from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-15 01:25 [#00021887]

Well - The deadline was met by mostly everyone. Congrats' to those of who you made it to me and got your song in. Thanks alot for doing this quickly. Here is the list of artists that have submitted a song for the compilation. NOT ALL OF THESE WILL MAKE IT:
-Aron? -Aureus -Buz -Dirty Priest -disfony -GolgiApparatus -Gotmeth -Idlab -marc hermann -micheal -Mr. Shutter -Orange Dust -Organ Grinder -radiowerkshop -Rob Fragilenine -ross -Smettingham Rutherford IV -Synchronicity -Wayout -Wizards Teeth
on 2001-08-15 01:28 [#00021888]

yay!! now for the hard part :(...hehe im so nervous!
from kenosha wisconsin on 2001-08-15 01:28 [#00021889]

i guess its too late for me then? arg...
on 2001-08-15 01:30 [#00021890]

i shouldave encoded leaves...(new squarepusher type song)...biff..now im gettin 2nd thoughts bout everythin..
from Canada on 2001-08-15 01:37 [#00021891]

in the tracklisting or whatever for the CD, could you put my name as Aron Zacharias instead of Aron? (that's assuming that I make it in the CD!)
from here on 2001-08-15 01:41 [#00021892]

Hey REPHLEX, I sent you "Muwre" so if, by some kind of miracle, my track makes the album... credit me as "Geonime". Thanks.
from canada on 2001-08-15 01:55 [#00021893]

damn is that it? i thought there would have been tons more
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-15 01:55 [#00021894]

Everyone: if you have some second guessing, or want to change a song name, or artist name email me
... and be VERY specific. I cannot waste any more time on this than I already have. Not saying that this is a waste of time, just I have about 100 other things I need to do. If you didn't make it on this list, then iam sorry, better luck to you next time {yes there will be a next time}. If I didnt get your song for some reason, again Iam sorry something must have happened. I never ignored, or threw away 1 email, so something must have gone wrong.
from canada on 2001-08-15 01:57 [#00021895]

thanks (while not kissing ass one bit) seriously.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-15 02:10 [#00021897]

Yes - Thank you/Your Welcome?
from here on 2001-08-15 02:18 [#00021899]

The real address is reflexation@yahoo.ca.
from Lincoln on 2001-08-15 02:36 [#00021900]

People... who do you and who don't you think will make it?
from here on 2001-08-15 02:47 [#00021903]

Well, I clearly won't make it. My track has no tune!
from perth on 2001-08-15 03:44 [#00021919]

thanks reflex in the words of the presidents "were not gonna maaaaake it"
actually wasnt that a cover song?
well im not gonna make it anyway
rob fragilenine
from a warm place on 2001-08-15 03:48 [#00021922]

Will there be a remix album of this? That would be quite good...
od, what song did ya submit?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-15 04:10 [#00021935]

Geonime:yes I got your song now... everything is fine. I will let people know the details.
from perth on 2001-08-15 05:09 [#00021953]

rF - ennelex 4 sand and pleth are already on other comps.
ennelex 4 got put up on ampcast like 3 days ago but i wrote i a bit ago...
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-08-15 06:02 [#00021962]

Well, if Reflex is using Rusty Epic, I actually think I will make it on the album, although it is a bit long. It's necessary though. OF COURSE Orangedust well make it.
REFLEX: When we know who you chose?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-15 07:37 [#00021979]

Springymajig: No one will know until it is made official on this site. Just to keep you guys waiting.
on 2001-08-15 08:24 [#00021989]

|R3FL3X| where i can get this CD?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-15 10:12 [#00022016]

I dont know exactly. Most likely - Through this very site.
on 2001-08-15 10:19 [#00022020]

I finished to remix u cover (to late, and not so good as i wish,i think),it's take to many time coz i still can't properly install photoshop on win 2000
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-08-15 10:52 [#00022030]

got'nt a patch or update, whatever, for photoshop ?
on 2001-08-15 11:02 [#00022037]

give me link to this update or patch
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-15 11:09 [#00022041]

UPDATE: There were 22 Submissions and there are 15 songs being used. ... so there were 7 people cut. I dont want to have people mad at me for cutting them from the album. There will always be a next one!
on 2001-08-15 16:16 [#00022119]

so, who was picked?
from canada on 2001-08-15 16:33 [#00022123]

will the people who make it on get a free copy???
from Australia on 2001-08-15 17:40 [#00022144]

