on 2001-08-13 06:04 [#00021405]

I had been waiting with much anticipation for the Squarepusher show coming up this Friday featuring Plaid and Mira Calix here in Chicago. Now, with Tom ill, I'm wondering if it's worth the $10 or $15 to go see a live Plaid show with DJ Mira Calix? I like a generous amount of Plaid's music, but I just saw them as an added bonus when they were going to be playing with Squarepusher. SP was the main reason I was gonna shell out the cash and go downtown to see this whole thing. I'm really just not sure now. Actually, it really really does suck Tom won't be playing here. I've had some shitty summer courses and wanted to end the summer on a semi-interesting note and check out this show before heading back to my university in a few weeks. Damnit. To those who may have seen the rehased show just featuring Plaid, etc, lemme know what you thought. Any other opinions are welcome.
(sorry for the sorta long post)
The Grey Gentleman
from Eugene, Oregon on 2001-08-13 06:06 [#00021406]

I didn't much care for Plaid or Mira, but it was good to see them, and it was entertaining. Go see them, you just may find a new artist you like...
on 2001-08-13 06:10 [#00021408]

Well, like I said I have most of the Plaid releases, and think they are err, decent? Also I've heard quite a bit of Mira Calix ('OK' stuff, I guess), but it's only gonna be a DJ set, and most likely won't be playing her stuff. By discovering new artists who were you referring to exactely? :P
Is there another act there to makeup for the lack of Squarepusher..?
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-08-13 07:22 [#00021412]

Wait wait did I read that right what the fuck is going on with Squarepusher and why is he not going to be playing in Chicago????????????THE BARON HAS SPOKEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ded zero
from kenosha wi on 2001-08-13 07:32 [#00021413]

i'm going to the show, not too happy about squarepusher though. oh well.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-13 07:35 [#00021416]

Squarepusher is good..... I like it a lot. But not TOO much.. because I could never get into his style I cant listen to a lot of him at one time I seem to get bored. Oh well. Hes good. Plaid is awsome.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-08-13 07:39 [#00021419]

Ah fuck I guess its true I just read it on the warp site (I've been out of town for a few weeks ) Fuck I was really looking forward to this I already got my tickets goddamnit !!!!!!!!!I can't believe he's fucking sick but I guess that's what happens when you drink a bottle of fucking Vodka a night!!!! I'm sorry but I'm really pissed this was going to be a amazing show!!! THE BARON IS WEEPING SOFTLY !!!!!!!!!
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-08-13 08:33 [#00021437]

i just got back from the el rey show. it was ... ok. since sp canceled, they were giving, at the door, five bucks back per ticket. there was just some guy there with a stack of tens handing them out. mira calx (?) was cool, but she was up there for one long set. i guess after seeing squarepusher at coachella i wasn't expecting anything that long. she was cool though. i heard some boards of canada in there and was happy.
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-08-13 08:34 [#00021439]

i just got back from the el rey show. it was ... ok. since sp canceled, they were giving, at the door, five bucks back per ticket. there was just some guy there with a stack of tens handing them out. mira calx (?) was cool, but she was up there for one long set. i guess after seeing squarepusher at coachella i wasn't expecting anything that long. she was cool though. i heard some boards of canada in there and was happy.
is it worth seeing? i don't know what your personal tastes are, but i'm glad i went.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-08-13 09:24 [#00021442]

What does mira calx sound like ?????THE BARON HAS SPOKEN P.S. I will be wearing a big hotdog costume to the concert WOO HOO !!!!!!!!
from european realm on 2001-08-13 14:31 [#00021490]

oh god, what a question ! Go there ! Saw them twice (Italy, Rome; Spain, Barcelona) - awesome !
from Vancouver,Canada on 2001-08-13 15:23 [#00021493]

Agreed with Rephlex there.... I like Squarepusher, but only for so much, then it just gets boring IMO..
Plaid is THE ACT to watch after Aphex Twin..( I mean Warp act).....because Autechre live is fuckin dull too.
Plaid has the full, diverse package and they kick ass live. Who really cares about Mira with the exception that shes a good DJ, Plaid is worth the whole ticket price alone guys.
Go see them , theyre by far the best WARP act live ( after Aphex)....sorry Autechre.....
on 2001-08-13 16:54 [#00021520]

Postmodern, when had you seen Plaid live? Or haven't you?
Just curious..
from Vancouver,Canada on 2001-08-13 17:48 [#00021532]

I saw them on their tour opener last Tuesday here in Vancouver, and the response was generally fantastic.
I loved it. Ive seen Autechre live, and theyre just plain dull... Why the question?
on 2001-08-13 20:57 [#00021553]

Why the question? Dunno just wondering bout all this..?
Theres another one
on 2001-08-16 06:16 [#00022310]

im going to the chicago 17th show too. im so dissapointed that sp isnt gonna be there, but i think itll definitley still be worth it just to see plaid.
from KC Missouri on 2001-08-16 07:23 [#00022318]

