from canada on 2001-08-23 21:21 [#00025182]

ok this is dumb but what do i do to get it exactly???
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-23 21:24 [#00025183]

Remember - This is my computer, so i may have to reboot at any time. so if you get disconnected, reconnect. i don't expect more than 3 to be downloading at one time, and user limit is 3 so.........
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-23 21:38 [#00025187]

you need an ftp program. get cuteFTP they're pretty simple to figure out. just imput the info i gave you.
you people are really jumping on this. better be reading the fuckin message and sharing this once you have it.
on 2001-08-23 21:50 [#00025189]

jesus. thanks. even if this isnt the real thing its nice.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-23 23:02 [#00025196]

hey. to anyone downloading now or whatever, i have to take it down in about half an hour - 45 minutes. It'll be back up about an hour - 2 hours after that. i'll post here when that happens.
it's 6pm here now, so expect it at around 8:30 i suppose. so anyone downloading right now, come back then. i'll post a message when it's ready again.
sorry about this. but like i said, it's my personal computer, and not a dedicated server.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-23 23:04 [#00025197]

btw, i'm going to leave it up for download longer than i said. maybe a day or two... we'll see.
on 2001-08-23 23:46 [#00025217]

just of intrest, where did you get it?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-24 00:05 [#00025230]

seom guy stold me the address on that soulsearer thing......
from Sweden on 2001-08-24 00:10 [#00025231]

on 2001-08-24 00:12 [#00025232]

Yes, I was about to say, Grant and Rich read these sites, and it's a major smack in the face here...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-24 01:48 [#00025241]

Barret, Syd: you should't get the tracks.... just leave it for now.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-24 02:18 [#00025250]

ok. well i don't get why this isn't respectful. i mean, if anything it's more, because people are frothing at the mouth for more aphex. everyone who wants it is going to get it regardless. what difference is it if they get it from me or from someone else? i'm sharing this album to the community, and anyone who downloads it off me, would be downloading it at whatever other spot they found when they find it. i see you deleted my ip address and everything, and whatever.
my point is that it dosen't matter if im' giving it to people or not, because they'll get it in the long run, and if they were going to buy it, they'll buy it, and if they don't buy it, they were never going to. i'm not giving people anything other than an easier time trying to find it. i'd be flattered if people downloaded my album before it hit the release date.
and i don't have the address anymore, but there was an essay i read about how Kid A being leaked was probally the reason why it ended up hitting #1 on the billboard charts.
i'm still hosting, but won't put my ip up again without phobiazero's consent, as it is his website. i've stated my reasons, and i don't see how they can really be argued, but i think it's silly that i can't host it for the people that are going to get it one way or another anyways.
on 2001-08-24 02:26 [#00025256]

Respect = Not doing something you know is obviously going to piss someone off, like oh, offer high quality MP3's of their unreleased album.
And that "in the long run" argument could equally apply to murder. "Oh, they were going to grow old and die anyways". Please.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-24 02:29 [#00025257]

2 Things
1. The problem is people ripping of RDJ! But as well, a big problem is people doing it here! At probably of his biggest fan sites, this and JoyRex. This is a problem, for people to post URLS and Ips of FTP sites for people to leech the mp3s. I think thats wrong. For sure.
2. Phobiazero was right in getting a bit frustrated with this situation. I would be too! But also think about it, he can't have people posting links to that stuff, its illegal, yeah yeah... I know your saying catch me. And I know it wont happen, but he can get in shit. Its for the better.. and as always
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-24 03:05 [#00025263]

GG - that was the dumbest thing i've every heard. don't talk at all anymore.
reflex - it's not going to get back to phobiazero. if he dosen't want it here, i respect that, so im not posting it. but he wouldn't get in trouble.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-24 03:07 [#00025264]

Barrett, Syd: Well maybe it wont go back to Phobiazero, but it REPHLEX/WARP knew that he was allowing pirated songs to surdace, on his board for people to acess, then he could get a bit of a talking to from the boys at the record company. Im sure it could happen. But yeah its easy to understand why someone wouldn't want them on this board! I know I wouldn't.
Pork Potatoes
on 2001-08-24 03:09 [#00025266]

In short, Syd Barrett, since you haven't clocked it yet:
"You're a fucking knob"
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-24 03:11 [#00025268]

Pork Potatoes: its obvious that your someone regular posting as a different name. Youve never posted here before and all of a sudden you think you know whats up? Barret, Syd is not stupid.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-24 03:13 [#00025271]

pork potatoes / GG, you're a fucking idiot. shut the fuck up. don't make me school your ass.
thank you reflex. and i know he would maybe get an email or something, which is why i respect his wishes not to have my ip posted. i just meant he wouldn't be getting in trouble.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-24 03:14 [#00025273]

Syd: no shit! Well im backin you all da way!
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-24 03:21 [#00025274]

burp bro. burp.
on 2001-08-24 06:52 [#00025324]

GG, you fuck. why would grant get pissed for something on a different label?
from Norway on 2001-08-24 09:42 [#00025359]

Why the f*** do you set up a windoze pc to host the download, thats 1 of the 10000000 things that windoze f*** up.
Linux rulZ, Penguin power
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-24 09:46 [#00025360]

well, i used a windows server, because i use windows as on os. now, if you'd like to teach me linux, then great, and i can move over to that. but i instead would rather not bother with it as i'm going to be getting a mac soon enough so it wouldn't matter. almost every pc is run on windows. almost everyone uses windows. i don't know why your panties are up in such a twist, and i don't see the need for freaking out about it.
you need to take alot of valium (half a bottle or more) and drink a big bottle of wine or 2, and then go to sleep. when you wake up, you'll feel much better.
on 2001-08-24 10:53 [#00025374]

Give us ur IP address! We want it now!!! Yesterday Aphex said z if somebody wanted to download this song - they can do this
on 2001-08-24 13:40 [#00025421]

Aphex said that? where, when?
on 2001-08-24 14:21 [#00025423]

Yesterday when he called me at evening.
from toronto on 2001-08-24 17:10 [#00025452]

well, i downloaded it. and i am going to buy it. definately going to buy it. it is so good.. i'm going to order some aphex t-shirts tonight, too. :)
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-24 18:42 [#00025465]

I'm sorry but phobiazero dosen't want the info and whatnot posted on this board, so i can't put up my ip address.
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