The shit songs that were submitted will be denied, I repeat denied. If you, or anyone you know, submitted a shit song, they must immediatley be informed that it will be denied.
from the porno shelf in my local newsagent on 2001-08-15 19:32 [#00022181]

Tek, you don't need to tell me! I know that my song will not make it, as it is not really a proper song but my first attempt at drill`n`bass or even music altogether! When R3PHL3X tells me it isn't accepted I will simply nod because it's exactly what I'm expecting. What I would like is for R3PHL3X to send me an honest review of my "song" (Muwre) sent to my e-mail address which can be reached by clicking on my username. Thanks.
Sven Enkle
on 2001-08-15 19:45 [#00022184]

Production title for aphextwin.nu album#2: Songs clearly not good enough.
Rumour has it that Replex decided which songs went on the first album by masturbating to the.....
Pitch in Retrograde
on 2001-08-15 19:54 [#00022187]

title suggestion for second aphextwin.nu album:
sloppy seconds
Organ Grinder/Glyph Whitey
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-08-15 20:51 [#00022204]

ah... that's already the name for some punk band.
evecks twien
on 2001-08-15 20:57 [#00022207]

Sorry for entering a fascinating conversation, but my brain is on the edge. I really want to know (and I wanna know it now) wether richard will just us Dutch people at Lowlands Paradise or not... and fast!!!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-15 21:45 [#00022226]

Im not telling anyone who made it or not, thats got to be a suprise for you people. Mixing the album was a task, wanted to make it all end up perfect. Iam done now. Its ready to be sent to phobiazero somehow. Its a good album, the songs I cut from it weren't horrible, or bad or anything, they just didn't fit into the persona the album emitted towards the community here. They were all good songs. Some just got cut. Soon...
Community Vibes Vol. 1
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-15 22:16 [#00022235]

Yes - Its all done.. its been mixed and everything. Iam giving it a once over listen right now. Sounds great to me. Like I said about cutting people. Dont get mad at me, or annoyed or frustrated. Thanks.
I emailed phobiazero all the details/indo on this and it should be up soon.
John Smith
on 2001-08-16 10:11 [#00022332]

It's quite clear that Geonime is trying to get you to put his song on the album out of pity.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-16 10:16 [#00022335]

Maybe its on there - Maybe it isn't. Im not telling anyone who made it or not. The only people that know, are myself and Phobiazero.
rob fragilenine
from a warm place on 2001-08-16 15:57 [#00022392]

the tension is scary...
from here on 2001-08-16 16:00 [#00022393]

NO! John, I'm just making sure R3phl3x knows I won't mind if my song is rejected. I'm positive he wouldn't just put a song on his CD out of pity, he doesn't seem to be that kind of person.
from Lincoln on 2001-08-16 17:48 [#00022424]

I can't wait to find out :) This should be a great compilation cd to own.
from New Zealand on 2001-08-16 17:51 [#00022427]

Shit, Ive fallen into a Vortex.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-16 20:18 [#00022441]

Dang Vortex! >:D
Yes - Well we will see, it is almost complete, I have emailed Phobiazero all the info, and he has acessed my FTP and taken everything. Just you wait.
from New Zealand on 2001-08-17 09:40 [#00022585]

I tell you, everytime something important happens I fall into a fucking Vortex. Universal Pot Holes >:(
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-17 09:41 [#00022587]

Gl;itch: thats really to bad my friend... really too bad? Whats it like? Er.. rather hows it happen!?
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-08-17 12:23 [#00022666]

R3FL3X - Any indications as to when the compilation we be available?
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-08-17 12:34 [#00022671]

*lsiten the whol 160 dnb interface sample cd at the work*
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-17 23:13 [#00022844]

It will be made available soon on this site. Do not worry.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-18 00:30 [#00022879]

Ok, ok, no need to worry but there's been abit of a mix up with the songs and names and... well, I don't know how to say this but everyone who submitted a song needs to know this: your dads all died in 12 seperate fires because of this mix up i made, sorry.
Well, nevermind then, you can always find a father figure in hard drugs and spousal abuse....
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-18 05:57 [#00022928]

okay thats fucking lame, another clone! wow! lets get really bored all over again.... sigh, so lame and boring. cant you come up with anything new?
All the songs are in, and no one will know who made it until its made official on this site. Thanks.
rob fragilenine
from a warm place on 2001-08-18 06:06 [#00022930]

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