Richard James
from Cornwall on 2001-03-27 17:07 [#00001640]

Why do I f*cking bother.
Spending time and money making songs for you to listen to, then you go and utilise technology to rip me off.
from burnip lane on 2001-03-27 17:19 [#00001641]

got a point there, rich..
from Miami, Florida on 2001-03-27 17:38 [#00001644]

Hey rich, why no email? :o)
ded zero
from kenosha, wisconsin on 2001-03-27 18:27 [#00001648]

i got my first taste of aphex from napster, BUT i believe if you appreciate music and the artist you are to purchase there works. i have as many aphex cd's as i can get my hands on, that says alot especially when i can d/l all the songs and burn them.
through aphex i also got hooked to autechre, cylob, squarepusher and u-ziq. i'm after all those cd's currently :)
from Sweden on 2001-03-27 18:49 [#00001649]

No shit like this on my messageboard.
on 2001-03-27 20:26 [#00001651]

Personally, I use Napster a lot to check out artists and music I've never heard. If I like it, I buy it. It's basically the same as going to your local music store, listen to a CD, and then buy it if you like what's on it. Of course, I could d/l every song released by RDJ, and then burn 'em, but that's not what fans do. Just thought I'd share my thoughts on this...
from malmö/sweden on 2001-03-27 20:45 [#00001653]

well if you made your songs a little more easy to come over we had'nt have to do it =)
nah, personaly i think mr james like the whole mp3-thingie.
from NEW YORK on 2001-03-27 21:46 [#00001659]

i buy the albums on vinal and then for traveling purposes i download the songs i already got and burn them onto cds.
Richard D. James
from London on 2001-03-28 00:25 [#00001671]

Oi, don't listen to that twat, he's an imposter.
from Australia on 2001-03-28 00:40 [#00001672]

He's right, it's like an episode of the twilight zone, I think that it could possibly be richie because
1: he doesn't try to prove that he is aphex, which is what I'd expect from an imposter
2: he voiced his opinion and that's it, a fake would go on about useless facts about RDJ's life so that people would think "well, he knows that so he must be the twin"
3: when I was heaps young I used to lie a lot, so I know how these people think, If he was going to lie, he'd put a couple of hints there to point towards the man himself (see point 2:)
Richard likes to piss people off, and that's what I think he's done, He's probably laughing at the responses right now,
It might just be a wannabe that got the bright idea of impersonating james to stir up contaversy (I know It's spelt wrong, but I don't have a dictionary handy) about the recent "james on aphextwin.nu" topic that started a few days ago, but if it is richard I just wanna say keep making the great music, you've inspired a generation and earned a cult following, and the rate of which people are being born highly outweigh the number of people using technology to screw you over, the population inflation ensures your success,... all that's left now is to abolish all shitty pop music, then the world would be in perfect harmony
long life Richard D James
anonymous aphex fan #1
from the globe on 2001-03-28 00:41 [#00001673]

anonymous aphex fan #2
from the globe on 2001-03-28 00:42 [#00001674]

aphex fans all over the world
from the globe on 2001-03-28 00:43 [#00001675]

from Australia on 2001-03-28 00:44 [#00001676]

see, you do have a cult following
from Miami, Florida on 2001-03-28 01:15 [#00001677]

Well, if it really is rich himself (doubt it though) then all I have to say is "Kick ass noise"
from Los Angeles on 2001-03-28 01:20 [#00001678]

Man its true support your favorite artists, I have all the fu*king AphexTwin CDs that are available for purchase in the US, I download the sh*t I cant buy...I don't even burn it..I play it in the office, I got people here in my office into Aphex Twin...Support that man [AFX] cause his sh*t is great....
from Australia on 2001-03-28 02:27 [#00001686]

I just noticed something, the message board index say's that the topic was created by "mescon" either it's a glitch or someone just temporarily changed their name (much more likely) so I guess It ain't him, ohh well woulda been good if it where
from Miami, Florida on 2001-03-28 03:34 [#00001687]

Actually, the original message with the addy was deleted by the moderator. I have the site written down at work, drop me a line if you need it. I don't support piracy, however, I doubt I will be able to purchase hangable auto bulb I/II, being so rare and all.
from Sweden on 2001-03-28 08:10 [#00001691]

ChemX - Do us all a favour - please dont spread that URL.
Dont you guys understand that Rich will never release new albums if things like this happen. It is pretty logical.
from Sweden on 2001-03-28 08:21 [#00001692]

I'm pretty sure Rich is gonna reissue HAB 1 & 2 according to a few interviews.
But do you really think he will do that if those mp3's are already in everyones computer?
from canada on 2001-03-28 09:52 [#00001703]

im pretty sure ive read that RDJ thinks that napster is a good thing.
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-28 10:18 [#00001710]

Im pretty sure old richey boy (or R as I call him) likes marmite.
Richard James
from Cornwall on 2001-03-28 11:39 [#00001714]

No I do not like Marmite, but I am partial to Bovril.
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-28 12:38 [#00001717]

