Geonime [0135]
from empty room on 2001-08-13 01:39 [#00021366]

If anyone has any equipment SEND ME IT. It can be old equipment you don't need anymore, drum machines, synths, guitars, keyboards, cables, xylophones, drumkits, chime bars, toys, chainsaws, power drills, turntables, broken machinery, guns, knives, dead bodies, barking dogs, screaming cows, sex toys, computers, bass guitars, violins, brass instuments, glass instuments, aphex twin's brain etc... I need loads of old musical equipment for a new EXCITING project... please, if you do not use any more, SEND. E-mail me and we'll organise something. I will even give you money, although I'm pretty broke err let me check my pockets... I HAVE: £12.36, 2 guitar plectrums, some piece of paper with a stupid doodle on it, a bit of fluff... I'll even give you my trousers, although they smell a bit.
The Grey Gentleman
from Eugene, Oregon on 2001-08-13 01:42 [#00021368]

I'd send you my Boss DR550 drum machine, but unfortunately it's actively being used to even out the dining table legs so it doesn't wobble. If you would send me a suitable sledge of wood with similar dimensions as a replacement, I'd be glad to send you the drum machine...
from the cµpboard µnder the stairs on 2001-08-13 01:48 [#00021370]

Send me the drum machine AND the table! I could use the table to SMASH people and record the screams.
-- Bungle has a stiffy, he's using it on Zippy, Bungle zips his mouth shut, so Jeffry can't hear him scream.
from NYC on 2001-08-13 02:10 [#00021376]

I have a broken pencil which could substitute as a drumstick.
And a AA battery you could use to throw at people/inatimate objects.
What's your address so I can send you the goods?
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