from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-23 07:52 [#00024380]

5is6: what!?.. no your not... this isn't the real 5is6.. your an american.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-23 07:53 [#00024381]

ugh its possible.
from +-=0 on 2001-08-23 07:53 [#00024382]

Yes I am, I spoke to him on the net.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-23 08:30 [#00024386]

so is someone going to post this for others to download? i got the space to host it if yr willing to upload it to me, as i'm sure some others do.
let's do this shit. please?
from NY on 2001-08-23 08:43 [#00024389]

this is sad....the whole album already release on mp3
I just cheked it and ITS the real album!!!!!
I will definitly cop this album its PURE GENIUS MATERIAL (I think this is his best album, thats my taste).
I just downloaded St Micaels Mt and its a remix of Monkey Drummer (the beat switches after like 2 min)!!!!!!
ITS THE BEST TRACK I EVER HEARD (NO JOKE at least the best Aphex Twin track ever I swear) 8 mins of PURE GENIUS IT MADE ME ALMOST CRY WHEN THE PIANO ENTERS IN THE MIDDLe also a little girl singing.
from NY on 2001-08-23 08:53 [#00024391]

8min and 10sek of amazing MUSIC!!!
from NY on 2001-08-23 09:02 [#00024394]

gwenrn YOU are wrong...at least I dont think they sound the same.
Avril 14th is another piano solo.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-23 09:03 [#00024395]

well then archrival, how about letting me get it off you, so i can host it for the rest of the good fellows on this board? think of it as an early christmas present
from Chicago on 2001-08-23 09:35 [#00024400]

Damn, cant wait for this album to come out and after hearing what some of you have said about it I know I'll love it.
question, just curious but I read somewhere that lornaderek was a real "crowd pleaser" but if its only richards parents talking in it what did they mean by that? is there music involved as well? also I cant seem to be able to download cymru beats, says link may be outdated...
Pitch in Retrograde
on 2001-08-23 09:47 [#00024401]

to all the people who are dling drukqs tracks:
which music sharing program are you using to get the songs? i just tried winmx, morpheus, and audio galaxy and couldn't find anything on any of them.
Pitch in Retrograde
on 2001-08-23 09:49 [#00024402]

nevermind responding here, i'm gonna make this question into an actual post.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-23 09:50 [#00024404]

Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-23 10:05 [#00024408]

i know... i know... : )
from europe on 2001-08-23 11:26 [#00024439]

the only other album i'm waiting for in the same way is philip glass' les enfants terribles... there are very nannou - sounding pianos in it...
those descriptions of drukqs sound amazing... like a 140 minutes come to daddy ep/boy girl ep/windowlicker ep. but where are those mp3s on the net? i will certainly buy the album on cd when it's out anyway, but i simply can't wait to l hear the mentioned tracks of it...
5is6- the piano pieces are slower than even Erik Satie's pieces? Even slower than Reibert de Leeuw's recordings of Satie's music (if you are familiar with these albums)?
from Up my own ass on 2001-08-23 12:39 [#00024497]

Soul seek Soul Seek Soul Seek.org
Look under truqks/druqks and you shall find......
By the way 5is6 wasn\'t bullshitting RDJ was on Soulseek earlier this morning....dont doubt it........laterz
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-23 12:42 [#00024500]

JTTOT someting or other.. cool thanks!
too bad HTML doest work in here with names huh?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-23 12:46 [#00024503]

i downloaded, installed, now what?go where?
from NY on 2001-08-23 12:50 [#00024506]

Lornaderek is pretty funny its just 31 sec long and its just his parents singing happy birthday.
Bit4 is just a long booooooooooommwoooooooooooom 21 sec
And Aussiois is actually a 15 sec distortered "japanese" conversation.
Some interludes are a little bit unnecessary.
from NY on 2001-08-23 12:52 [#00024509]

Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-23 12:53 [#00024510]

where the hell do i get it?!?!??!
from NY on 2001-08-23 12:54 [#00024512]

DONT EVEN GO THERE SAYING Come To Daddy or RDJ album is better....we got a double album here with PURE GENIUS MATERIAL.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-23 12:57 [#00024515]

Come To Daddy and Windowlicker were hardly the best ones IMO... I bet this new one will be Amazing. have only heard the one track that was made official.... ill wait for it to come out.
from manchester on 2001-08-23 13:19 [#00024521]

its very tempting to download it, but i will wait. I think it would be much sweeter to just sit down in a dark room in teh middle of the night with a joint and listen to it on some headphones. aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, its going to be great. SO until then, i will just let myself get all excited.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-23 13:20 [#00024523]

hedtwin: i agree totally! Iam going to smoke a joint and listen to the whole thing fom start to end in my bed... at like 5am.
from Up my own ass on 2001-08-23 14:27 [#00025041]

