café racer
on 2001-08-17 17:05 [#00022729]

I did it, I did it myself, ha, you fuckfaces, I don't need your retarded help, I did it, ha, my msn community is ready: A joyous occasion like this deserves some dedicated masturbation time. It's pretty fuckin' good that I did it, this is like that time I sodomised your son when he was sleeping.......
Berty Beetle
on 2001-08-17 17:19 [#00022734]

See, it worked, i think I qualify for another banning anyway.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-17 17:25 [#00022736]

how does one go about doing those image things?
Bob Dole
on 2001-08-17 17:49 [#00022740]

Well, to turn it down, here it is; type this without the hypens(-): <-I-M-G S-R-C="web address of image you wish to display"->
and the = sign at the end of SRC must be there.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-17 18:36 [#00022745]

let me see if this will work. i will use a picture off of my website. unfortunately the picture did not load well on to my computer. that is queen mum underneath the word box thing.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-17 18:39 [#00022747]

fuck it
Bob Dole
on 2001-08-17 18:54 [#00022749]

Here's an example; put this as the web address "http://www.aphextwin.nu/visuals/rdj/rdj-11.jpg"
Use the quotations marks(") around it.
Type this without the stops(.): <.I.M.G. S.R.C.="http://www.aphextwin.nu/visuals/rdj/rdj-11.jpg">
And if you type that without the full stops, then the image should appear. To choose an image, this is how you do it on mac anyway, click on a picture you find on the web, then click "open in a new window" and then use the address in the new window. Put that address inbetween the quotation marks. Do you understand?
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-17 19:10 [#00022753]

doesn't seem to want to work for me
from here on 2001-08-17 19:14 [#00022754]

I thought you knew HTML, hevquip.
on 2001-08-17 19:47 [#00022758]

richard has a gay tank, nuff said :P\
stop talking about it so much rich, go buy your submarine and shrink your head underwater and become retarded
from here on 2001-08-17 19:52 [#00022762]

I'd like to get to know Richard. He's an interesting bloke, the only way to really do this is make good enough demos to be signed to Rephlex. Then I can hang with him in the Rephlex zone. And be really famous like Ovuca!!
on 2001-08-17 19:57 [#00022765]

from here on 2001-08-17 20:00 [#00022766]

yolanda. If I didn't know better I'd say you were stalking me.
on 2001-08-17 20:03 [#00022767]

oh you big, dirty white Geonime, sax me up right here! right now, on this messageboard.
from here at the moment on 2001-08-17 20:08 [#00022769]

geonime, just give yolanda sum sax will ya, sheesh!
on 2001-08-17 20:08 [#00022770]

mmm, now that's what im talking about shanaynay'
from here at the moment on 2001-08-17 20:08 [#00022771]

oh you did
from here at the moment on 2001-08-17 20:09 [#00022772]

hes only young
on 2001-08-17 20:11 [#00022773]

blizbitch, ive been drinking malt liqour all day, dont make me rearrange yo fro
from here on 2001-08-17 20:16 [#00022777]

At your age? Just you wait until your mother hears about this...
Garry Shandling
from Sherman Oaks on 2001-08-17 20:17 [#00022779]

One in three people will develop cancer at some point in their lives.
from here at the moment on 2001-08-17 20:18 [#00022780]

mmmmm nice
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-17 20:22 [#00022782]

i'll try once more
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-17 20:27 [#00022786]

there we go...
this one is from my webpage
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-17 20:27 [#00022787]

bummer. it doesn't show up.
Garry Shandling
from Sherman Oaks on 2001-08-17 20:28 [#00022788]

Are you having fun?
from here at the moment on 2001-08-17 20:30 [#00022792]

Gary, your show was rubbish you know, and that hurley burley movie was ball bags
Garry Shandling
from Sherman Oaks on 2001-08-17 20:35 [#00022797]

Hey, don't rubbish my work. I don't criticise the way you flip burgers.
from here at the moment on 2001-08-17 20:36 [#00022798]

hey man, i flip burgers good, i know i do
George McFly
on 2001-08-17 20:38 [#00022801]

This is the dreatest topic ever, it just feels so retarded and NIN get shit along with the music, his new one is on now.
George McFly
on 2001-08-17 20:38 [#00022802]

This is the greatest topic ever, it just feels so retarded and NIN get shit along with the music, his new one is on now.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-17 20:38 [#00022803]

haha. can't show sexual images george.
from here at the moment on 2001-08-17 20:39 [#00022805]

dear o dear
George McFly
on 2001-08-17 20:42 [#00022807]

What sexual images?
George McFly
on 2001-08-17 20:43 [#00022808]

Q. What's funnier then a woman felating a dog?
A. A dog wearing socks
from here at the moment on 2001-08-17 20:48 [#00022810]

from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-17 20:48 [#00022811]

joke # 5649873949.494971
Q: how does one stroke brass?
A: purchase miniature horse within the proximity of a wasps magic bag.
asking your picture to show itself says access denied because it relates to sex: online sales and products, or something along those lines.
Garry Shandling
from Sherman Oaks on 2001-08-17 20:59 [#00022812]

lmao= let's masturbate at once
from here at the moment on 2001-08-17 21:04 [#00022813]

or course, what else?
from here at the moment on 2001-08-17 21:05 [#00022814]

or of, of course, its up to you
Garry Shandling
from Sherman Oaks on 2001-08-17 21:14 [#00022816]

Pauwl: Forget the art of burger-flipping. It has forgotten you. Spontaneous self-gratification elicits customer complaints. Unless they like tartare sauce.
from here at the moment on 2001-08-17 21:16 [#00022818]

i find most customers dont complain
George McFly
on 2001-08-17 21:23 [#00022820]

Heavquip, you fuckin' retard. "Access Denied" means you're in an area that is not permited, this area is where they store ALL the images, along with this preview. The access denied area is only available to those who created the site. If you could see it, it would just be a directory leading to all the images on the site, but because this beastiality site is a pay one, the section is denied. This is not specificly for these sites catering porn, this can be for any site. To see the site these beastiality images came from, keep tracking back until "Access denied" dissapears, you should then find yourself at their front page, complete with a warning. I do not have a pay agreement with the site. You are retarded. If you want to see the site so much, it's www.beastiality.com .......
George McFly
on 2001-08-17 21:23 [#00022821]

This is an open directory: http://bestiality.wildsexpics.nu/images/
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