tunes - site fixed i think | xltronic messageboard
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tunes - site fixed i think

Wizards Teeth from Parsnip Land on 2001-08-13 15:28 [#00021494]

here are some things i made

i think the site now works


map[warp/rephlex-aholic] from CH - Mulligan on 2001-08-13 15:41 [#00021495]

hey wizard.......

can you send me some mp3z from the page via e-mail? cuz i'm
at work and behind a firewall, no chance and i can't wait
till i'm at
thx! :)=


Wizards Teeth from Parsnip Land on 2001-08-13 15:43 [#00021496]

i don't know if i can send any as they are sizable

i will now try



map[warp/rephlex-aholic] from CH - Mulligan on 2001-08-13 15:50 [#00021502]

nothing received till yet.


Wizards Teeth from Parsnip Land on 2001-08-13 16:01 [#00021505]

i have sent them approx 3 mins ago


map[warp/rephlex-aholic] from CH - Mulligan on 2001-08-13 16:14 [#00021506]

what d'you used for this tunes......sounds crazy ...


Wizards Teeth from Parsnip Land on 2001-08-13 16:16 [#00021507]

many things to make the sounds

and a few different things to organise them

just software for them

you like ? / would you dance to them ?


Dirty Priest from Denmark on 2001-08-13 16:50 [#00021519]

I would like to dance to them yes.


m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m on 2001-08-18 06:37 [#00022937]

I liked song 1, it was funny. Where'd your other 5 songs
go?! You didn't take them off just to try to upload them
again did you? You probably had some crazy hallucination
again where the men with eagles for arms demanded you remove
your songs from your site because they were in the way of
the bride, upon which the ants needed to cross to obtain
peanuts from the termites.


pauwl from here at the moment on 2001-08-18 10:29 [#00022950]

quite a nice little ditty that, all chingly and changly
innit. i wouldnt try to dance to it at the disco though,
maybe in the kitchen where no one can see.


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