Bovril!, Rich, you've let me down. I bet you like Vegemite too (the pooftas marmite).
from (secret underground lair) on 2001-03-28 12:41 [#00001719]

Hes not going to release any new music, because hes dead, *I killed him, ran him over with my truck
*excerpt from Ren and Stimpy
from Australia on 2001-03-28 14:00 [#00001724]

RICHARD D. JAMES ON NAPSTER: "It's bizarre how most people use Napster as if it were HMV or Tower Records, just to get pop music that they can find anywhere. Whereas creative people use Napster to get music that they'd never normally be able to get."
from Oztralia on 2001-03-28 16:51 [#00001738]

Rich does appreciate a drop of the Vegemite, 'coz heez a f*cking legend.
Flifton can get on back to Outer Mongolia where he comes from.
I don't know if anyone was paying attention, but Rich was sipping on Fosters tinnies recently at dedbeat.
Fosters mate, you know where that comes from?
Yeah, I saw ya Rich, you were an Aussie in your past life, weren't ya?
Time to visit Oz again mate, get back to your roots.
PS. VB kicks arse over Fosters. Stop drinking the weaker stuff.
mike b -djfony-
from helemano, hawaii on 2001-03-28 19:13 [#00001750]

-in response to tekn010g's post- yeah I noticed the name difference too.... besides RDJ would never put his name anywhere as Richard James without the middle initial "d" out of respects for his late brother who passed away before he was born
---just a little RDJ tidbit for those who didnt know---
Siamese Twin
from Leeds on 2001-03-28 20:00 [#00001753]

This guy is NOT Richard, obviously he realises the things that will make people suspicious, so just made a quick comment. He does have a point, although it\'s a point which been made millions of times before. I will not give any kind messages in case it really is him, because it ISN\'T. Aah it doesn\'t matter, it just these people are losers with no life and they just want a bit of attention. Ignore him.
I think the Radiohead message board is very good... the band members appear in a different colour so no-one can impersonate them (except 1337 h4xx0rZ, but i\'m sure they have more important things to do). Aphex should set up something like that... or at least get some computer nerds to do it.
from Sweden on 2001-03-28 21:21 [#00001760]

Um, hello.... i cant see my own message in here.... strange....
Siamese Twin
from Leeds on 2001-03-28 21:29 [#00001761]

heheh that's happened to me before...
Siamese Twin
from Leeds on 2001-03-28 21:44 [#00001762]

heheh that's happened to me before...
from montreal on 2001-03-28 21:48 [#00001763]

obviously a fake. infact, there is a small little link on the front page of this very website that pretty much makes it clear that he's neither against nor for the napster thing...i believe he makes the music for his own pleasure and whatever you do for it he could give less of a shit.
from Sweden on 2001-03-28 21:49 [#00001764]

Hi... Ive read all messages in here and can see that almost everyone seems to dislike the fact that I had 20 of afx's albums availble for you to download.
I understand that RDJ has to make a living on this music, and piracy kind of breaks the option to do so.
However, I own 7 albums, all purchased in music stores. After a while of listening I wanted to expand my Aphex Twin experiences with further albums, which was something way to difficult and expensive to realize. I joined another forum like this, which was also "more" into the computer underground scene, which leads us to warez/piracy. The works of Aphex Twin is, as you all know very intellectual, which most computer underground users have a tendency to like alot. Therefore there are alot of computer skilled fans, with heaploads of other albums by RDJ, which are currently not availble in Sweden, in any recordstore (as far as I know).
So... when I was offered 13 albums I didn't have... was I supposed to say no, then feel good for being morally correct, then feel bad for missing the opportunity to widen my Aphex Twin experiences? No... I value the the Aphex Twin experience alot higher than I value the moral question within this "drama".
Being a computer'freak' as I am, I felt that most others would like to hear more works by Aphex Twin if the only could. So I made my archive avaible for you all to download.
All I can say is that I would buy every single album and CD-S there is by Aphex Twin if it wasn't for the low availability in this country. Sure, you can order from the U.K or other countries, but that is simply too expensive for a guy like me. I once gathered all albums I could find through the internet CD stores, and calculated that it would cost me 2457 SKR (Swedish Kronor), which is ca 240$ or 180£. Would you pay that when the same music is availble for download, and could be listened to within minutes? I dont think so. As Joakim said... its like a music store... you listen to the music... if you like it, you buy it. Personally I dont like "Selected Ambient Works" all that much, however I do like Joyrex J4, J5 and J9, AB4 and almost all other albums, and so I will buy them if I run across them in a store.
A musician first plays for free everywhere he can... just because he likes what he is doing, and hopes that other do aswell. When this turns and becomes 'making music for the profit' it has gone totally wrong.
Of course many of you out there will disagree with me on some points, but thats your opinion, not mine. I made the choice to share my collection because I wanted others to experience the same thing as I did while listening to RDJ... and that was.... the ultimate awareness.
Over and out. // mescon
from Sweden on 2001-03-28 22:13 [#00001765]

