 11:32 [#00025829]

Ellies: I dunno about this... masterin/production doesnt seem too good at all. It sounds... pretty bad I guess. Sounds like you set up a few mics and recorded it, or something close to that. And this doesnt really hit me as a song per say.... uhm I dunno I dont want to bash it all too much, but its nothing cool to my ears at all. Keep trying. This is a miss, in my opinion.
on 2001-08-26 12:22 [#00025860]

thanks guys for the opinions..far more feedback than I expected..even reflex responded when I had tols him to "eat fuck" in a previous post..this is not a spam..and yes I was purposely cocky..listen, if you piss someone off and they tell you they still like your music then you know they really mean it..I do agree that the sound "quality" sucks ass, but it can't really be helped. it's not really meant to have much of a "song" form..This is actually just one of many types of electronic music I like to do..i just wanted to see if anyone was intrested in this aspect of my music..thanks guys.
on 2001-08-26 12:23 [#00025861]

also..syd if you would like to remix one of them feel free..I am also curious as to what you would have liked been done as an alternative
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-26 12:39 [#00025863]

Ellies: yes you were a jerk off in that other topic. do be honest I dont give a shit. but yes it sounds as if you would go somewhere with that song.. just needs some variation and some work.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-26 13:03 [#00025864]

Ellies, e-mail me and we'll hook something up. or add me to your icq list.
on 2001-08-26 13:04 [#00025865]

which one did you download reflex? Actually I should correct myself..Light Is Pollution was meant to have some song form..
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-26 13:06 [#00025866]

Ellis, you gonna do that?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-26 13:08 [#00025868]

Ellies: both songs.. a ok.
on 2001-08-26 13:22 [#00025871]

anyone else want to get into this?
I just e-mailed you syd.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-26 13:46 [#00025893]

hmmmmmmmm................. haven't got it yet.......... fucking hotmail blows.
from in your mouth on 2001-08-26 13:59 [#00025903]

i sent another..get that one?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-26 14:21 [#00025909]

do the icq thing
from in your mouth on 2001-08-26 15:13 [#00025915]

i'm afraid I happen to be the only person on the net without icq
on 2001-08-27 10:11 [#00026138]

hey syd did you ever get those e-mails?
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