Whoever was asking "where the hell do I get it?!!!" rather emphatically....I assume you have done what you said and downloaded the prog right>? Well, then click on the program register sign up etczzetra..go into search for files enter name drukqs and that then pray you dont get put in a remote que which can take forever....pretty self explanatory really......and you will get a remote que....leave your comp on and then come back to it tuesday.you should have atleast the first 3 tracks by then...
from Melb, Australia on 2001-08-23 14:45 [#00025051]

So us guys have to wait for it to come out. Think about it! How long will it take to hit Australia? Us fukkas wont get it till xmas, yet i wait in line like everyone else!
from perth on 2001-08-23 14:48 [#00025055]

so.... the album doesnt sound lik ecrappy bits and pieces like someone said on joyrex?
from Melb, Australia on 2001-08-23 14:51 [#00025060]

i dunno, is there even such thing as Aphex coming to Aus? A bull-schmitt rumor went around saying so, but never took on
from Melb, Australia on 2001-08-23 14:54 [#00025063]

you cant believe anything people say nemore!
from Melb, Australia on 2001-08-23 14:56 [#00025065]

Now where did that flying turtle go?
from perth on 2001-08-23 15:00 [#00025069]

myslef and rF will be stormtrooping the rosemount hotel over here this fri.
next best thing? err not quite maybe. :)
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-23 15:02 [#00025072]

Doomy1: Well..... Im in Canada and wed get stuff just as fast as the US and with most AFX releases they have come out right around when they do in the UK. If not - Go to a good record shop and get them to order it for you! Good stuff.
from Melb, Australia on 2001-08-23 15:06 [#00025076]

but Canada aint on the fuckin other side of the earth unlike us people
from Melb, Australia on 2001-08-23 15:07 [#00025078]

but Canada aint on the fuckin other side of the earth unlike us people
from Melb, Australia on 2001-08-23 15:12 [#00025082]

well i want the cd. Just the same as i want a decent head job, but i just gotta be patient!
from stockholm on 2001-08-23 15:16 [#00025089]

yea, it's a bit scary, so many rumours, fake tracks and all that.
anyway, drukqs is available on soulseek, and i don't feel bad about d/ling drukqs, cause like most people here i will buy it when it comes out, no matter what.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-23 15:22 [#00025097]

Well.. hm.. whatever you can order it if your scared its not coming out to your area soon enough.
Yes - The DRuqks tracks I will not listen to or download. I dont care... if people do it or not. thats fine. Ill buy it for sure.
from NY on 2001-08-23 15:34 [#00025108]

"od" YOU will NOT be dissapointed.
from space on 2001-08-23 17:17 [#00025156]

--Lornaderek is pretty funny its just 31 sec long and its just his parents singing happy birthday.--
My lornaderek is 1:50 long
from NYC on 2001-08-23 21:17 [#00025181]

Archrival where in the city do you live?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-23 23:14 [#00025200]

Well i beleive i have it now.
If it's not drukqs, i don't care, it's amazing whoever it is. and when it's discovered who it is (if it's not RDJ) then looks like i got a new band to get all their albums, cause this shit is wicked nasty.
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-08-23 23:33 [#00025206]

this is very sad.
from Miami, FL on 2001-08-23 23:36 [#00025210]

yen: 403 ~ access forbidden
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-23 23:38 [#00025212]

what is sad?
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-08-23 23:43 [#00025214]

All these people just ripping off RDJ on his own site! (I know its not his own, but Im sure he comes here and as far as I know thats him in the upper left corner)
I just think its sad that hes putting out an album, and everyone is just ripping him off.... Come on! Half of you that say " Oh, Im just going to listen to it and Im gonna buy it later" are full of shit. I know this because Ive done the same in the past. I havent heard any of his tracks except for that sample that was sent out a while back.
Maybe Im like this because I am an electronic artist on my way up and into the big picture, and I would be pretty disappointed if I had a fan site and saw that all these people were just downloading my new songs instead of shelling out the measly $12 or pounds or marks or whatever to help support me as an artist.
Like vultures man. Pathetic.
on 2001-08-23 23:45 [#00025216]

i got radiohead's Kid A and amnesiac online before they were released and then went and bought the albums the day they came out.
from Sweden on 2001-08-23 23:49 [#00025218]

Yes, this is just too much... no more ftp's and urls please!
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-08-23 23:50 [#00025219]

is there anyway to delete posts phob?
this shit is polluting the BB IMHO
on 2001-08-23 23:52 [#00025221]

getting preachy about your stance on mp3s isn't going to change anyone's mind about them. to me, it's just whining.
i collect cds. i wouldn't have bought over 6000 of them if all i was interested in was owning mp3s and burning copies. it's the net. things are going to get out one way or another. it's all well and good that you're an "up and coming" artists. big deal. if you dont want to download the tracks, don't.
alot of us don't have issues with downloading prereleases. alot of us still go out and spend our hard earned cash on vinyl and cds, the little piece of corporate artwork that feeds the mouths of alot of label representatives.
from Sweden on 2001-08-23 23:54 [#00025222]

Too many posts giving urls around here - I can just ASK you all to show Richard some f*ing respect!
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