First, those files are illegal to begin with. This should be a reason good enough for us to remove links to mp3's.
Although you got a few points there. But if you uploaded the tracks just for others to discover his music - then you are "ute på hal is". That's where the EXPLORE-section comes in on this site. Samples from each track -- appetizers -- if you like them -- then buy the release.
If you can't buy the release due to limited copies -- then this it's a big problem. Sure! But this is what makes stuff rare.
And as for your list -- do you really consider SAW II, SAW 85-92, Come To Daddy etc as being rare and hard to get? No! Many newbies would probably have downloaded the stuff and being pretty happy with it and never buy the stuff since they already got 'em.
So if you were following your own rules then you should only made some of the releases available for others to download.
Don't take this personally -- this goes for everyone doing similiar actions. The mp3 policy for this site is perhaps pretty diffuse but posting direct links to illegal mp3's are def. out of business.
Välkommen tillbaka Mescon, vi behöver fler svenskar här... :-)
mike b -djfony-
from helemano, hawaii on 2001-03-28 22:19 [#00001766]

from Sweden on 2001-03-28 22:54 [#00001769]

I dont claim you for removing my link to the archive. The so called newbies who dont buy them cant be real fans... real fans support his works by buying his music... Its great with the "explore" section, of course, but as I said... it can be hard to get albums, and very expensive... so... blah, you removed the link, so what difference does it make now, anyway? Im just gonna be a happy little Aphex fan :) *mumbling like the dude on Funny little man*
Sverige rockar! (Sweden rocks)
from Sweden on 2001-03-28 23:00 [#00001772]

BTW, you started your re-bound with: "The files are illegal"... its not a matter of illegality... its simply a moral question... I felt I could live on knowing that I didn't pay for 13 of the albums, so I downloaded them.... no big deal for me. I would buy them if I had could find them, and if I had the money. To be honest I dont prioritize my music collection, although im a great music fan. My prioritys goes to computers, education and stuff like that... So... thats the main reason I downloaded it... i just thought that if others felt they could live with it, they should be given the opportunity to do the same as me (that would be, downloading them of course).
from somewhere between europe and canada on 2001-03-28 23:59 [#00001778]

OK, that is right, everybody is doin it. But none of them states it in public, right? Hope you get it.
from Canada on 2001-03-29 02:36 [#00001783]

the local hmv has NO aphex twin cds..how ridiculous. I bought come to daddy in scotland, and at hmv in the Uk i saw loads of rarer stuff, but i didnt have the money..In Canada, if i want more aphex i gotta go downtown, ill probably buy some of the harder to find stuff when i go back to Scotland this summer
from Montreal on 2001-03-29 03:04 [#00001796]

Really? that's odd...there is LOADS of Aphex stuff at all the HMV's i've been to. They've got the On single, Classics, 53/13, RDJ, ICBYD, Windowlicker, Analogue Bubblebath, Ventolin, Girl/Boy Song....the list goes on. although, i never checked under any of his aliases. they're in the drum n bass section.
from Canada on 2001-03-29 03:05 [#00001797]

they were out of them for a long time at our hmv, you know whats terrible too? No squarepusher either!
from Montreal on 2001-03-29 03:30 [#00001806]

they have lots of squarepusher too--also boards of canada, autechre, basically any IDM artist. it's the supreme HMV...
from New Zealand on 2001-03-29 05:20 [#00001815]

Whine Whine Whine
I live in New Zealand, NEW ZEALAND FUR FUCKS SAKE, Do you think I can go into town and get an Album I want just like that, NO, unless its Aphex Twin 51/13, tons of that shit down here
from Vilkaviskis on 2001-03-29 14:56 [#00001888]

I like music (sound) not the format. Mp3 quality is quite fucked so you can't hear 1/2 of real sounds. Better to go to the street, sit on the bunch and record some swips with md player!
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-29 14:59 [#00001889]

too right
from uk on 2001-03-29 15:07 [#00001890]

Why don't you just get your aphex stuff from warpmart ?
from somewhere between europe and canada on 2001-03-29 15:20 [#00001891]

Maybe their credit history is too crappy to apply for a VISA :-)
from san jose, ca on 2001-03-30 13:49 [#00002105]

this is why adam smith's economy sucks. it makes things like richard's music become about the money and not the art. do any of you have to pay to see a picture of the mona lisa? but then we must pay to listen to aphex twin?
i would hope that richard would want us to pay him back simply with our love and loyalty. look at this site and many other sites created just out of love? Richard could have nothing to do with these sites, but we are all trying to act as a community to support his music. Whether it be posting on the message board, or saying to a friend, " hey, you gotta check this song out..."
just spread the love. as long as richard has a place to live, access to whatever equipement he needs or wants, and has enough to enjoy those perks in life, then I say he's fine. If he wants to drive around in a tank, fine. I don't think we need to worry about him being poor, so just chill. and the legality of mp3's? yeah, it's a law. whoo hoo. would society ever change if all the laws were followed?
it's not about money, regardless of the legality of mp3's, it's about the music. so the decision is up to each and everyone of us.
i know that i support his ass 110%, so i feel i'm cool with him...
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-30 14:06 [#00002106]

nah rich wants the dosh
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