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radiowerkshop from canada on 2001-08-16 14:55 [#00022382]

anyone who gets one of these has to share because there is
supposed to be different mixes on the promo then on the
album so i have read.
i am in the werks on getting one and if i do i will find
some way to share with all of you. so please be so kind as
to share with us if you happen upon anything like that in
the future.


wayout from a plastic bubble on 2001-08-16 18:23 [#00022431]

how exactly does one aquire a promo?
i know that warp sends promo stuff with some of their
orders...but i've always gotten older stuff.
just curious.


wayout from a plastic bubble on 2001-08-16 18:24 [#00022432]

how exactly does one aquire a promo?
i know that warp sends promo stuff with some of their
orders...but i've always gotten older stuff.
just curious.


radiowerkshop from canada on 2001-08-16 18:27 [#00022433]

i werk at a radio station and have some friends who own
record shops so i'll will most definately come across one.
but people without connections can find them at mom n pop
record shops cause they usually get em' and after a bit
stickem' in the used section for some extra cash


----- from ----- on 2001-08-16 18:35 [#00022434]



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