from philly on 2001-08-01 19:59 [#00019158]

who or what go you into aphex twin?
from chi-town on 2001-08-01 20:26 [#00019161]

the first time i heard rdj was when MTV's amp album came out like 5 or 6 years ago- girl/boy song was on it.
i was hooked instantly :o)
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-08-01 20:40 [#00019165]

The COME TO DADDY video:
i first saw it on an mtv show called 12 Angry Viewers --- you know, before MTV SUCKED.
But the first Aphex album i bought was RDJ Album --- i still love it. I've been addicted to aphex ever since...
speaking of addiction... i think i'm having withdrawals!!! *EEEEEEEEEEEE, twitches, goes to explore and listens to Every Day*
aaahhh... that's better.
from California on 2001-08-01 20:43 [#00019167]

Come to Viddy. Saw it, was shocked, wanted more... Discovered that everything he did wasn't twisted, just interesting and often kick-ass. Was overjoyed.
Am now hooked...spending money I DON'T have on rare releases that one CAN'T find anywhere this side of the UK. Yea...
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-08-01 20:55 [#00019174]

my eclectic friend bobby, who i believe got started on it by the come to daddy video.
(12 angry viewers is the reason i got ok computer. they did karma police and one of the guys on the show said the album was like their dark side of the moon.)
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-01 20:55 [#00019175]

a friend of mine was into electronic music, so i decided to see what's so great about it. i ordered some aphex twin from my cd club. i didn't think much of the rdj album at the time, but then i saw a clip of come to daddy on mtv and got into his stuff heavily after that.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-01 22:24 [#00019212]

My friends brother was playing Analogue Bubblebath 1 and I enjoyed it greatly. Then I asked if I could borrow some stuff From AFX, now that I remember more clearly, he gave me an AFX mix cd he had made. Then I got Ventolin from him. And loved it ever since. I loved the creepy, really weird shit first.
on 2001-08-01 23:30 [#00019221]

i saw his face on i care because you do album... thought extroverted rocker long time later bought come to daddy... thought introverted tecnoist
from UK on 2001-08-01 23:44 [#00019223]

HMV just happened to be playing Analogue Bubblebath while I was shopping, back in June 93.
Then shortly after went to see Orbital in Brighton, and Aphew Twin and Drum Club were also playing. I ended up liking Aphex more than Orbital...
Richard was completely obscured from view by a mass of wires and um ...machines. His dancer was the focus of attention.
from UK on 2001-08-01 23:58 [#00019224]

Sorry, Aphex, not aphew!
P.S. Does anyone collect tickets? I still have the ticket to that gig.
from San Antonio, Hell, U.S.A. on 2001-08-02 00:22 [#00019225]

Bucephalus Bouncing Ball on the Pi soundtrack.
on 2001-08-02 01:32 [#00019229]

a friend of mine had the Xylem Tube single...then I got SAWII...between those 2 cds I smoked away much of my freshman year.
from florida on 2001-08-02 01:45 [#00019233]

My friend showed me the video for Windowlicker, and I was hooked. I borrowed Come To Daddy from him and I really liked the tracks Flim and IZ-US. Then I found out that Aphex did On, which was a favorite of mine when I was little. I heard it on the show, The Real World.
rob fragilenine
from a warm place on 2001-08-02 03:36 [#00019235]

The first AFX song I heard was Come To Daddy (the video). About 3 months later I saw the Windowlicker video, but what really got me into his music was the song Alberto Balsalm. I heard it on a radio special on an Australian band (Regurgitator), and they picked Alberto Balsalm as one of their most inspiring songs. About a week later, I tried to scrape some money together to buy SAW85-92.
on 2001-08-02 04:41 [#00019237]

Being a huge Radiohead fan reading comparisons for there upcoming albumn Kid A to Aphex Twin dedided to find out what was Aphex Twin.
First song I ever heard was Cornish Acid. The sound was unusual but familiar. Got Windowlicker, me a rocker... blown away! I now find popular music as interesting as white paper. There's no turning back and I love it!
from Munich on 2001-08-02 08:27 [#00019268]

Back in 1995 I was watching this old dance show where also a lot of crap was played.
But suddenly came the ON Video and that changed my Life. From than on I started to search for the Twin and till know I got a nice collection of some of his tunes.
Richard in the Sky with Diamonds
from Norway on 2001-08-02 12:05 [#00019314]

I used to listen to prodigy alot, and i heared these aphex twin remixes, and i thought they were good, and so i downloaded a couple afx songs, liked them and bought a couple of cd's
Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-08-02 16:10 [#00019360]

Come to daddy video.
Somehow it was like fate didnt want me to get into aphex twin. i saw come to daddy video and searched for the twin Everywhere. i then finaly saw a copy of SAW I, i listened to it in the shop, and didnt buy it! i then later bought classics, but it had the wrong cd in it, and it wasnt exchangable. then i tryed ordering "i care because you do" in some stupid local shop, and waited 9 months for it!
in that time i had bought "classics" (my least favorite). and moderatly liked it. but i continued. only after i saw the wonders of internet shopping, did i get what i was searching for "come to daddy". now thats my second least favorite aphex album! well at least pappy mix. i have evolved since.
Def Jux
from Rolled Bass on 2001-08-02 16:17 [#00019361]

Hearing Didgeridoo on a 'ardcore mixtape, and having my fucking head blown off... At the time it was the fastest tune in the world.
from canada on 2001-08-02 17:04 [#00019365]

i got the rdj album for free. with one of those stamp cards at a used record shop,not knowing anything at all about him just thinking the cover was cool. and hell why not it's free and if i don't like it i can take it back and get another anyway. haven't looked back i think i was like 15 or 16 i was listening to a lot of indie rock at the time. that record turned me on to an entire new world.
on 2001-08-02 17:42 [#00019371]

