from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-10 23:17 [#00020966]

Imagine... infinity.. space does not make that much sense, because it is NOTHING. and things seem to float there. But they are not floating, there are an infinite number of options, up, down, sideways, through.... all that shit. Think about it, infinity is not something we as humans can grasp, because we know absolutly no infinity.. we can't see it, we cant feel it, nothing. We can only imagine, but even then.. infinity.... never ending, no matter what. Space is supposed to be infinite. How can space end? Whats there when it does end, if it does???? How can that even be possible, based on our theories and laws of science, this is IMPOSSIBLE. And makes no sense. Try to honestly think about that , and your mind can't grasp that idea. There is no end thought. Its a strain on my mind.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-10 23:24 [#00020967]

i've always thought about that and how much it pisses me off. i figure that maybe space wraps around. if you go far enough in one direction, you'll end up being behind where you started originally.
from Canada on 2001-08-10 23:39 [#00020971]

Oh yeah, think about this...what do you feel after you die? would you feel nothing. would you see nothing? what would it feel like to be dead. i don't know if i can explain exactly what i'm trying to say, but that's probally the best i can do.
whatever, sorry for getting a bit off topic
Mr Biffo
on 2001-08-10 23:59 [#00020974]

Space isn't infinite; it's finite. But it's expanding (as proved by Hubble).
Mr Biffo
on 2001-08-10 23:59 [#00020975]

Space isn't infinite; it's finite. But it's expanding (as proved by Hubble).
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-11 00:18 [#00020977]

after you die, you experience nothing because "you" no longer are. your brain ceases to function, therefore existence was (to others, not you. you dont exist), and is no longer is. if your clock runs out, it can no longer tell time. if you die, your brain, your "clock", measuring your existance as your place in time, no longer knows what time it is, or in other words, no longer know your existence because there is no "you". this relates much to an infinite universe theory where people cant grasp the concept of it. people cant grasp the concept of non-existence because all they know is existence and that's all they can know, because when they die, they obviously cant say "i'm not existing" because there is no "them". to me, existence is the measurement taken between two points of time in which one "is".
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-11 00:20 [#00020978]

someone comment.. or talk about the space issue.... the hubble can only see so far.
from LASiT on 2001-08-11 00:24 [#00020980]

Although, arguably a little off topic .. that infinity thing - whether space is infinite or not doesn't matter really .. the fucked thing is the fact that we can come up with a concept that we can't comprehend in its entirety (because infinity is not an entirety) ... In theory though, according to Zen Buddhism enlightenment (which they claim can be achieved) is achieved by imagining and comprehending nothingness ! Back to infinity ?
from LASiT on 2001-08-11 00:31 [#00020981]

Isn't the whole space issue a bit like, trying to find the "edge of the world" while one is stuck inside an ever inflating baloon (the baloon resembling the universe) - once more, if you were stuck to edge of the baloon - then you could travel all you like (while the universe so to speak were expanding) but would never find the edge .. and in a way somewhat never ending ?
rob fragilenine
from a warm place on 2001-08-11 07:13 [#00021013]

Even bigger question: What would happen if one were to travel 'outside' the universe? What would they see/hear/etc? Would it be just void space, ie. 'nothing' does not exist? Because even 'nothing' is something... agree? Or better, put, 'space' would not exist outside the universe?!?
Wizards Teeth
from Parsnip Land on 2001-08-11 12:18 [#00021032]

