from european realm on 2001-08-04 20:11 [#00019728]

i had the privlege to join the warp night @ sonar. concert was great blablabla.
One Thing made me really crazy ... He used 2 Language Samples - the first one typical german language and the second also german BUT viennese dialect. you can imagine, i couldn`t trust my ears, 4sure i was one of the FEW guys who understood the text. So - my Question is, what do you think/does anybody know : what the connection to austria/vienna is for afx ??? Just the Classic Music - Mozart Thing or something else ?
from europe on 2001-08-04 20:27 [#00019732]

oh, weird. i'm from vienna, austria, you know, so this sounds especially strange to me.
music: mozart? beethoven? they lived in vienna but here are great composers born in vienna:
schubert schoenberg (i guess aphex likes pierrot lunaire, because this is one of the craziest pieces of music ever)
i would love to hear those samples.
from europe on 2001-08-04 20:31 [#00019734]

and i don't know of any other connections. na vielleicht bin ich ja schon mal mim aphex in da u-bahn in wien gfahrn, und hab's nicht gwusst. maybe he stays in vienna sometimes? im flex? nein, den hätte da sicher jemand erkannt.
Big Boy Barry
on 2001-08-04 23:08 [#00019782]

RDJ loves Ultravox, if thathelps
from european realm on 2001-08-05 17:43 [#00019892]

Funny Replies. But not very helpful ;) In Fact i`m sure he is @ the Flex regularerly. muahaha
I`ve got a live recording from our concert here. (!!!) - listening the whole day :D
the First Sample was :
~Habt Ihr denn schon Angst ? Dann lauft doch Heim zu Eurer Mama ! (deutsche Sprache)
the second Sample was : ~ Meine geehrten Damen und Herren. Wir präsentieren Ihnen zum ersten mal im europäischen Sprachraum, die Dissonanzen (?!)
100% ein Nachrichtensprecher von Ö1 od. so. Ganz typischer Wiener Dialekt.
For all those People who don`t understand what i`ve written up there, bad luck - too lazy for translating ;)
from european realm on 2001-08-05 17:48 [#00019893]

Forgot 2 Things ... I don`t know any classic Music but I can imagine rdj is listening such music as well. (think about the track with the glass orchester) Would fit him very well, in my opinion :D
Never heard something of Ultravox - let`s type in in the search machine and watch what happens ...
from europe on 2001-08-05 20:02 [#00019906]

interesting samples. the viennese sample could be about schoenberg and aphex. schoenberg produced with his dissonances a scandal here in vienna then (let me guess- 1911, exactly 90 years ago?). his music is very dark and weird - especially pierrot lunaire, the five orchestral pieces and die jakobsleiter are very much in the weird dissonant mood like isopropanol and other pieces from 'classics' and the dark tracks of SAWII (only the mood, not the style). both schoenberg's and aphex's music is very dissonant. and i would be not surprised if aphex would love these works by schoenberg, considering that he likes the music of stockhausen and glass.
from european realm on 2001-08-05 20:14 [#00019911]

nice input, thx man. ...so i have to check some classic music now, weird :p greetS Ps: I ask myself how many more at`s hanging around in this forum...
on 2001-08-05 21:30 [#00019928]

If you like classical and electronic, try the 'OHM - Early Gurus of Electronic Music' box set. (Sort of straying from the topic - sorry!)
from european realm on 2001-08-05 21:51 [#00019932]

nono, nice tip. Saved the Title, i`m always looking for new sound. Hopefully i can find the set somewhere to buy...
from european realm on 2001-08-07 13:53 [#00020262]

my neighbours and me have been listening the live recordings the last days. quite impossible to hear in the live stream but you can here a part of those samples @ the mp3 tracks from joyrex.
the first sample mentioned is located at track 10 ~3:35
i was not able to check the second one, the viennese, but it has to be afterwards the first one.
and i found a third :D track 11 ~0:10, but it`s just a single Word..
have phun listening, and your neighours as well *g*
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