Heard digeridoo with a belly full o shrooms, i was into death meatal at the
time Im not anymore. the song blew me away
but lucky i was tied to a piece of twine and and i was caught floating over NewGrange
from europe on 2001-08-02 18:44 [#00019381]

once (1997 or 98) saw the come to daddy in tv, thought it weird, but actually i didn't get into aphex because of that. i'm a great fan of philip glass, so i read an article about his collaboration with aphex on 'icct hedral'. I got the cd, and finally i liked donkey rhubarb and pancake lizard just as much as icct hedral, and any piece by glass (parallel to this i got to know dj shadow's endtroducing through a friend - she played that cd to me and i thought it fantastic. and so i was more and more interested in things like electronic etc). then i listened to ctd in a record store and i loved flim, come to daddy (mummy mix) and funny little man at once.
from my m|nd on 2001-08-02 21:34 [#00019407]

i've always like electronic music... i've known that since i was ten. but most of my friends in high school were rocker d00ds. one day i was at the record store and a stood at the start of the "techno" aisle... I asked my friend if he could recommend anyone... he happened to have seen the Come to daddy video on MTV... so i bought that album... had no idea what it would sound like... after hearing FLIM... it was all over. that was about three years ago i believe
from Germany on 2001-08-02 21:48 [#00019412]

Saw come to daddy on German MTV at like 3 am, went out and got RDJ album in Frankfurt the next day, been hooked ever since. When he screams at the old lady, still gives me chills, wish I could make that face....
Lars Lars
from Bærgen on 2001-08-02 21:50 [#00019413]

Chris Cunningham and "Windowlicker"
from Sweden on 2001-08-02 21:52 [#00019414]

Xepha88 is back! Welcome back telephone-answer-guy... :-)
on 2001-08-02 23:08 [#00019419]

I was listening to an interview with Beck (one of my favorite artists) on the radio around the time when midnite vultures came out and he was asked which artists impressed him. He said Aphex Twin. The next day, I listened to the Come To Daddy ep at a record store and was immediately hooked.
from NC on 2001-08-03 01:37 [#00019439]

5 years ago, I found a tape, I went to my buddies house after school, he had some codine and mescaline, I took both and put on the tape for fun. some shitty techno, then some pretty good Jungle filled the first side....about the time when the codine had already kicked in and I started to get that excited feeling from the Micro Dots the first side ended, then came a "MilkMan" followed by Film....wow! it punched my trip up a several levels... there was more too almost the complete "come to daddy" album was on there...... it was Esctacy. After that day I was never the same, somehow I changed ... guess thats what you go for though, you change what people see and the way they see it. new worlds can be seen in your tracks, I believe in a uniform theory, the one Einstien belived was out there, something that will bring all science together, well I belive it has to do with sounds...acid lets me see the shape of sound and what it really is....u seem to understand its power and do things that with it that well intreg me...
thanks for making great sounds
from sebum on 2001-08-03 05:04 [#00019448]

save your lint guys. trust me.
in canada we dont sit on chairs they sit on us.
from Canada on 2001-08-03 05:54 [#00019452]

so true
on 2001-08-03 06:26 [#00019453]

i've been an insomniac for a long while now, and one night in '97 i was up watching mtv's "amp" because i couldn't go to sleep. come to daddy video came on, and i was just shocked (i hadn't gotten into any electronic music yet, and the most of what i listened to was hard rock). i kinda just stared at the screen with my jaw on the floor trying to figure it out. i wasn't sure what to think, but i knew i loved it, and i went out and bought the album. took me a while to digest it, as i wasn't used to electronic music of any form, let alone this form, but i've grown to love aphex.
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-08-03 06:50 [#00019458]

I had heard of Aphex Twin for years...but like a lot of people, I was listening to mostly D&B, house and trance music. It was about 3 years ago that I was sitting at my sister's place getting very stoned from this killer bong and she goes, "Hey I have this really crazy video!" It was Windowlicker! I sat there and I didn't know what hit me. I was blown away! I have been listening to him ever since...in fact I am listening to "4" from RDJ Album right now! I burned the Come To Daddy cd yesterday...I wanted to hear the whole thing in one go you know? I have been listening to strictly Aphex for 2 weeks! I am going to purchase SAW1 & 2 pretty soon as well! Well ya that's my story...peace!
I listened to some Pink Floyd a couple of days ago...."The Narrow Way" is my fave Pink song right now....later!
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-03 12:11 [#00019500]

I seen the Come the Daddy video and loved it. Some time later I seen On and loved that too. I always liked Aphex Twin after that even though I didn't own any CD's.
Now a few years later, 10 CD's later he is my all time fave artist ever and I can say without any doubt no one will ever come along that I will like more.
from bcn on 2001-08-03 13:27 [#00019511]

myself i saw come to daddy video and i like it, well not really like, its just i need something different and rich was really weird.
then i left my chair and bought ICBYD. At first i dont really like it, but two years later i discover it was the best album i had ever bought.
it was more than music... it could manipulate my mind and i was amazed...
from Denver, Colorado on 2001-08-03 15:23 [#00019540]

Digeridoo was my very first mp3 download, in 1996 from a well-known-in-it's-day Hotline server! The rest is history.
João Evangelista
from Portugal on 2001-08-03 15:27 [#00019541]

The Donkey Rhubarb video. I was 15 at the time and the video really freaked me out.
from seattle, washington, usa on 2001-08-03 18:44 [#00019566]

NIN at the heart of it all
oh and drugs
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-08-03 22:23 [#00019597]

NIN "was" cool
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