I don't believe anything exists.
I think that we are all just concepts of our selves.
People do not know what each person sees in this world, some people fall in love with sexy ladies, some people fall in love with recipies for special breads. Who decides on what object is "sexy". Is it wrong to molest a video recorder, or should I re-phrase that question :
Mother what time are the robots coming to play with me, my stomach has swollen to the size of Botswana, therfore I will be unable to work night shift at the Banana factory you found in your handbag.
Ask soemone to draw a pelican. What you see is what you want to see. All Pelicans may have 21st Birthday parties taking place inside thier optic nerves, knowbody knows if this is true, as pelicans are unable to talk english and knowone has been invited to said party. (The Freemason may have organised it), hence secret handshakes may be required, including a clown costume and a hairless Bull .
Everything revolves around money and sex. If we had no sex organs and we lived in a society that required no coins, what would we lust for. New cakes or inventions that allow us to climb ladders in a more efficient manner? I think not, I would attempt to jump from a moving train into a bath filled with fake beards, moustashes and any other "hair based" disguise that was available.
I sometimes ponder if the Universe is endless, but I also ponder how to obtain a grape seed without breaking the outer layer of the grape.
Has anyone seen that show on tv about the people who look like that man sitting in the corner with his eyes on stalks who also looks like those people from the radio who lauh at invisible paintings,
I don't understand how harhats that are worn by builders, can someone please explain ?
jeremy irons
on 2001-08-11 13:05 [#00021034]

shut the fuck up you stupid assholes!
Wizards Teeth
from Parsnip Land on 2001-08-11 13:18 [#00021040]

get back to touching kids, like you did in lolita
eat your mother's shite
from CH on 2001-08-11 13:31 [#00021042]

if you understand german
alan rickman
on 2001-08-11 15:05 [#00021048]

Wizards Teeth: you, sir, are a wankfriar and a chuffjuggler. Haven't you noticed that so-called "surreal" humour doesn't work in writing? It's all in the delivery (see: Chris Morris, Harry Hill)
Wizards Teeth
from Parsnip Land on 2001-08-11 15:26 [#00021049]

sorry alan
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-08-11 15:47 [#00021052]

why should wizard shut up?
i thought it was goddamned funny, and a great relief from all this deep universal zen thinking that was on this topic earlier.... no offense ppl... but stuff like that just makes me feel ill... and depressed.
Chris Morris
from a safehouse in France on 2001-08-11 16:01 [#00021058]

You're wrong, and you're a grotesquely ugly freak.
from NYC on 2001-08-12 01:54 [#00021156]

Hey Aron?:
Being dead is just like it was right before you were born. /7\
from over there on 2001-08-12 01:58 [#00021160]

*yawn* it's not worth the strain. i educate myself about fudeal japan, and their courtasans, whores and geisha..... that's how i spend my time....
on 2001-08-12 02:15 [#00021166]

i find wizard's teeth's nonsense to be either very boring or extremely hilarious. i admit he's the best to come up with that kind of shit.
i've often thought about space and time, and when i really give it some serious thought i usually wind up pissed off because it fucks with my head, and i can't ever come close to any kind of understanding of it. so i choose not to think about it anymore.
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-08-12 04:01 [#00021203]

I always think about that, it's quite frustrating. Did you know that scientists say your limit for remembering things is infinite? Whats stupid though, is that they say that because they can't find an end to it!
Scientists can be so childish.
on 2001-08-12 04:51 [#00021211]

just think about a multi dimensional space (more than 3 spacial dimensions).
from LASiT on 2001-08-12 04:54 [#00021212]

You got a watch ? It isn't hard - after that it well gets tricky
from Melbourne on 2001-08-12 05:49 [#00021224]

just try to imagine a fourth dimension, in your simple 3D minds. its impossible. just as it would be impossible for those living in a completely 2D universe, to contemplate "up" and "down", when all they know is "forward", "backward", "left" and "right"
from LASiT on 2001-08-12 06:19 [#00021229]

Surely as the fourth dimension is time, and we seem to have a concept of time (such as past, present, future) ... time only gets tricky when you start scooting off all over the universe at ridiculous speed ... mind you - I could be wrong bout that one. The fifth dimension is a bit of mind fuck though - that's for sure
m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m
on 2001-08-12 07:02 [#00021236]