I just got back from Plaid/Mira in Kansas and i really enjoyed myself. Plaid was really great and they had some interesting visuals but i thought mira was rather bland.
from kenosha, wi on 2001-08-16 07:59 [#00022322]

leftrightronic and pearlsgirrl i look forward to seeing you at the show, chances are i'll be first in line and front row. cheers.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-08-16 08:43 [#00022327]

I think I'm just going to light my head on fire and run around screaming "I got the motts and I like to eat locks "! Or maybe I'll just bring my grandmother to the show I think she might like it.THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!!!!!
from NYC on 2001-08-16 10:05 [#00022331]

I still can't decide whether to go or not, hey Clobe, you said you heard boards of canada there? Mira Calix was spinning them, or what?
on 2001-08-16 20:25 [#00022444]

ok for all you chi-town people going to see plaid, come visit me. ill be up front by the stage, on the left side. ill have on *plaid* pants- very clever huh? ;o) ok so its not that clever but oh well. also, im a girl (duh) and i have red hair. and my name is jill.
also, i like long walks on the beach, red roses, and being taken out to fancy resturaunts. haha just kidding ;)
anyways i hope to see yall there.
on 2001-08-16 21:54 [#00022475]

still gotta buy me tickets, think ill go to dominicks tonight and get em. mmm plaid pants :P theh.
be lookn for you pearls
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-08-17 05:36 [#00022547]

Ah yes the day is steadily approaching and what a fine time it will be fun will be had by all I plan to be wildly intoxicated.If anyone see's me there stop and say hi chances are I will be the biggiest bastard there.So cheers folks hope to see you there!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN !!!!!!!!!!P.S. I will be handing out banana milkshakes also I will be dressed like Waldo from "Where's Waldo" Childrens books!!Happy hunting !!!!
on 2001-08-17 06:00 [#00022550]

hey wait baron, i thought you said you were going to be wearing a hotdog costume!
wheres waldo- now thats kinda dissapointing. :oP and alas, you are wrong again, *I* will be the biggest bastard there. heh
from kenosha, wi on 2001-08-17 06:12 [#00022551]

oh we shall see who the true bastard is *laughs maniacly*
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-08-17 08:01 [#00022563]

I'm gonna see if there is someway I can combine the two costumes I'm going for something like a hotdog/waldo I think I could pull it off maybe.........or maybe I wont wear anything at all and let the captain swing free! Only time will tell my friends.THE BARON HAS SPOKEN !!!!!!!! Also is anyone has any drugs please give them to me because I am the drug inspector #47 THANK YOU LEAVE YOUR BOAT ON SOLID GROUND AND TRAVEL BY HORSEBACK!!!!!!
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-08-17 09:48 [#00022594]

xanatos: yeah, she was spinning them. something off of music has a right to the children.
on 2001-08-17 21:48 [#00022830]

cant wait, 6 more hours.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-08-18 20:18 [#00023008]

Oh yes my friends what a good show that was yummy yummy!I really was very happy with the whole thing also really liked Mira I can't believe she played Bucephalus Bouncing Ball I lost my mind when that happened! I also heard that Aphex may be there in October WOO FUCKING HOO!!!!!THE BARON IS HUNGOVER BUT VERY HAPPY!!!!
on 2001-08-18 20:23 [#00023010]

yep yep i was there too. GREat show. mira calix was dull except when she spun bucephelous bouncing ball. and it looked like she was playing Cds or something. who knows.....
slicker was a bit choppy but other than that he was good. PLaid was SO amazing! the tracks they played were excellent. i just wished they played longer!
also the crowd was just great and i met some cool people. leftrightronic- dude you are awesome- even if you do use old chewing gum to stick together a wristband ;)
BARON! where were you?! i wanted my banana milkshake! me and leftrightronic were looking for you in your waldo suit and we saw a guy in a red and white striped shirt and we asked him if he was THe BaRon, and hes like, i WISH i was the baron :)
on 2001-08-19 00:03 [#00023025]

haha yea, that was a cool gig indeed. im really glad i got to meet you too PearlsGirrl, we will definitely have to keep in touch. you should come visit me at school sometime :)
hmm.. when mira was spinning it was kinda slow at first (it sounded like ambient devil musik), but towards the later part of her set it really picked up, especially when she threw in some aphex. slicker played inbetween and i must say, i liked his style even though he wasn't on for that long. when plaid got going, you could tell everyone was getting into it a lot. i thought they put on a solid performance, and those visuals on the screen were pretty damn neat.. it made everything flow together nicely. overall, it was terrific to see all those acts; and even though squarepusher wasn't there, i had an excellent time.
on 2001-08-19 23:30 [#00023183]

on 2001-08-20 14:11 [#00023382]

oh yea.. if anyone was still wondering plaid kicked ass
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-08-20 15:30 [#00023410]

Oh yes they did my friend!I think I might go see this Astract Session sound like it might me good .THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!~!!!P.S. WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO WITH ALL OF THESE MILKSHAKES ?????
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