"I sometimes ponder if the Universe is endless, but I also ponder how to obtain a grape seed without breaking the outer layer of the grape."
That is a profound striking and hilarious statement.
I recently saw a picture where there was a drawn circle (of likeness to the earth), however outer space was on the inside of the circle, and earth was everything else on the outside. The trees of the earth stuck pierced slightly into the small circle of outer space. It had a weird zen effect.
Empty space is mind boggling. What is it? I know that often when you break stuff down into their essential elements, things are no longer what they have seemed. Perhaps space is not a very accurate concept but presently it appears to correctly explain things. Perhaps the true nature of space is something different than what we think. There is SO MUCH empty space in the universe. Between planets, galaxies, stars. And on the smaller fractal level, there is loads of it (whatever "it" is) in every atom (something like the head of a pin compared to a whole empty room- I forget the exact ratio). Most of the matter is in the little proton and neutron. I guess it makes sense that all the matter could be compacted into the size of a basketball for the big bang to have occured, if you get rid of all that empty space.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-12 07:31 [#00021242]

Wow. this is getting interesting. or rather it IS interesting.
m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m
on 2001-08-12 07:41 [#00021244]

about the "dimensions"; I think that it is necessary to DEFINE what is meant by a dimension before one can possibly try to think of ex. the fifth dimension. It is just a word, an idea coded into language, and it is possible that trying to think of the fifth dimension would be total nonsense. Buildings have "dimensions", right. Or a rectangular cube. You can say the dimensions are 5 feet by 7 feet by 13 feet. In this case, dimension simply means a measurement of space. Nothing really exists in 2 dimensions I don't think. That's just a concept, useful for drawing 2-d graphs and stuff. Another word that is hazily defined, like dimension, is god. People argue so much about whether or not god exists largely because people don't have any agreed definition on what's being talked about.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-12 07:52 [#00021246]

MM: Universal dimensions.. proportions of stars, and galaxies.. life forms?
m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m
on 2001-08-12 08:08 [#00021252]

That question was so minimal that it made no sense. Did a parasitic fungus deteriate many of the words? Ok, the answer to your question is.... is....
m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m
on 2001-08-12 08:11 [#00021253]

There's nothing like a parisitic fungus stalk growing from the carcass of a deceased ant. Fungus on ant. Sounds like a merzbow song.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-12 08:26 [#00021258]

It was in relation to your post right before.
from Lincoln on 2001-08-12 15:08 [#00021294]

Reflex: a thought on your first post...
every single person living on this "earth" has been mind-programmed to not comprehend that there is other existance besides ourselves. since people who say that they believe in a god of some sort believe that there is afterlife after death, they have been brainwashed. it's somewhat frightening to think that we're all just microscopic "things" (not people) when it comes to everything. Think of how old our world is... we don't even exist for 1/48 of that time. fuck i don't even know if that's a right guess or not. any one understand what i'm trying to get across?
from a nefarious pirate ship on 2001-08-12 22:23 [#00021339]

i think that the mind can only comprehend so much, hence the reasons for us thinking of such and not coming to an answer.
from philly on 2001-08-12 23:20 [#00021350]

thanksomuch: I think feudal japan should be the topic of this subject that no one really knows anything about. I think that when we die atleast maybe we are energy that just gets transferred to something else when we die. like or soul leaving our body and becoming part of the universe that is nothing?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-13 00:21 [#00021354]

Quoth: See I get cuaght up in this whole thing sometimes.. often I guess I could say. Our brain only uses a very very small percentage of what we already have. This makes one wonder, if we can do this.... well everything we can already, what would it be like with more. Our mind cannot comprehend ifinity because; well, it doesn't exist in reality, and since we can think of 1 Billion letters or something, thats possible beause its a number.. that is set to a specific tune of digits. We can see that, but infinity is nothing and everything, an infinity number of molecules on our Earth? No. There is a specific number ofcourse, this number would be impossibly large. Infinity is simply a theory, an equation to represent change, to represent everything and nothing at the same time. Possibilities, endless conclusions and choices.
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